found 3,188 packages in 34ms
hasown157.3mMIT2.0.2A robust, ES3 compatible, "has own property" predicate.
inspect-js11 months agohas, hasOwnProperty, hasOwn, has-own for-in44.9mMIT1.0.2Iterate over the own and inherited enumerable properties of an object, and return an object with properties that evaluate to true from the callback. Exit early by returning false
. JavaScript/Node.js
jonschlinkertover 1 year agofor, for-in, for-own, has uniq14.1mMIT1.0.1Removes duplicates from a sorted array in place
mikolalysenkoover 2 years agoarray, duplicate, unique, uniq parse-unit666.9kMIT1.0.1parses number and unit, '20px' into [20, 'px']
mattdeslover 2 years agoparse, number, string, str