found 279 packages in 22ms
nesh3.6kMIT1.7.0An enhanced, extensible shell for Node.js
danielgtaylorover 2 years agoscript, interactive, shell, interpreter sklearn722MIT1.0.0Use Python's #1 machine learning library from Node.js
transitive-bullshit2 months agoscikit, learn, sklearn, machine learning nodebook611CC-BY-NC-SA- • Apprendre par la pratique.
Familiarisez-vous avec JavaScript, Node.js et l'écosystème de modules npm.
Apprenez à concevoir et à déployer des applications web et des outils en ligne de commande.
oncletomover 2 years agonodejs, book, french, livre storybook-addon-playground496MIT1.9.2A playground to enable consumers learn how to use the component library or to reproduce bugs
mondaycom6 months agoplayground, sandbox, code, debug lamed_learn180MIT1.0.107Learning through code templates
perezLamedover 2 years agoLamedal, Learn, templates, tools