knuth-shuffle-seeded4.5mApache- Fisher-Yates (aka Knuth) shuffle for Node.js, with seeding support
TimothyGuover 2 years agoronald, fisher, frank, yates fast-shuffle320.3kMIT6.1.1A fast implementation of a fisher-yates shuffle that does not mutate the source array.
philihp3 months agoarray, knuth, fisher-yates, shuffle knuth-shuffle31.2k(MIT OR Apache-2.0)1.0.8The Fisher-Yates (aka Knuth) shuffle for Browser and Node.js
coolaj86over 2 years agoronald, fisher, frank, yates shuffle-words5.7k0.1.2Shuffle the words in a string and optionally the letters in each word using the Fisher-Yates algorithm. Useful for creating test fixtures, benchmarking samples, etc.
jonschlinkertover 2 years agoalgorithm, benchmarking, combinatorics, efficient inthash1.2kMIT3.0.4Efficient integer hashing library using Knuth's multiplicative method for Javascript and Typescript, perfect for obfuscating sequential numbers.
denostack10 months agoid obfuscation, obfuscate, obfuscation, knuth