found 132 packages in 16ms
jmuxer21.7k2.0.7jMuxer - a simple javascript mp4 muxer for non-standard streaming communications protocol
samirkumardas5 months agoh264, raw h264, aac, muxer onvif15.2kMIT0.8.0Client to ONVIF NVT devices Profile S: cameras
agsh3 months agoonvif, video, PTZ, camera rtsp-relay3.1kMIT1.9.0📽 Relay an RTSP stream through an existing express.js server
k-yle8 months agortsp, rtsp-stream, stream, websocket homebridge-unifi-protect6.3kISC7.11.0Homebridge UniFi Protect plugin providing complete HomeKit integration for the UniFi Protect ecosystem with full support for most features including autoconfiguration, motion detection, multiple controllers, and realtime updates.
hjdhjd19 days agohomebridge, homebridge-plugin, homebridge-unifi-protect, homekit unifi-protect6kISC4.20.3A complete implementation of the UniFi Protect API.
hjdhjd19 days agocamera, doorbell, ubiquiti, unifi