found 272 packages in 18ms
cytoscape2.9mMIT3.31.0Graph theory (a.k.a. network) library for analysis and visualisation
cytoscape11 days agograph, graph-theory, network, node @gmod/gff15.6kMIT1.3.0read and write GFF3 data as streams
GMODabout 2 years agobionode, biojs, gff3, gff @gmod/bgzf-filehandle7.8kMIT2.0.4read from a compressed bgzip file (with .gzi) as if it were uncompressed
gmodabout 1 month agobionode, biojs generic-filehandle5.9kMIT3.2.0uniform interface for accessing binary data from local files, remote HTTP resources, and browser Blob data
GMOD7 months agobionode, biojs, ucsc, genomics @gmod/bam5.9kMIT5.0.5Parser for BAM and BAM index (bai) files
GMODabout 1 month agobionode, biojs, bam, genomics