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The create reducer helper of Agillic


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Agillic Create Reducer

The createReducer helper makes your Redux life easier by providing an easy and maintainable way to construct reducers.

Made with :heart: by Agillic


npm install --save @agillic/create-reducer

Or if you're using yarn

yarn add @agillic/create-reducer


In order to import createReducer use:

import createReducer from '@agillic/create-reducer'

Or for some good old nostalgia:

const createReducer = require('@agillic/create-reducer')

NPM Scrips description

  • build - transpiles and builds project files and outputs them to the top-level build directory,
  • build:watch - as above but additionally also watches for changes in the files and rebuilds as needed,
  • lint - runs ESlint on all the files and outputs any warnings and errors to the console,
  • test - runs all the tests in watch mode,
  • help - shows description of the project's NPM scripts.


const myReducer = createReducer({initialState, actions, [mode]})


  • initialState - an object with the initial state of your reducer,
  • actions - an object with actions available to the reducer, either as functions or objects,
  • options (optional), an object with optional properties:
    • mode, defaults to replaceState:
      • replaceState - replace the old state with the newly defined,
      • setState - to use the React-like behaviour, where the new state gets merged to the old one.

Return value

createReducer returns a reducer function which can be directly used in combineReducers and other typical use cases. That's why it's so awesome!

If the reducer is called with an unidentified action it will return the initial state.


Consider the following initialState for all the following examples:

const initialState = {
  stringProp: 'Nice Value',
  numberProp: 5,
  arrayProp: [1, 'two', 3],
  objectProp: {
    stringProp: 'Fancy Value'
  boolProp: false,
  nullProp: null

Typical use case

const myReducer = createReducer(
    simpleAction: () => ({boolProp: true}),
    complexAction: ({action: {newNumber, newString}}) => ({
      numberProp: newNumber,
      objectProp: {
        stringProp: newString
  options: {
    mode: 'setState'

In the above example, the actions are functions which specify how should the state be transformed. Note that the actions names are labels which should be passed as type property in action creators. The action arguments names are up to the developer to decide.

Complex use case

You are not bound to the use of just one mode for the whole reducer. In order to mix the two, you can specify actions as objects with either replaceState or setState properties on them, which will override the mode set in options argument.

const myReducer = createReducer(
    simpleAction: () => ({boolProp: true}),
    specialAction: {
      replaceState: ({action: {newNumber, newString}}) => ({
      stringProp: newString,
      numberProp: newNumber
  options: {
    mode: 'setState'

In the above example simpleAction will be applied in setState mode as it's the one specified in options for the whole reducer. However, specialAction will be applied in replaceState mode, since it has not been defined as a function but rather as an object with replaceState property defining the state transformation.

Using previous state

It is also possible to use previous state in the reducer.

const myReducer = createReducer(
    complexActionWithState: ({action: {newString}, state: {objectProp}}) => ({
      objectProp: {
        someStringProp: newString
  options: {
    mode: 'setState'


  • npm run build:watch will transpile all the sources on file save,
  • npm test will run tests in watch mode,
  • npm run test:coverage will run tests and report coverage statistics,
  • npm run lint will lint the source files.