found 3,743 packages in 34ms
eventemitter3118.2mMIT5.0.1EventEmitter3 focuses on performance while maintaining a Node.js AND browser compatible interface.
primusover 1 year agoEventEmitter, EventEmitter2, EventEmitter3, Events once163.7mISC1.4.0Run a function exactly one time
isaacsover 1 year agoonce, function, one, single onetime233.1mMIT7.0.0Ensure a function is only called once
sindresorhusabout 1 year agoonce, function, one, onetime split-on-first20.7mMIT3.0.0Split a string on the first occurance of a given separator
sindresorhusover 2 years agosplit, string, first, once eventemitter240.6mMIT6.4.9A feature-rich Node.js event emitter implementation with namespaces, wildcards, TTL, async listeners and browser/worker support.
hij1nxover 2 years agoevent, events, emitter, eventemitter