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angular2.6kMIT2.0.0-rc.2TypeScript support: included



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20.0.0-next.1 (2025-03-05)

Breaking Changes


  • AsyncPipe now directly catches unhandled errors in subscriptions and promises and reports them to the application's ErrorHandler. For Zone-based applications, these errors would have been caught by ZoneJS and reported to ErrorHandler so the result is generally the same. The change to the exact mechanism for reporting can result in differences in test environments that will require test updates.


    • TypeScript versions less than 5.8 are no longer supported.
  • no longer returns the result of the async function. If this behavior is desired, it can be re-implemented manually with the PendingTasks.add. Be aware, however, that promise rejections will need to be handled or they can cause the node process to shut down when using SSR.


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 36b60a9705 | fix | clean up onUrlChange listener when root scope is destroyed (#60004) | | 739cadae62 | fix | Handle errors in async pipe subscriptions (#60057) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 51b8ff23ce | feat | support tagged template literals in expressions (#59947) | | 4fe489f1b4 | fix | exponentiation should be right-to-left associative (#60101) | | b70ad3c4e6 | fix | proper handling of typeof, void in RecursiveAstVisitor (#60101) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | f9043e24ac | fix | ensure template IDs are not reused if a source file changes (#60152) | | ffb19e64f1 | fix | preserve required parens for nullish coalescing (#60060) | | 7c9b4892e9 | fix | preserve required parens in exponentiation expressions (#60101) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | fe57332fc5 | feat | add input binding support to dynamically-created components (#60137) | | 82aa2c1a52 | feat | add the ability to apply directives to dynamically-created components (#60137) | | 326d48afb4 | feat | drop support for TypeScript older than 5.8 (#60197) | | d260ca3091 | feat | emit template function for template related profiler hooks (#60174) | | 4812215a7b | feat | Expose Injector.destroy on Injector created with Injector.create (#60054) | | 809b5b4596 | feat | introduce new DI profiling event (#60158) | | be44cc8f40 | feat | support listening to outputs on dynamically-created components (#60137) | | 7eb59d3887 | fix | added @angular/compiler as a peer dependency (#55610) | | af02914852 | fix | cache ComponentRef inputs and outputs (#60156) | | 7232ce5b17 | fix | Catch and report rejections in async function of (#60044) | | fd12220a35 | fix | defer block render failures should report to application error handler (#60149) | | 3459faadbf | fix | do not allow setInput to be used with inputBinding (#60137) | | ea5eb28865 | fix | input targeting not checking if input exists on host (#60137) | | 0dbf693a4d | fix | prevent invoking replay listeners on disconnected nodes (#60103) | | 7ab0a8d1e7 | fix | prevents event replay from being called on comment nodes (#60130) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | d5e91e04ff | fix | Forward the tags for quick info from the type definition (#59524) |

19.2.1 (2025-03-05)


Commit Type Description
c2de5f68b3 fix clean up onUrlChange listener when root scope is destroyed (#60004)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
1dd94476b3 fix ensure template IDs are not reused if a source file changes (#60152)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
1b3b05bf72 fix cache ComponentRef inputs and outputs (#60156)
330c24aed9 fix prevent invoking replay listeners on disconnected nodes (#60103)
cfad089cc3 fix prevents event replay from being called on comment nodes (#60130)
### language-service
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
3f0116607d fix Forward the tags for quick info from the type definition (#59524)

20.0.0-next.0 (2025-02-26)

Breaking Changes


  • Using the Y formatter (week-numbering year) without also including w (week number) is now detected as suspicious date pattern, as y is typically intended.


  • void in an expression now refers to the operator

    Previously an expression in the template like {{void}} referred to a property on the component class. After this change it now refers to the void operator, which would make the above example invalid. If you have existing expressions that need to refer to a property named void, change the expression to use this.void instead: {{this.void}}.


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 74cceba587 | feat | throw error for suspicious date patterns (#59798) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | f2d5cf7edd | feat | support exponentiation operator in templates (#59894) | | 0361c2d81f | feat | support void operator in templates (#59894) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 962b59b14e | fix | Ensure ComponentFixture does not duplicate error reporting from FakeAsync (#60104) | | 491b0a4ead | fix | Remove duplicate reporting of errors in CDR.detectChanges (#60056) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 7c12cb1df9 | feat | Allow resolvers to read resolved data from ancestors (#59860) | | db2f2d99c8 | fix | Scroller should scroll as soon as change detection completes (#60086) |

19.2.0 (2025-02-26)


Commit Type Description
3e39da593a feat introduce experimental httpResource (#59876)
### compiler
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
5b20bab96d feat Add Skip Hydration diagnostic. (#59576)
fe8a68329b feat support untagged template literals in expressions (#59230)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
ed705a856a feat detect missing structural directive imports (#59443)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
2588985f43 feat pass signal node to throwInvalidWriteToSignalErrorFn (#59600)
168516462a feat support default value in resource() (#59655)
bc2ad7bfd3 feat support streaming resources (#59573)
146ab9a76e feat support TypeScript 5.8 (#59830)
6c92d65349 fix add hasValue narrowing to ResourceRef (#59708)
96e602ebe9 fix cancel in-progress request when same value is assigned (#59280)
6789c7ef94 fix Defer afterRender until after first CD (#59455) (#59551)
c87e581dd9 fix Don't run effects in check no changes pass (#59455) (#59551)
127fc0dc84 fix fix resource()'s previous.state (#59708)
b592b1b051 fix fix race condition in resource() (#59851)
a299e02e91 fix preserve tracing snapshot until tick finishes (#59796)
### forms
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
fa0c3e3210 feat support type set in form validators (#45793)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
1cd3a7db83 feat add migration to convert templates to use self-closing tags (#57342)
### platform-browser
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
e6cb411e43 fix automatically disable animations on the server (#59762)
### platform-server
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
fc5d187da5 fix decouple server from animations module (#59762)

19.1.8 (2025-02-26)


Commit Type Description
f0990c67e6 fix Ensure future-proof correct initialization order (#60025)
### common
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
1fbaeab37d fix make types for HttpClient more readable (#59901)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
c611c8d212 fix capture stack for HMR errors (#60067)
### language-service
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
4c9d09c643 fix provide correct rename info for elements (#60088)

19.1.7 (2025-02-19)


Commit Type Description
e9f10eb4c9 fix clean up urlChanges subscribers when root scope is destroyed (#59703)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
16fc074689 fix avoid crash in isolated transform operations (#59869)
### forms
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
ec1e4c3d94 fix Fix typing on FormRecord. (#59993)

19.1.6 (2025-02-12)


Commit Type Description
01f669a274 fix handle tracking expressions requiring temporary variables (#58520)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
dcfb9f1959 fix handle deferred blocks with shared dependencies correctly (#59926)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
cab7a9b69c fix invalidate HMR component if replacement throws an error (#59854)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
710759ddcc fix account for let declarations in control flow migration (#59861)
46f36a58bf fix count used dependencies inside existing control flow (#59861)

19.1.5 (2025-02-06)


Commit Type Description
d7b5c597ffc fix gracefully fall back if const enum cannot be passed through (#59815)
53a4668b58b fix handle const enums used inside HMR data (#59815)
976125e0b4c fix handle enum members without initializers in partial evaluator (#59815)

19.1.4 (2025-01-29)


Commit Type Description
544b9ee7ca0 fix check whether application is destroyed before printing hydration stats (#59716)
d6e78c072dc fix ensure type is preserved during HMR (#59700)
c2436702df9 fix fixes test timer-based test flakiness in CI (#59674)
### elements
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
44180645992 fix not setting initial value on signal-based input (#59773)
### platform-browser
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
1828a840620 fix prepend baseHref to sourceMappingURL in CSS content (#59730)
1c84cbca30e fix Update pseudoevent created by createMouseSpecialEvent to populate _originalEvent property (#59690)
12256574626 fix Update pseudoevent created by createMouseSpecialEvent to populate _originalEvent property (#59690)
3f4d5f636aa fix Update pseudoevent created by createMouseSpecialEvent to populate _originalEvent property (#59690)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
e3da35ec749 fix prevent error handling when injector is destroyed (#59457)
### service-worker
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
522acbf3d7e fix add missing rxjs peer dependency (#59747)

19.1.3 (2025-01-22)


Commit Type Description
ecfb74d287 fix handle :host-context with comma-separated child selector (#59276)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
53160e504d fix extract parenthesized dependencies during HMR (#59644)
39690969af fix handle conditional expressions when extracting dependencies (#59637)
78af7a5059 fix handle new expressions when extracting dependencies (#59637)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
408af24ff3 fix capture self-referencing component during HMR (#59644)
d7575c201c fix replace metadata in place during HMR (#59644)
26f6d4c485 fix skip component ID collision warning during SSR (#59625)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
a62c84bc18 fix avoid applying the same replacements twice when cleaning up unused imports (#59656)
### platform-browser
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
b2b3816cb1 fix clear renderer cache during HMR when using async animations (#59644)

19.1.2 (2025-01-20)


Commit Type Description
8dcd889987 fix update @ng/component URL to be relative (#59620)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
95a05bb202 fix disable tree shaking during HMR (#59595)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
a4eb74c79c fix animation sometimes renderer not being destroyed during HMR (#59574)
906413aba3 fix change Resource to use explicit undefined in its typings (#59024)
4eb541837c fix cleanup _ejsa when app is destroyed (#59492)
5497102769 fix cleanup stash listener when app is destroyed (#59598)
266a8f2f2e fix handle shadow DOM encapsulated component with HMR (#59597)
6f7716268a fix HMR not matching component that injects ViewContainerRef (#59596)
d12a186d53 fix treat exceptions in equal as part of computation (#55818)

19.1.1 (2025-01-16)


Commit Type Description
357795cb96 fix run HMR replacement in the zone (#59562)
### platform-browser
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
eb0b1851f4 fix roll back HMR fix (#59557)

19.1.0 (2025-01-15)


Commit Type Description
e4c50b3bea feat expose component instance in NgComponentOutlet (#58698)
### compiler
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
ceadd28ea1 fix allow $any in two-way bindings (#59362)
aed49ddaaa fix use chunk origin in template HMR request URL (#59459)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
c5c20e9d86 fix check event side of two-way bindings (#59002)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
d010e11b73 feat add event listener options to renderer (#59092)
57f3550219 feat add utility for resolving defer block information to ng global (#59184)
22f191f763 feat extend the set of profiler events (#59183)
e894a5daea feat set kind field on template and effect nodes (#58865)
bd1f1294ae feat support TypeScript 5.7 (#58609)
9870b643bf fix Defer afterRender until after first CD (#58250)
a5fc962094 fix Don't run effects in check no changes pass (#58250)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
d298d25426 feat add schematic to clean up unused imports (#59353)
14fb8ce4c0 fix resolve text replacement issue (#59452)
### platform-browser
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
8c5db3cfb7 fix avoid circular DI error in async renderer (#59256)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
52a6710f54 fix complete router events on dispose (#59327)

19.0.7 (2025-01-15)


Commit Type Description
2b4b7c3ebf fix handle more node types when extracting dependencies (#59445)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
f893d07232 fix destroy renderer when replacing styles during HMR (#59514)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
eb2fcd1896 fix incorrect stats when migrating queries with best effort mode (#59463)

19.0.6 (2025-01-08)


Commit Type Description
06a55e9817 fix account for more expression types when determining HMR dependencies (#59323)
17fb20f85d fix preserve defer block dependencies during HMR when class metadata is disabled (#59313)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
07afce81b8 fix Ensure that a destroyed effect never run. (#59415)
### platform-browser
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
dbb8980d03 fix avoid circular DI error in async renderer (#59271)
6d00efde95 fix styles not replaced during HMR when using animations renderer (#59393)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
144bccb687 fix avoid component ID collisions with user code (#59300)

19.0.5 (2024-12-18)


Commit Type Description
3793218e77 fix avoid triggering on timer and on idle on the server (#59177)
cfc96ed82c fix Fix nested timer serialization (#59173)
### platform-server
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
9085a8fbd8 fix Warn user when transfer state happens more than once (#58935)

19.0.4 (2024-12-12)


Commit Type Description
7e612171709 fix consider pre-release versions when detecting feature support (#59061)
cd764a31152 fix error in unused standalone imports diagnostic (#59064)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
34ded10fa60 fix Fix a bug where snapshotted functions are being run twice if they return a nullish/falsey value. (#59073)
### platform-browser
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
ae0802d63c5 fix collect external component styles from server rendering (#59031)

19.0.3 (2024-12-04)

19.0.2 (2024-12-04)


Commit Type Description
9f99196d23 fix account for multiple generated namespace imports in HMR (#58924)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
4792db9a6d fix Explicitly manage TracingSnapshot lifecycle and dispose of it once it's been used. (#58929)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
7b5bacc228 fix class content being deleted in some edge cases (#58959)
d1cbdd6acb fix correctly strip away parameters surrounded by comments in inject migration (#58959)
e17ff71c31 fix don't migrate classes with parameters that can't be injected (#58959)
7c5f990001 fix inject migration aggressively removing imports (#58959)
4392ccedf9 fix inject migration dropping code if everything except super is removed (#58959)
9cbebc6dda fix preserve type literals and tuples in inject migrations (#58959)
### platform-server
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
f3c388ecda fix remove peer dependency on animations (#58997)

18.2.13 (2024-11-26)


Commit Type Description
06d70a25ea fix take care of tests that import both HttpClientModule & HttpClientTestingModule. (#58777)

19.0.1 (2024-11-26)


Commit Type Description
fb1fa8b0fc fix more accurate diagnostics for host binding parser errors (#58870)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
502ee0e722 fix correctly clear template HMR internal renderer cache (#58724)
99715104a1 fix correctly perform lazy routes migration for components with additional decorators (#58796)
118803035f fix Ensure _tick is always run within the TracingSnapshot. (#58881)
08b9452f01 fix Ensure resource sets an error (#58855)
84f45ea3ff fix make component id generation more stable between client and server builds (#58813)
d3491c7cee fix Prevents race condition of cleanup for incremental hydration (#58722)
### forms
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
4dfe5b6cef fix work around TypeScript 5.7 issue (#58731)
### language-service
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
a983865bff fix add fix for individual unused imports (#58719)
e6e7a4e22b fix allow fixes to run without template info (#58719)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
5ce10264a4 fix fix provide-initializer migration when using useFactory (#58518)
d4f5c85f60 fix handle parameters with initializers in inject migration (#58769)
a6d2d2dc10 fix Mark hoisted properties as removed in inject migration (#58804)

19.0.0 (2024-11-19)

Blog post:

Breaking Changes


  • property reads no longer refer to template context variables. If you intended to read the template variable, do not use this..
  • changes to CSS selectors parsing where introduced, mainly to: pseudo selectors :where() and :is(), parsing of :host and host-context, parsing selectors within pseudo selector arguments (for instance comma separated selectors). These changes could lead to a different specificity of the resulting selectors and/or previously broken selectors being applied now, for example :where(:host) used to transform to :where()[ng-host] and is being :where([ng-host]) now. Unlike the previous outcome, the new result can target elements and therefore could lead to breakages.


  • Angular directives, components and pipes are now standalone by default.
    • Specify standalone: false for declarations that are currently declared in @NgModules.
    • ng update for v19 will take care of this automatically.
  • TypeScript versions less than 5.5 are no longer supported.
  • Timing changes for effect API (in developer preview):

    • effects which are triggered outside of change detection run as part of the change detection process instead of as a microtask. Depending on the specifics of application/test setup, this can result in them executing earlier or later (or requiring additional test steps to trigger; see below examples).

    • effects which are triggered during change detection (e.g. by input signals) run earlier, before the component's template.

  • ExperimentalPendingTasks has been renamed to PendingTasks.

  • The autoDetect feature of ComponentFixture will now attach the fixture to the ApplicationRef. As a result, errors during automatic change detection of the fixture be reported to the ErrorHandler. This change may cause custom error handlers to observe new failures that were previously unreported.
  • createComponent will now render default fallback with empty projectableNodes.

    • When passing an empty array to projectableNodes in the createComponent API, the default fallback content of the ng-content will be rendered if present. To prevent rendering the default content, pass document.createTextNode('') as a projectableNode.
    // The first ng-content will render the default fallback content if present
    createComponent(MyComponent. { projectableNodes: [[], [secondNode]] });
    // To prevent projecting the default fallback content:
    createComponent(MyComponent. { projectableNodes: [[document.createTextNode('')], [secondNode]] });
  • Errors that are thrown during ApplicationRef.tick will now be rethrown when using TestBed. These errors should be resolved by ensuring the test environment is set up correctly to complete change detection successfully. There are two alternatives to catch the errors:

    • Instead of waiting for automatic change detection to happen, trigger it synchronously and expect the error. For example, a jasmine test could write expect(() => TestBed.inject(ApplicationRef).tick()).toThrow()
    • TestBed will reject any outstanding ComponentFixture.whenStable promises. A jasmine test, for example, could write expectAsync(fixture.whenStable()).toBeRejected().

    As a last resort, you can configure errors to not be rethrown by setting rethrowApplicationErrors to false in TestBed.configureTestingModule.

  • The timers that are used for zone coalescing and hybrid mode scheduling (which schedules an application state synchronization when changes happen outside the Angular zone) will now run in the zone above Angular rather than the root zone. This will mostly affect tests which use fakeAsync: these timers will now be visible to fakeAsync and can be affected by tick or flush.
  • The deprecated factories property in KeyValueDiffers has been removed.


  • as part of switching away from custom CD behavior to the hybrid scheduler, timing of change detection around custom elements has changed subtly. These changes make elements more efficient, but can cause tests which encoded assumptions about how or when elements would be checked to require updating.


  • The name option in the ng add@localize schematic has been removed in favor of the project option.


  • The deprecated BrowserModule.withServerTransition method has been removed. Please use the APP_ID DI token to set the application id instead.


  • The Router.errorHandler property has been removed. Adding an error handler should be configured in either withNavigationErrorHandler with provideRouter or the errorHandler property in the extra options of RouterModule.forRoot. In addition, the error handler cannot be used to change the return value of the router navigation promise or prevent it from rejecting. Instead, if you want to prevent the promise from rejecting, use resolveNavigationPromiseOnError.
  • The return type of the Resolve interface now includes RedirectCommand.


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 24c6373820 | feat | add optional rounded transform support in cloudinary image loader (#55364) | | 50f08e6c4b | feat | automatically use sizes auto in NgOptimizedImage (#57479) | | 13c13067bc | feat | disable keyvalue sorting using null compareFn (#57487) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | a2e4ee0cb3 | feat | add diagnostic for unused standalone imports (#57605) | | 0c9d721ac1 | feat | add support for the typeof keyword in template expressions. (#58183) | | 09f589f000 | fix | this.a should always refer to class property a (#55183) | | 98804fd4be | fix | add more specific matcher for hydrate never block (#58360) | | b25121ee4a | fix | avoid having to duplicate core environment (#58444) | | 560282aa9b | fix | control flow nodes with root at the end projected incorrectly (#58607) | | 2be161d015 | fix | fix :host parsing in pseudo-selectors (#58681) | | 806a61b5a6 | fix | fix multiline selectors (#58681) | | a3cb530d84 | fix | handle typeof expressions in serializer (#58217) | | ba4340875a | fix | ignore placeholder-only i18n messages (#58154) | | e5d3abb298 | fix | resolve :host:host-context(.foo) (#58681) | | 80f56954ce | fix | transform chained pseudo-selectors (#58681) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | d9687f43dd | feat | 'strictStandalone' flag enforces standalone (#57935) | | 9e87593055 | feat | ensure template style elements are preprocessed as inline styles (#57429) | | 231e6ff6ca | feat | generate the HMR replacement module (#58205) | | dbe612f2cd | fix | disable standalone by default on older versions of Angular (#58405) | | d4d76ead80 | fix | do not fail fatal when references to non-existent module are discovered (#58515) | | 33fe252c58 | fix | do not report unused declarations coming from an imported array (#57940) | | fb44323c51 | fix | incorrectly generating relative file paths on case-insensitive platforms (#58150) | | 22cd6869ef | fix | make the unused imports diagnostic easier to read (#58468) | | 9bbb01c85e | fix | report individual diagnostics for unused imports (#58589) | | 4716c3b966 | perf | reduce duplicate component style resolution (#57502) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 6ea8e1e9aa | feat | Add a schematics to migrate to standalone: false. (#57643) | | 3ebe6b4ad4 | feat | Add async run method on ExperimentalPendingTasks (#56546) | | 69fc5ae922 | feat | Add incremental hydration public api (#58249) | | 8ebbae88ca | feat | Add rxjs operator prevent app stability until an event (#56533) | | 19edf2c057 | feat | add syntactic sugar for initializers (#53152) | | c93b510f9b | feat | allow passing undefined without needing to include it in the type argument of input (#57621) | | ab25a192ba | feat | allow running output migration on a subset of paths (#58299) | | fc59e2a7b7 | feat | change effect() execution timing & no-op allowSignalWrites (#57874) | | 8bcc663a53 | feat | drop support for TypeScript 5.4 (#57577) | | 18d8d44b1f | feat | experimental resource() API for async dependencies (#58255) | | 9762b24b5e | feat | experimental impl of rxResource() (#58255) | | 6b8c494d05 | feat | flipping the default value for standalone to true (#58169) | | e6e5d29e83 | feat | initial version of the output migration (#57604) | | be2e49639b | feat | introduce afterRenderEffect (#57549) | | ec386e7f12 | feat | introduce debugName optional arg to framework signal functions (#57073) | | 8311f00faa | feat | introduce the reactive linkedSignal (#58189) | | 1b1519224d | feat | mark input, output and model APIs as stable (#57804) | | a7eff3ffaa | feat | mark signal-based query APIs as stable (#57921) | | a1f229850a | feat | migrate ExperimentalPendingTasks to PendingTasks (#57533) | | 3f1e7ab6ae | feat | promote outputFromObservable & outputToObservable to stable. (#58214) | | 97c44a1d6c | feat | Promote takeUntilDestroyed to stable. (#58200) | | e5adf92965 | feat | stabilize @let syntax (#57813) | | b063468027 | feat | support TypeScript 5.6 (#57424) | | 819ff034ce | feat | treat directives, pipes, components as by default (#58229) | | ee426c62f0 | fix | allow signal write error (#57973) | | c095679f92 | fix | avoid breaking change with apps using rxjs 6.x (#58341) | | 71ee81af2c | fix | clean up event contract once hydration is done (#58174) | | f03d274e87 | fix | ComponentFixture autoDetect feature works like production (#55228) | | 950a5540f1 | fix | Ensure the ViewContext is retained after closure minification (#57903) | | 7b1e5be20b | fix | fallback to default ng-content with empty projectable nodes. (#57480) | | 0300dd2e18 | fix | Fix fixture.detectChanges with autoDetect disabled and zoneless (#57416) | | 5fe57d4fbb | fix | fixes issues with control flow and incremental hydration (#58644) | | 51933ef5a6 | fix | prevent errors on contract cleanup (#58614) | | fd7716440b | fix | Prevents trying to trigger incremental hydration on CSR (#58366) | | 656b5d3e78 | fix | Re-assign error codes to be within core bounds (<1000) (#53455) | | 6e0af6dbbb | fix | resolve forward-referenced host directives during directive matching (#58492) | | 468d3fb9b1 | fix | rethrow errors during ApplicationRef.tick in TestBed (#57200) | | 226a67dabb | fix | Schedulers run in zone above Angular rather than root (#57553) | | 97fb86d331 | perf | set encapsulation to None for empty component styles (#57130) | | c15ec36bd1 | refactor | remove deprecated factories Property in KeyValueDiffers (#58064) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | fe5c4e086a | fix | support output()-shaped outputs (#57535) | | 0cebfd7462 | fix | switch to ComponentRef.setInput & remove custom scheduler (#56728) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 3e7d724037 | feat | add ability to clear a FormRecord (#50750) | | 18b6f3339f | fix | fix FormRecord type inference (#50750) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 4b9accdf16 | feat | promote withRequestsMadeViaParent to stable. (#58221) | | 057cf7fb6b | fix | preserve all headers from Headers object (#57802) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 8da9fb49b5 | feat | add code fix for unused standalone imports (#57605) | | 1f067f4507 | feat | add code reactoring action to migrate @Input to signal-input (#57214) | | 56ee47f2ec | feat | allow code refactorings to compute edits asynchronously (#57214) | | bc83fc1e2e | feat | support converting to signal queries in VSCode extension (#58106) | | 5c4305f024 | feat | support migrating full classes to signal inputs in VSCode (#57975) | | 6342befff8 | feat | support migrating full classes to signal queries (#58263) | | 7ecfd89592 | fix | The suppress diagnostics option should work for external templates (#57873) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 9c3bd1b5d1 | refactor | remove deprecated name option. (#58063) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | dff4de0f75 | feat | add a combined migration for all signals APIs (#58259) | | b6bc93803c | feat | add schematic to migrate to signal queries (#58032) | | 2bfc64daf1 | feat | expose output as function migration (#58299) | | 59fe9bc772 | feat | introduce signal input migration as ng generate schematic (#57805) | | 90c7ec39a0 | fix | inject migration always inserting generated variables before super call (#58393) | | 7a65cdd911 | fix | inject migration not inserting generated code after super call in some cases (#58393) | | c1aa411cf1 | fix | properly resolve tsconfig paths on windows (#58137) | | e26797b38e | fix | replace removed NgModules in tests with their exports (#58627) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | c36a1c023b | fix | correctly add external stylesheets to ShadowDOM components (#58482) | | 5c61f46409 | refactor | remove deprecated BrowserModule.withServerTransition method (#58062) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 9e82559de4 | fix | destroy PlatformRef when error happens during the bootstrap() phase (#58112) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | f271021e19 | feat | Add routerOutletData input to RouterOutlet directive (#57051) | | b2790813a6 | fix | Align RouterModule.forRoot errorHandler with provider error handler (#57050) | | a49c35ec76 | fix | remove setter for injector on OutletContext (#58343) | | 7436d3180e | fix | Update Resolve interface to include RedirectCommand like ResolveFn (#57309) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 8ddce80a0b | feat | allow specifying maxAge for entire application (#49601) | | 1479af978c | feat | finish implementation of refreshAhead feature (#53356) |

18.2.12 (2024-11-14)


Commit Type Description
4c38160853 fix correct extraction of generics from type aliases (#58548)

18.2.11 (2024-11-06)


Commit Type Description
5f2d98a1b1 fix avoid slow stringification when checking for duplicates in dev mode (#58521)
3aa45a2fa1 fix resolve forward-referenced host directives during directive matching (#58492) (#58500)

18.2.10 (2024-10-30)


Commit Type Description
69dce38e778 fix transform pseudo selectors correctly for the encapsulated view. (#58417)
### localize
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
3b989ac5bd9 fix Adding arb format to the list of valid formats in the localization extractor cli (#58287)

18.2.9 (2024-10-23)


Commit Type Description
b0ab653965 fix report when NgModule imports or exports itself (#58231)

18.2.8 (2024-10-10)


Commit Type Description
11692c8dab fix add multiple :host and nested selectors support (#57796)
66dcc691f5 fix allow combinators inside pseudo selectors (#57796)
48a1437e77 fix fix comment typo (#57796)
d325f9b55f fix fix parsing of the :host-context with pseudo selectors (#57796)
aea747ab3b fix preserve attributes attached to :host selector (#57796)
21be258be6 fix scope :host-context inside pseudo selectors, do not decrease specificity (#57796)
7a6fd427d5 fix transform pseudo selectors correctly for the encapsulated view (#57796)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
f187c3abf8 fix defer symbols only used in types (#58104)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
46bafb0b0a fix clean up afterRender after it is executed (#58119)
### platform-server
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
b40875a2cc fix destroy PlatformRef when error happens during the bootstrap() phase (#58112) (#58135)

18.2.7 (2024-10-02)


Commit Type Description
249d0260f9 fix execute checks and remove placeholder when image is already loaded (#55444)
46a2ad39f5 fix prevent warning about oversize image twice (#58021)
8f2b0ede59 fix skip checking whether SVGs are oversized (#57966)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
901c1e1a7f fix correctly get the type of nested function call expressions (#57010)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
2f347ef8fc fix provide flag to opt into manual cleanup for after render hooks (#57917)
### http
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
ca637fe6a9 fix cleanup JSONP script listeners once loading completed (#57877)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
b9d846dad7 fix delete constructor if it only has super call (#58013)
### upgrade
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
e40a4fa3c7 fix support input signal bindings (#57020)

18.2.6 (2024-09-25)

18.2.5 (2024-09-18)


Commit Type Description
e685ed883a fix extended diagnostics not validating ICUs (#57845)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
76709d5d6e fix Handle @let declaration with array when preparingForHydration (#57816)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
5c866942a1 fix account for explicit standalone: false in migration (#57803)

18.2.4 (2024-09-11)


Commit Type Description
b619d6987e fix produce less noisy errors when parsing control flow (#57711)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
9895e4492f fix replace leftover modules with their exports during pruning (#57684)

18.2.3 (2024-09-04)


Commit Type Description
de68e049e4 fix Dynamicaly call the global fetch implementation (#57531)

18.2.2 (2024-08-28)


Commit Type Description
106917af878 fix avoid leaking memory if component throws during creation (#57546)
6d3a2af146a fix Do not bubble capture events. (#57476)
### http
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
5d2e243c76a fix Dynamicaly call the global fetch implementation (#57531)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
804925b1149 fix Do not unnecessarily run matcher twice on route matching (#57530)
### upgrade
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
03ec620e31a fix Address Trusted Types violations in @angular/upgrade (#57454)

18.2.1 (2024-08-22)


Commit Type Description
9de30a7b1c fix Allow zoneless scheduler to run inside fakeAsync (#56932)
286012fb89 fix handle hydration of components that project content conditionally (#57383)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
0bb649b8fa fix account for members with doc strings and no modifiers (#57389)
3b63082384 fix avoid migrating route component in tests (#57317)
6b4357fae4 fix preserve type when using inject decorator (#57389)

18.2.0 (2024-08-14)


Commit Type Description
c8e2885136 feat Add extended diagnostic to warn when there are uncalled functions in event bindings (#56295) (#56295)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
98ed5b609e feat run JIT transform on classes with jit: true opt-out (#56892)
c76b440ac0 fix add warning for unused let declarations (#57033)
0f0a1f2836 fix emitting references to ngtypecheck files (#57138)
6c2fbda694 fix extended diagnostic visitor not visiting template attributes (#57033)
e11c0c42d2 fix run JIT transforms on @NgModule classes with jit: true (#57212)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
f7918f5272 feat Add 'flush' parameter option to fakeAsync to flush after the test (#57239)
fab673a1dd feat add ng generate schematic to convert to inject (#57056)
7919982063 feat Add whenStable helper on ApplicationRef (#57190)
3459289ef0 feat bootstrapModule can configure NgZone in providers (#57060)
296216cbe1 fix Allow hybrid CD scheduling to support multiple "Angular zones" (#57267)
8718abce90 fix Deprecate ignoreChangesOutsideZone option (#57029)
827070e331 fix Do not run image performance warning checks on server (#57234)
ca89ef9141 fix handle shorthand assignment in the inject migration (#57134)
5dcdbfcba9 fix rename the equality function option in toSignal (#56769)
2a4f488a6c fix warnings for oversized images and lazy-lcp present with bootstrapModule (#57060)
### language-service
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
4bb558ab0c feat support writing code refactorings (#56895)
7663debce1 perf quick exit if no code fixes can exist (#57000)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
147eee4253 feat add migration to convert standalone component routes to be lazy loaded (#56428)
cb442a0ce7 fix account for parameters with union types (#57127)
166166d79e fix add alias to inject migration (#57127)
b1a9d0f4de fix avoid duplicating comments when generating properties (#57367)
5d76401ff5 fix preserve optional parameters (#57367)
1cf616f671 fix remove generic arguments from the injected type reference (#57127)
ba0df30ef6 fix remove unused imports in inject migration (#57179)
aae9646a1b fix unwrap injected forwardRef (#57127)
604270619a perf speed up signal input migration by combining two analyze phases (#57318)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
6c76c91e15 feat Add defaultQueryParamsHandling to router configuration (#57198)

18.1.5 (2024-08-14)


Commit Type Description
5401332b0e fix generate valid TS 5.6 type checking code (#57303)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
e39b22a932 fix Account for addEventListener to be passed a Window or Document. (#57282)
db65bc25ca fix Account for addEventListener to be passed a Window or Document. (#57354)
0e024ecc27 fix complete post-hydration cleanup in components that use ViewContainerRef (#57300)
822db64b93 fix skip hydration for i18n nodes that were not projected (#57356)
810f76f574 fix take skip hydration flag into account while hydrating i18n blocks (#57299)

18.1.4 (2024-08-07)


Commit Type Description
6a99f83659 fix reduce chance of conflicts between generated factory and local variables (#57181)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
afb05ff1cb fix support JIT transforms before other transforms modifying classes (#57262)
bae54a1621 perf improve performance of interpolatedSignalNotInvoked extended diagnostic (#57291)
### language-service
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
6ac209c24f fix avoid generating TS suggestion diagnostics for templates (#56241)

18.1.3 (2024-07-31)


Commit Type Description
31dea066d6 fix reduce chance of conflicts between generated factory and local variables (#57181)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
1f9e090910 fix emitting references to ngtypecheck files (#57138) (#57202)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
f7ab04018e fix errors during ApplicationRef.tick should be rethrown for zoneless tests (#56993)
eaa83f9d27 fix hydration error in some let declaration setups (#57173)

18.1.2 (2024-07-24)


Commit Type Description
463945003d fix limit the number of chained instructions (#57069)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
e904f34020 fix add warning for unused let declarations (#57033)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
9e52c1c840 fix afterNextRender hooks return that callback value. (#57031)
b9fb98c67c fix tree shake dev mode error message (#57035)

18.1.1 (2024-07-17)


Commit Type Description
a1cb9dfc0d fix Don't run preconnect assertion on the server. (#56213)
### compiler
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
daf0317bdc fix JIT mode incorrectly interpreting host directive configuration in partial compilation (#57002)
d7dca6dbb6 fix use strict equality for 'code' comparison (#56944)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
c94a897248 fix avoid emitting references to typecheck files in TS 5.4 (#56961)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
5682527d94 fix not all callbacks running when registered at the same time (#56981)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
b666d2c20f fix fix common module removal (#56968)

17.3.12 (2024-07-17)


Commit Type Description
327bae473b fix JIT mode incorrectly interpreting host directive configuration in partial compilation (#57002) (#57003)

18.1.0 (2024-07-10)


Commit Type Description
f25653e231 fix typo in NgOptimizedImage warning (#56756)
9b35726e42 fix typo in warning for NgOptimizedDirective (#56817)
### compiler
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
fd6cd0422d feat Add extended diagnostic to warn when there are uncalled functions in event bindings (#56295)
341a116d61 fix allow more characters in let declaration name (#56764)
2a1291e942 fix give precedence to local let declarations over parent ones (#56752)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
66e582551e fix avoid duplicate diagnostics for let declarations read before definition (#56843)
4d18c5bfd5 fix flag all conflicts between let declarations and local symbols (#56752)
9e21582456 fix Show template syntax errors in local compilation modified (#55855)
5996502921 fix type check let declarations nested inside nodes (#56752)
cdebf751e4 fix used before declared diagnostic not firing for control flow blocks (#56843)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
ea3c802056 feat Add a schematic to migrate afterRender phase flag (#55648)
5df3e78c99 feat add equality function to rxjs-interop toSignal (#56447)
0a48d584f2 feat add support for let syntax (#56715)
352e0782ec feat expose signal input metadata in ComponentMirror (#56402)
a655e46447 feat Redesign the afterRender & afterNextRender phases API (#55648)
e5a6f91722 feat support TypeScript 5.5 (#56096)
38effcc63e fix Add back phase flag option as a deprecated API (#55648)
86bcfd3e49 fix improve docs on afterRender hooks (#56522)
b2445a0953 fix link errors to ADEV (#55554) (#56038)
03a2acd2a3 fix properly remove imports in the afterRender phase migration (#56524)
4d87b9e899 fix rename the equality function option in toSignal (#56769) (#56922)
8bd4c074af fix toSignal equal option should be passed to inner computed (#56903)
### forms
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
00bde8b1c2 fix Make NgControlStatus host bindings OnPush compatible (#55720)
### http
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
cc21989132 fix Make Content-Type header case insensitive (#56541)
### language-service
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
b400e2e4d4 feat autocompletion for the component not imported (#55595)
67b2c336bc fix import the default exported component correctly (#56432)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
a13f5da773 feat Allow UrlTree as an input to routerLink (#56265)
1d3a7529b4 feat Set a different browser URL from the one for route matching (#53318)

18.0.7 (2024-07-10)


Commit Type Description
85f77b5cda fix fix CSS animation rule scope (#56800)
### http
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
95d7076d1a perf execute fetch outside of Angular zone (#56820)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
d6fff45e73 fix Fix cf migration let condition semicolon order (#56913)

18.0.6 (2024-07-03)


Commit Type Description
a55719f55e fix Don't run preconnect assertion on the server. (#56213)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
4909844805 fix establish proper defer injector hierarchy for components attached to ApplicationRef (#56763)
fec5b80aaf fix support injection of object with null constructor. (#56553)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
b7d3ecc873 fix routes should not get stale providers (#56798)

18.0.5 (2024-06-26)


Commit Type Description
2f73281dfd fix improve docs on afterRender hooks (#56525)
be9e4892f9 fix improve support for i18n hydration of projected content (#56192)
5f9bd5521e fix prevent calling devMode only function on @defer error. (#56559)

18.0.4 (2024-06-20)


Commit Type Description
ec0d1bf6f3 fix insert constant statements after the first group of imports (#56431)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
83ffa94783 fix do not activate event replay when no events are registered (#56509)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
5578681da2 fix Delay the view transition to ensure renders in microtasks complete (#56494)

18.0.3 (2024-06-12)


Commit Type Description
ebf00aa0659 fix adjust supported browser names for headless chrome (#56360)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
dbd0fa00f8c fix async EventEmitter should contribute to app stability (#56308)
625ca3e2b3f fix signals should be tracked when embeddedViewRef.detectChanges is called (#55719)
### localize
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
d6dd3dbdb09 fix add @angular/localize/init as polyfill in angular.json (#56300)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
c07e1b33569 fix resolve error in standalone migration (#56302)

18.0.2 (2024-06-05)


Commit Type Description
78cf9bfc0e fix Do not migrate HttpClientModule imports on components. (#56067)
616cdef474 fix don't coerce all producers to consumers on liveness change (#56140)
2a440e1064 fix Fix shouldPreventDefaultBeforeDispatching bug (#56188)
290a47d842 fix handle missing withI18nSupport() call for components that use i18n blocks (#56175)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
b70b80ba55 fix do not generate aliased variables with the same name (#56154)

18.0.1 (2024-05-29)


Commit Type Description
419ffa2026 fix optimize track function that only passes $index (#55872)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
4c7efc005a fix interpolatedSignalNotInvoked diagnostic for class, style, attribute and animation bindings (#55969)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
4e6ea0e19c fix handle elements with local refs in event replay serialization logic (#56076)
d73a0175cb fix link errors to ADEV (#55554)
985a215b10 fix typo in zoneless warning (#55974)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
ba85d08158 fix handle empty ngSwitchCase (#56105)

17.3.10 (2024-05-22)

18.0.0 (2024-05-22)

Blog post "Angular v18 is now available".

Breaking Changes


  • Deprecated matchesElement method has been removed from AnimationDriver as it is unused.


  • The deprecated isPlatformWorkerUi and isPlatformWorkerApp have been removed without replacement, as they serve no purpose since the removal of the WebWorker platform.


  • Angular only supports writable expressions inside of two-way bindings.


    • Angular no longer supports TypeScript versions older than 5.4.


  • OnPush views at the root of the application need to be marked dirty for their host bindings to refresh. Previously, the host bindings were refreshed for all root views without respecting the OnPush change detection strategy.
  • The ComponentFixture autoDetect feature will no longer refresh the component's host view when the component is OnPush and not marked dirty. This exposes existing issues in components which claim to be OnPush but do not correctly call markForCheck when they need to be refreshed. If this change causes test failures, the easiest fix is to change the component to ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default.
  • ComponentFixture.whenStable now matches the ApplicationRef.isStable observable. Prior to this change, stability of the fixture did not include everything that was considered in ApplicationRef. whenStable of the fixture will now include unfinished router navigations and unfinished HttpClient requests. This will cause tests that await the whenStable promise to time out when there are incomplete requests. To fix this, remove the whenStable, instead wait for another condition, or ensure HttpTestingController mocks responses for all requests. Try adding HttpTestingController.verify() before your await fixture.whenStable to identify the open requests. Also, make sure your tests wait for the stability promise. We found many examples of tests that did not, meaning the expectations did not execute within the test body.

    In addition, ComponentFixture.isStable would synchronously switch to true in some scenarios but will now always be asynchronous.

  • Angular will ensure change detection runs, even when the state update originates from outside the zone, tests may observe additional rounds of change detection compared to the previous behavior.

    This change will be more likely to impact existing unit tests. This should usually be seen as more correct and the test should be updated, but in cases where it is too much effort to debug, the test can revert to the old behavior by adding provideZoneChangeDetection({schedulingMode: NgZoneSchedulingMode.NgZoneOnly}) to the TestBed providers.

    Similarly, applications which may want to update state outside the zone and not trigger change detection can add provideZoneChangeDetection({schedulingMode: NgZoneSchedulingMode.NgZoneOnly}) to the providers in bootstrapApplication or add schedulingMode: NgZoneSchedulingMode.NgZoneOnly to the BootstrapOptions of bootstrapModule.

  • When Angular runs change detection, it will continue to refresh any views attached to ApplicationRef that are still marked for check after one round completes. In rare cases, this can result in infinite loops when certain patterns continue to mark views for check using ChangeDetectorRef.detectChanges. This will be surfaced as a runtime error with the NG0103 code.
  • async has been removed, use waitForAsync instead.
  • The ComponentFixture.autoDetect feature now executes change detection for the fixture within ApplicationRef.tick. This more closely matches the behavior of how a component would refresh in production. The order of component refresh in tests may be slightly affected as a result, especially when dealing with additional components attached to the application, such as dialogs. Tests sensitive to this type of change (such as screenshot tests) may need to be updated. Concretely, this change means that the component will refresh before additional views attached to ApplicationRef (i.e. dialog components). Prior to this change, the fixture component would refresh after other views attached to the application.
  • The exact timing of change detection execution when using event or run coalescing with NgZone is now the first of either setTimeout or requestAnimationFrame. Code which relies on this timing (usually by accident) will need to be adjusted. If a callback needs to execute after change detection, we recommend afterNextRender instead of something like setTimeout.
  • Newly created and views marked for check and reattached during change detection are now guaranteed to be refreshed in that same change detection cycle. Previously, if they were attached at a location in the view tree that was already checked, they would either throw ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError or not be refreshed until some future round of change detection. In rare circumstances, this correction can cause issues. We identified one instance that relied on the previous behavior by reading a value on initialization which was queued to be updated in a microtask instead of being available in the current change detection round. The component only read this value during initialization and did not read it again after the microtask updated it.
  • Testability methods increasePendingRequestCount, decreasePendingRequestCount and getPendingRequestCount have been removed. This information is tracked with zones.


  • By default we now prevent caching of HTTP requests that require authorization . To opt-out from this behaviour use the includeRequestsWithAuthHeaders option in withHttpTransferCache.


      includeRequestsWithAuthHeaders: true,


  • Deprecated StateKey, TransferState and makeStateKey have been removed from @angular/platform-browser, use the same APIs from @angular/core.


  • No longer used RESOURCE_CACHE_PROVIDER APIs have been removed.


  • deprecated platformDynamicServer has been removed. Add an import @angular/compiler and replace the usage with platformServer
  • deprecated ServerTransferStateModule has been removed. TransferState can be use without providing this module.
  • deprecated useAbsoluteUrl and baseUrl been removed from PlatformConfig. Provide and absolute url instead.
  • Legacy handling or Node.js URL parsing has been removed from ServerPlatformLocation.

    The main differences are;

    • pathname is always suffixed with a /.
    • port is empty when http: protocol and port in url is 80
      • port is empty when https: protocol and port in url is 443


  • Guards can now return RedirectCommand for redirects in addition to UrlTree. Code which expects only boolean or UrlTree values in Route types will need to be adjusted.
  • This change allows Route.redirectTo to be a function in addition to the previous string. Code which expects redirectTo to only be a string on Route objects will need to be adjusted.
  • When a a guard returns a UrlTree as a redirect, the redirecting navigation will now use replaceUrl if the initial navigation was also using the replaceUrl option. If this is not desirable, the redirect can configure new NavigationBehaviorOptions by returning a RedirectCommand with the desired options instead of UrlTree.
  • Providers available to the routed components always come from the injector heirarchy of the routes and never inherit from the RouterOutlet. This means that providers available only to the component that defines the RouterOutlet will no longer be available to route components in any circumstances. This was already the case whenever routes defined providers, either through lazy loading an NgModule or through explicit providers on the route config.
  • Providers available to the routed components always come from the injector heirarchy of the routes and never inherit from the RouterOutlet. This means that providers available only to the component that defines the RouterOutlet will no longer be available to route components in any circumstances. This was already the case whenever routes defined providers, either through lazy loading an NgModule or through explicit providers on the route config.



  • getCurrencySymbol, getLocaleCurrencyCode, getLocaleCurrencyName, getLocaleCurrencySymbol, getLocaleDateFormat, getLocaleDateTimeFormat, getLocaleDayNames, getLocaleDayPeriods, getLocaleDirection, getLocaleEraNames, getLocaleExtraDayPeriodRules, getLocaleExtraDayPeriods, getLocaleFirstDayOfWeek, getLocaleId, getLocaleMonthNames, getLocaleNumberFormat, getLocaleNumberSymbol, getLocalePluralCase, getLocaleTimeFormat, getLocaleWeekEndRange, getNumberOfCurrencyDigits


  • `@Component.interpolation` is deprecated. Use Angular's delimiters instead.


  • HttpClientModule, HttpClientXsrfModule and HttpClientJsonpModule

    As mentionned, those modules can be replaced by provider function only.


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | bcce85af72 | refactor | remove deprecated matchesElement from AnimationDriver (#55479) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | d34c033902 | refactor | Deprecate Local Data API functions (#54483) | | 3b0de30b37 | refactor | remove deprecated isPlatformWorkerApp and isPlatformWorkerUi API (#55302) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 91b007e58f | fix | add math elements to schema (#55631) | | 33d0102304 | fix | allow comments between connected blocks (#55966) | | 7fc7f3f05f | fix | capture all control flow branches for content projection in if blocks (#54921) | | a369f43fbd | fix | capture switch block cases for content projection (#54921) | | eb625d3783 | fix | declare for loop aliases in addition to new name (#54942) | | f824911510 | fix | For FatalDiagnosticError, hide the message field without affecting the emit (#55160) | | a040fb720a | fix | maintain multiline CSS selectors during CSS scoping (#55509) | | 39624c6b12 | fix | output input flags as a literal (#55215) | | eba92cfa55 | fix | prevent usage of reserved control flow symbol in custom interpolation context. (#55809) | | 7d5bc1c628 | fix | remove container index from conditional instruction (#55190) | | 4eb0165750 | fix | remove support for unassignable expressions in two-way bindings (#55342) | | e1650e3b13 | fix | throw error if item name and context variables conflict (#55045) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 5bd188a394 | feat | add partial compilation support for deferred blocks (#54908) | | b02b31a915 | feat | drop support for TypeScript older than 5.4 (#54961) | | 78188e877a | fix | add diagnostic if initializer API is used outside of an initializer (#54993) | | 69a83993b3 | fix | do not throw when retrieving TCB symbol for signal input with restricted access (#55774) | | 4f4f41016e | fix | dom property binding check in signal extended diagnostic (#54324) | | 7a16d7e969 | fix | don't type check the bodies of control flow nodes in basic mode (#55360) | | 8d93597a82 | fix | fix type narrowing of @if with aliases (#55835) | | 9b424d7224 | fix | preserve original reference to non-deferrable dependency (#54759) | | 694ba79cbf | fix | report cases where initializer APIs are used in a non-directive class (#54993) | | 6219341d26 | fix | report errors when initializer APIs are used on private fields (#54981) | | c04ffb1fa6 | fix | use switch statements to narrow Angular switch blocks (#55168) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | a730f09ae9 | feat | Add a public API to establish events to be replayed and an attribute to mark an element with an event handler. (#55356) | | fdd560ea14 | feat | Add ability to configure zone change detection to use zoneless scheduler (#55252) | | bce5e2344f | feat | Add build target for jsaction contract binary. (#55319) | | 666d646575 | feat | Add event delegation library to queue up events and replay them when the application is ready (#55121) | | 5f06ca8f55 | feat | add HOST_TAG_NAME token (#54751) | | a600a39d0c | feat | add support for fallback content in ng-content (#54854) | | 146306a141 | feat | add support for i18n hydration (#54823) | | f09c5a7bc4 | feat | Add zoneless change detection provider as experimental (#55329) | | d28614b90e | feat | Modify EventType from an enum to an object. (#55323) | | ac863ded48 | feat | provide ExperimentalPendingTasks API (#55487) | | 1ee9f32621 | feat | Synchronize changes from internal JSAction codebase. (#55182) | | d888da4606 | fix | ApplicationRef.tick should respect OnPush for host bindings (#53718) | | 64f870c12b | fix | ApplicationRef.tick should respect OnPush for host bindings (#53718) (#53718) | | 8cad4e8cbe | fix | ComponentFixture autoDetect respects OnPush flag of host view (#54824) | | 658cf8c384 | fix | ComponentFixture stability should match ApplicationRef (#54949) | | 2fc11eae9e | fix | account for re-projected ng-content elements with fallback content (#54854) | | 0cbd73c6e9 | fix | add warning when using zoneless but zone.js is still loaded (#55769) | | d5edfde6ee | fix | afterRender hooks registered outside change detection can mark views dirty (#55623) | | de7447d15e | fix | Angular should not ignore changes that happen outside the zone (#55102) | | ba8e465974 | fix | Change Detection will continue to refresh views while marked for check (#54734) | | 5a10f405d3 | fix | complete the removal of deprecation async function (#55491) | | 24bc0ed4f2 | fix | ComponentFixture autodetect should detect changes within ApplicationRef.tick (#54733) | | 1c0ec56c46 | fix | correctly project single-root content inside control flow (#54921) | | 840c375255 | fix | do not save point-in-time setTimeout and rAF references (#55124) | | 10c5cdb49c | fix | ensure change detection runs in a reasonable timeframe with zone coalescing (#54578) | | ad045efd4b | fix | Ensure views marked for check are refreshed during change detection (#54735) | | 69085ea26e | fix | error about provideExperimentalCheckNoChangesForDebug uses wrong name (#55824) | | 0147e0b85a | fix | exhaustive checkNoChanges should only do a single pass (#55839) | | e02bcf89cf | fix | Fix clearing of pending task in zoneless cleanup implementation (#55074) | | 0cec9e4f9a | fix | Fix null dereference error addEvent (#55353) | | 44c0ed83a6 | fix | hide implementation details of ExperimentalPendingTasks (#55516) | | 314112de99 | fix | Prevent markForCheck during change detection from causing infinite loops (#54900) | | a5fa279b6e | fix | prevent i18n hydration from cleaning projected nodes (#54823) | | 6534c035c0 | fix | Remove deprecated Testability methods (#53768) | | a5c57c7484 | fix | resolve error for multiple component instances that use fallback content (#55478) | | f44a5e4604 | fix | support content projection and VCRs in i18n (#54823) | | 0510930a25 | fix | TestBed should not override NgZone from initTestEnvironment (#55226) | | e9a0c86766 | fix | TestBed should not override NgZone from initTestEnvironment (#55226) | | 700c0520bb | fix | Update ApplicationRef.tick loop to only throw in dev mode (#54848) | | a99cb7ce5b | fix | zoneless scheduler should check if Zone is defined before accessing it (#55118) | | 1fd63e9cff | refactor | deprecate `@Component.interpolation` (#55778) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 1c736dc3b2 | feat | Unified Control State Change Events (#54579) | | 61007dced0 | fix | Add event for forms submitted & reset (#55667) | | 2e27ca9ddf | fix | Allow canceled async validators to emit. (#55134) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 6f88d80758 | feat | allow caching requests with different origins between server and client (#55274) | | 8eacb6e4b9 | feat | exclude caching for authenticated HTTP requests (#55034) | | d9b339fdbc | fix | resolve withRequestsMadeViaParent behavior with withFetch (#55652) | | ef665a40a5 | refactor | Deprecate HttpClientModule & related modules (#54020) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 6d1b82df32 | fix | allow external projects to use provided compiler options (#55035) | | a48afe0d94 | fix | avoid generating TS syntactic diagnostics for templates (#55091) | | bd236cc150 | fix | implement getDefinitionAtPosition for Angular templates (#55269) | | 4166dfc1b6 | fix | prevent underlying TS Service from handling template files (#55003) | | b7f2fd4739 | fix | use type-only import in plugin factory (#55996) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | f914f6a362 | feat | Migration schematics for HttpClientModule (#54020) | | 8459ee46cb | fix | handle more cases in HttpClientModule migration (#55640) | | c4b2f18709 | fix | migrate HttpClientTestingModule in test modules (#55803) | | bb4a4016a9 | fix | preserve existing properties in HttpClientModule migration (#55777) | | f93e5180be | fix | resolve multiple structural issues with HttpClient migration (#55557) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 45ae7a6b60 | feat | add withI18nSupport() in developer preview (#55130) | | 23f914f101 | fix | Use the right namespace for mathML. (#55622) | | cba336d4f1 | refactor | remove deprecated transfer state APIs (#55474) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | eb20c1a8b1 | refactor | unused RESOURCE_CACHE_PROVIDER API has been removed (#54875) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 5674c644ab | fix | add nonce attribute to event record script (#55495) | | e71e869112 | fix | remove event dispatch script from HTML when hydration is disabled (#55681) | | 07ac017731 | refactor | remove deprecated platformDynamicServer API (#54874) | | e8b588d8b7 | refactor | remove deprecated ServerTransferStateModule API (#54874) | | 3b1967ca64 | refactor | remove deprecated useAbsoluteUrl and baseUrl from PlatformConfig (#54874) | | 2357d3566c | refactor | remove legacy URL handling logic (#54874) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 4a42961393 | feat | withNavigationErrorHandler can convert errors to redirects (#55370) | | 8735af08b9 | feat | Add ability to return UrlTree with NavigationBehaviorOptions from guards (#45023) | | 87f3f27f90 | feat | Allow resolvers to return RedirectCommand (#54556) | | 2b802587f2 | feat | Allow Route.redirectTo to be a function which returns a string or UrlTree (#52606) | | 60f1d681e0 | fix | preserve replaceUrl when returning a urlTree from CanActivate (#54042) | | 3839cfbb18 | fix | Routed components never inherit RouterOutlet EnvironmentInjector (#54265) | | da906fdafc | fix | Routed components never inherit RouterOutlet EnvironmentInjector (#54265) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 3bc63eaaf3 | fix | avoid running CDs on controllerchange (#54222) | | e598634c10 | fix | remove controllerchange listener when app is destroyed (#55365) |

17.3.9 (2024-05-15)

17.3.8 (2024-05-08)


Commit Type Description
c21b459ba6 fix add math elements to schema (#55631) (#55645)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
3818436ebc fix don't schedule timer triggers on the server (#55605)

17.3.7 (2024-05-01)


Commit Type Description
51ac883167 fix don't type check the bodies of control flow nodes in basic mode (#55558)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
af0eb846a5 fix render hooks should not specifically run outside the Angular zone (#55399)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
3eea50da64 fix Scroller should scroll as soon as change detection completes (#55105)

17.3.6 (2024-04-25)


Commit Type Description
826861b1fa fix DeferBlockFixture.render should not wait for stability (#55271)
5cf14da35c fix make ActivatedRoute inject correct instance inside @defer blocks (#55374)
8979fba2c5 fix skip defer timers on the server (#55480)

17.3.5 (2024-04-17)

17.3.4 (2024-04-10)


Commit Type Description
53427d875d fix invalid ImageKit quality parameter (#55193)
766548c3ec fix skip transfer cache on client (#55012)

17.3.2 (2024-03-28)


Commit Type Description
2b7bad5151 fix invoke method-based tracking function with context (#54960)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
b478dfbfda fix report errors when initializer APIs are used on private fields (#55070)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
708ba8115f fix establish proper injector resolution order for @defer blocks (#55079)
### http
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
cb433af0e1 fix include transferCache when cloning HttpRequest (#54939)
64f202cab9 fix manage different body types for caching POST requests (#54980)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
2f9d94bc4a fix account for variables in imports initializer (#55081)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
365fd50407 fix RouterLinkActive will always remove active classes when links are not active (#54982)

17.3.1 (2024-03-20)


Commit Type Description
c0788200e2 fix capture data bindings for content projection purposes in blocks (#54876)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
99e9474aa2 fix symbol feature detection for the compiler (#54711)

17.3.0 (2024-03-13)


Commit Type Description
1a6beae8a2 feat Enable template pipeline by default. (#54571)
f386a04c9d fix handle two-way bindings to signal-based template variables in instruction generation (#54714)
1f129f114e fix not catching for loop empty tracking expressions (#54772)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
12dc4d074e fix account for as expression in docs extraction (#54414)
da7fbb40f0 fix detect when the linker is working in unpublished angular and widen supported versions (#54439)
492e03f699 fix flag two-way bindings to non-signal values in templates (#54714)
5afa4f0ec1 fix support ModuleWithProviders literal detection with typeof (#54650)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
331b16efd2 feat add API to inject attributes on the host node (#54604)
fb540e169a feat add migration for invalid two-way bindings (#54630)
c687b8f453 feat expose new output() API (#54650)
c809069f21 feat introduce outputFromObservable() interop function (#54650)
aff65fd1f4 feat introduce outputToObservable interop helper (#54650)
974958913c feat support TypeScript 5.4 (#54414)
39a50f9a8d fix ensure all initializer functions run in an injection context (#54761)
243ccce624 fix exclude class attribute intended for projection matching from directive matching (#54800)
2909e9817d fix prevent infinite loops in clobbered elements check (#54425)
7243c704cf fix return a readonly signal on asReadonly. (#54706)
bb35414a38 perf speed up retrieval of DestroyRef in EventEmitter (#54748)
### http
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
8d37ed035c fix exclude caching for authenticated HTTP requests (#54746)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
c1c7384e02 feat Add reusable types for router guards (#54580)
7225485311 fix Navigations triggered by cancellation events should cancel previous navigation (#54710)

17.2.4 (2024-03-06)


Commit Type Description
917b9bdd2e fix unwrap expressions with type parameters in query read property (#54647)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
586cc24a10 fix apply TestBed provider overrides to @defer dependencies (#54667)
b558a01c84 fix generic inference for signal inputs may break with --strictFunctionTypes (#54652)
443e5f1591 fix return a readonly signal on asReadonly. (#54719)
ffbafc7d4a fix untrack various core operations (#54614)

17.2.3 (2024-02-27)


Commit Type Description
1a526f2881 perf AsyncPipe should not call markForCheck on subscription (#54554)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
2aefed8763 fix catch function instance properties in interpolated signal diagnostic (#54325)
48aec63ee4 fix identify aliased initializer functions (#54480)
daf7c611b2 fix identify aliased initializer functions (#54609)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
57123524a2 fix collect providers from NgModules while rendering @defer block (#52881)
79a32816dc fix fix typo in injectors.svg file (#54596)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
dbe673b027 fix resolve infinite loop for a single line element with a long tag name and angle bracket on a new line (#54588)

17.2.2 (2024-02-21)


Commit Type Description
d34e3298db fix image placeholder not removed in OnPush component (#54515)
### compiler
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
6447c0eecc fix adding the inert property to the "SCHEMA" array (#53148)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
0a3edfb543 fix correctly detect deferred dependencies across scoped nodes (#54499)
790f4f7c26 fix use correct symbol name for default imported symbols in defer blocks (#54495)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
3bd5860c74 fix properly execute content queries for root components (#54457)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
bb57d34110 fix Fix cf migration regular expression to include underscores (#54533)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
3e31f1a34e fix Clear internal transition when navigation finalizes (#54261)

17.2.1 (2024-02-14)


Commit Type Description
7234824228 fix fix broken version detection condition (#54443)

17.2.0 (2024-02-14)


Commit Type Description
03c3b3eb79 feat add Netlify image loader (#54311)
f5c520b836 feat add placeholder to NgOptimizedImage (#53783)
### compiler
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
47e6e84101 feat Add a TSConfig option useTemplatePipeline (#54057)
66e940aebf feat scope selectors in @starting-style (#53943)
7b4d275f49 fix Fix the template pipeline option (#54148)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
7e861c640e feat generate extra imports for component local dependencies in local mode (#53543)
3263df23f2 feat generate global imports in local compilation mode (#53543)
b774e22d8e feat make it configurable to generate alias reexports (#53937)
3e1384048e feat support host directives for local compilation mode (#53877)
a592904c69 fix allow custom/duplicate decorators for @Injectable classes in local compilation mode (#54139)
4b1d948b36 fix consider the case of duplicate Angular decorators in local compilation diagnostics (#54139)
96bcf4fb12 fix forbid custom/duplicate decorator when option forbidOrphanComponents is set (#54139)
64fa5715c6 fix generating extra imports in local compilation mode when cycle is introduced (#53543)
6c8b09468a fix highlight the unresolved element in the @Component.styles array for the error LOCAL_COMPILATION_UNRESOLVED_CONST (#54230)
0970129e20 fix show proper error for custom decorators in local compilation mode (#53983)
f39cb06418 fix show specific error for unresolved @Directive.exportAs in local compilation mode (#54230)
f3851b5945 fix show specific error for unresolved @HostBinding's argument in local compilation mode (#54230)
39ddd884e8 fix show specific error for unresolved @HostListener's event name in local compilation mode (#54230)
5d633240fd fix show the correct message for the error LOCAL_COMPILATION_UNRESOLVED_CONST when an unresolved symbol used for @Component.styles (#54230)
58b8a232d6 fix support jumping to definitions of signal-based inputs (#54053)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
702ab28b4c feat add support for model inputs (#54252)
e95ef2cbc6 feat expose queries as signals (#54283)
656bc282e3 fix add toString implementation to signals (#54002)
62b87b4551 fix do not crash for signal query that does not have any matches (#54353)
4b96f370ee fix expose model signal subcribe for type checking purposes (#54357)
744cb1e561 fix return the same children query results if there are no changes (#54392)
6d00115bf4 fix show placeholder block on the server with immediate trigger (#54394)
### http
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
1c536250b6 fix Use string body to generate transfer cache key. (#54379)

17.1.3 (2024-02-08)


Commit Type Description
bc4a6a9715 fix do not error due to multiple components named equally (#54273)
a997e08c6f fix handle default imports in defer blocks (#53695)
63a9027720 fix interpolatedSignalNotInvoked diagnostic for model signals (#54338)
40e1edc977 fix properly catch fatal diagnostics in type checking (#54309)
9f6605d11b fix support jumping to definitions of signal-based inputs (#54233)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
7df133dcc2 fix afterRender hooks should allow updating state (#54074)
744e20641a fix Fix possible infinite loop with markForCheck by partially reverting #54074 (#54329)
0fb114274c fix update imports to be compatible with rxjs 6 (#54193)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
238f2a8bc9 fix Clear internal transition when navigation finalizes (#54261)

17.1.2 (2024-01-31)


Commit Type Description
ccddacf11d fix cta clickability issue in adev homepage. (#52905)
### animations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
98d545fafa fix cleanup DOM elements when root view is removed with async animations (#53033)
### common
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
cdc5e39532 fix The date pipe should return ISO format for week and week-year as intended in the unit test. (#53879)
### compiler
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
f12b01ec88 fix Update type check block to fix control flow source mappings (#53980)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
c477e876e3 fix change defer block fixture default behavior to playthrough (#54088)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
8264382a6b fix error in standalone migration when non-array value is used as declarations in TestBed (#54122)

17.1.1 (2024-01-24)


Commit Type Description
f222bee8fa fix revert commit that replaced last helper with native (#54021)

17.1.0 (2024-01-17)


Commit Type Description
79ff91a813 fix allow TS jsDocParsingMode host option to be programmatically set (#53126)
5613051a8b fix allow TS jsDocParsingMode host option to be programmatically set again (#53292)
df8a825910 fix project empty block root node (#53620)
478d622265 fix project empty block root node in template pipeline (#53620)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
abdc7e4578 feat support type-checking for generic signal inputs (#53521)
e620b3a724 fix add compiler option to disable control flow content projection diagnostic (#53311)
4c1d69e288 fix add diagnostic for control flow that prevents content projection (#53190)
76ceebad04 fix do not throw fatal error if extended type check fails (#53896)
1a6eaa0fea fix input transform in local compilation mode (#53645)
56a76d73e0 fix modify getConstructorDependencies helper to work with reflection host after the previous change (#52215)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
863be4b698 feat expose new input API for signal-based inputs (#53872)
94096c6ede feat support TypeScript 5.3 (#52572)
69b384c0d1 fix SignalNode reactive node incorrectly exposing unset field (#53571)
6f79507ea7 fix Change defer block fixture default behavior to playthrough (#53956)
32f908ab70 fix do not accidentally inherit input transforms when overridden (#53571)
bdd61c768a fix replace assertion with more intentional error (#52234)
0daca457bb fix TestBed should still use the microtask queue to schedule effects (#53843)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
5c1d441029 feat Add info property to NavigationExtras (#53303)
50d7916278 feat Add router configuration to resolve navigation promise on error (#48910)
a5a9b408e2 feat Add transient info to RouterLink input (#53784)
726530a9af feat Allow onSameUrlNavigation: 'ignore' in navigateByUrl (#52265)

17.0.9 (2024-01-10)


Commit Type Description
c22b513b3f fix remove unused parameters from the ngClass constructor (#53831)
bd9f89d1c8 fix server-side rendering error when using in-memory scrolling (#53683)
### compiler
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
92fd6cc42e fix generate less code for advance instructions (#53845)
6a41961fbd fix ignore empty switch blocks (#53776)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
7309463697 fix interpolatedSignalNotInvoked diagnostic (#53585)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
441db5123f fix afterRender hooks now only run on ApplicationRef.tick (#52455)
f9120d79cb fix allow effect to be used inside an ErrorHandler (#53713)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
e92c86b77f fix Fix empty switch case offset bug in cf migration (#53839)
### platform-server
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
91cb16fde9 fix Do not delete global Event (#53659)

17.0.8 (2023-12-21)


Commit Type Description
de5c9ca8e9 fix correctly intercept index in loop tracking function (#53604)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
d79489255a fix avoid repeated work when parsing version (#53598)
513fee871e fix tree shake version class (#53598)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
eb7c29c7b6 fix cf migration - detect and error when result is invalid i18n nesting (#53638)
ed936ba0e9 fix cf migration - detect and error when result is invalid i18n nesting (#53638) (#53639)
5c2f2539e2 fix cf migration - ensure full check runs for all imports (#53637)
817dc1b27f fix cf migration - fix bug in attribute formatting (#53636)
7ac60bab9a fix cf migration - improve import declaration handling (#53622)
c3f85e51a9 fix cf migration - preserve indentation on attribute strings (#53625)
e73205ff5a fix cf migration - stop removing empty newlines from i18n blocks (#53578)
886aa7b2a9 fix Fix cf migration bug with parsing for loop conditions properly (#53558)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
0696ab6a5b fix Should not freeze original object used for route data (#53635)

17.0.7 (2023-12-13)


Commit Type Description
4fd5409090 fix handle ambient types in input transform function (#51474)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
a603338fe8 fix generate less type checking code in for loops (#53515)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
58ed76be93 fix Avoid refreshing a host view twice when using transplanted views (#53021)
c16b5e8290 fix Multiple subscribers to ApplicationRef.isStable should all see values (#53541)
17dbf8b8e2 fix remove signal equality check short-circuit (#53446)
5b4add27b6 fix update feature usage marker (#53542)
68d111c841 perf avoid changes Observable creation on QueryList (#53498)
044cb553b4 perf optimize memory allocation when reconcilling lists (#52245)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
96ab999698 fix CF Migration - ensure bound ngIfElse cases ignore line breaks (#53435)
c9a1c6f1c7 fix cf migration - undo changes when html fails to parse post migration (#53530)
b75aca1d74 fix CF migration only remove newlines of changed template content (#53508)
e88a12d5b3 fix cf migration validate structure of ngswitch before migrating (#53530)
543df3dca5 fix ensure we do not overwrite prior template replacements in migration (#53393)
d232ea143f fix fix cf migration import removal when errors occur (#53502)
### platform-browser
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
d5c631bf36 fix Get correct base path when using "." as base href when serving from the file:// protocol. (#53547)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
e750e4edcf fix provide more actionable error message when route is not matched in production mode (#53523)

17.0.6 (2023-12-06)


Commit Type Description
a2e5f483f5 fix generate proper code for nullish coalescing in styling host bindings (#53305)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
66ecf4c274 fix add compiler option to disable control flow content projection diagnostic (#53387)
74e6ce5d23 fix add diagnostic for control flow that prevents content projection (#53387)
6ec7a42b95 fix avoid conflicts with built-in global variables in for loop blocks (#53319)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
0a53f96094 fix cleanup signal consumers for all views (#53351)
4fc1581bbc fix handle hydration of multiple nodes projected in a single slot (#53270)
14e66533ec fix support hydration for cases when content is re-projected using ng-template (#53304)
8e366e8911 fix support swapping hydrated views in @for loops (#53274)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
45064f1ae1 fix CF migration - ensure NgIfElse attributes are properly removed (#53298)
a6275cfa54 fix CF Migration - Fix case of aliases on i18n ng-templates preventing removal (#53299)
58a96e0f50 fix CF Migration add support for ngIf with just a then (#53297)
26e40c7f89 fix CF Migration fix missing alias for bound ngifs (#53296)
836aeba01d fix Change CF Migration ng-template placeholder generation and handling (#53394)
72d22ba7ee fix fix regexp for else and then in cf migration (#53257)
7a2facae8a fix handle aliases on bound ngIf migrations (#53261)
5104a89b30 fix handle nested ng-template replacement safely in CF migration (#53368)
2a4e3f5373 fix handle templates outside of component in cf migration (#53368)
0db75ab5b1 fix remove setting that removes comments in CF migration (#53350)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
13ade13a15 fix Ensure canMatch guards run on wildcard routes (#53239)

17.0.5 (2023-11-29)


Commit Type Description
6be88040d1 fix avoid stale provider info when TestBed.overrideProvider is used (#52918)
dee50f1d78 fix inherit host directives (#52992)
07920d96d4 fix Reattached views that are dirty from a signal update should refresh (#53001)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
aab7fb8654 fix Add ngForTemplate support to control flow migration (#53076)
dbd6f386ea fix allows colons in ngIf else cases to migrate (#53076)
5b9f896009 fix cf migration fix migrating empty switch default (#53237)
2b3d3b0fe1 fix CF migration log warning when collection aliasing detected in @for (#53238)
dffeac8386 fix cf migration removes unnecessary bound ngifelse attribute (#53236)
00cb3339ba fix control flow migration formatting fixes (#53076)
c22af72f75 fix fix off by one issue with template removal in CF migration (#53255)
ba6d7fe018 fix fixes CF migration i18n ng-template offsets (#53212)
8f6affdd64 fix fixes control flow migration common module removal (#53076)
6ae408847c fix properly handle ngIfThen cases in CF migration (#53256)
0fcef65cea fix Update CF migration to skip templates with duplicate ng-template names (#53204)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
91486aaf07 fix Resolvers in different parts of the route tree should be able to execute together (#52934)

17.0.4 (2023-11-20)


Commit Type Description
7f1c55755d fix remove load on image once it fails to load (#52990)
fafcb0d23f fix scan images once page is loaded (#52991)
### compiler
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
98376f2c09 fix changed after checked error in for loops (#52935)
291deac663 fix generate i18n instructions for blocks (#52958)
49dca36880 fix nested for loops incorrectly calculating computed variables (#52931)
f01b7183d2 fix produce placeholder for blocks in i18n bundles (#52958)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
f671f86ac2 fix add diagnostic for control flow that prevents content projection (#52726)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
db1a8ebdb4 fix cleanup loading promise when no dependencies are defined (#53031)
31a1575334 fix handle local refs when getDeferBlocks is invoked in tests (#52973)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
ac9cd6108f fix control flow migration fails for async pipe with unboxing of observable (#52756) (#52972)
13bf5b7007 fix Fixes control flow migration if then else case (#53006)
492ad4698a fix fixes migrations of nested switches in control flow (#53010)
0fad36eff2 fix tweaks to formatting in control flow migration (#53058)

17.0.3 (2023-11-15)


Commit Type Description
f5872c9921 fix prevent the AsyncAnimationRenderer from calling the delegate when there is no element. (#52570)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
6a1d4ed667 fix handle non-container environment injector cases (#52774)
5de7575be8 fix reset cached scope for components that were overridden using TestBed (#52916)
### http
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
7c066a4af4 fix Use the response content-type to set the blob type. (#52840)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
4e200bf13b fix Add missing support for ngForOf (#52903)
d033540d0f fix Add support for bound versions of NgIfElse and NgIfThenElse (#52869)
aa2d815648 fix Add support for removing imports post migration (#52763)
3831942771 fix Fixes issue with multiple if elses with same template (#52863)
e1f84a31dc fix passed in paths will be respected in nx workspaces (#52796)

17.0.2 (2023-11-09)


Commit Type Description
7a95cccf50 fix add interpolatedSignalNotInvoked to diagnostics (#52687)
a548c0333e fix incorrect inferred type of for loop implicit variables (#52732)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
2cea80c6e2 fix error code in image performance warning (#52727)
b16fc2610a fix limit rate of markers invocations (#52742)
44c48a4835 fix properly update collection with repeated keys in @for (#52697)

17.0.1 (2023-11-08)


Commit Type Description
5c6f3f8ec0 fix Don't override the backend when using the InMemoryWebAPI (#52425)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
70d30c28e0 fix Add support for ng-templates with i18n attributes (#52597)
4f125c5f9a fix Switches to multiple passes to fix several reported bugs (#52592)

Web Frameworks: the internet frontier.
These are the voyages of the framework Angular.
Its continuing mission:
To explore strange, new technologies.
To seek out new users and new applications.
To boldly go where no web framework has gone before.

In honor of v17.0.1

,-----------------------..__/.'         >--.______        _______.---'
]====================<==||(__)        .'          `------'
`-----------------------`' ----.___--/
     /       /---'                 `/

Live long and prosper 🖖🏻

17.0.0 (2023-11-08)

Blog post "Angular v17 is now available".

Breaking Changes


  • Node.js v16 support has been removed and the minimum support version has been bumped to 18.13.0.

    Node.js v16 is planned to be End-of-Life on 2023-09-11. Angular will stop supporting Node.js v16 in Angular v17. For Node.js release schedule details, please see:


  • the NgSwitch directive now defaults to the === equality operator, migrating from the previously used == operator. NgSwitch expressions and / or individual condition values need adjusting to this stricter equality check. The added warning message should help pin-pointing NgSwitch usages where adjustments are needed.


  • Angular now requires zone.js version ~0.14.0
  • Versions of TypeScript older than 5.2 are no longer supported.
  • The mutate method was removed from the WritableSignal interface and completely dropped from the public API surface. As an alternative, please use the update method and make immutable changes to the object.

    Example before:

    items.mutate(itemsArray => itemsArray.push(newItem));

    Example after:

    items.update(itemsArray => [itemsArray, …newItem]);
  • OnPush components that are created dynamically now only have their host bindings refreshed and ngDoCheck run during change detection if they are dirty. Previously, a bug in the change detection would result in the OnPush configuration of dynamically created components to be ignored when executing host bindings and the ngDoCheck function. This is rarely encountered but can happen if code has a handle on the ComponentRef instance and updates values read in the OnPush component template without then calling either markForCheck or detectChanges on that component's ChangeDetectorRef.


  • REMOVE_STYLES_ON_COMPONENT_DESTROY default value is now true. This causes CSS of components to be removed from the DOM when destroyed. You retain the previous behaviour by providing the REMOVE_STYLES_ON_COMPONENT_DESTROY injection token.

    import {REMOVE_STYLES_ON_COMPONENT_DESTROY} from '@angular/platform-browser';
    providers: [{
      useValue: false,
  • The withNoDomReuse() function was removed from the public API. If you need to disable hydration, you can exclude the provideClientHydration() call from provider list in your application (which would disable hydration features for the entire application) or use ngSkipHydration attribute to disable hydration for particular components. See this guide for additional information:


  • Absolute redirects no longer prevent further redirects. Route configurations may need to be adjusted to prevent infinite redirects where additional redirects were previously ignored after an absolute redirect occurred.
  • Routes with loadComponent would incorrectly cause child routes to inherit their data by default. The default paramsInheritanceStrategy is emptyOnly. If parent data should be inherited in child routes, this should be manually set to always.
  • urlHandlingStrategy has been removed from the Router public API. This should instead be configured through the provideRouter or RouterModule.forRoot APIs.
  • The following Router properties have been removed from the public API:

    • canceledNavigationResolution
    • paramsInheritanceStrategy
    • titleStrategy
    • urlUpdateStrategy
    • malformedUriErrorHandler

    These should instead be configured through the provideRouter or RouterModule.forRoot APIs.

  • The setupTestingRouter function has been removed. Use RouterModule.forRoot or provideRouter to setup the Router for tests instead.
  • malformedUriErrorHandler is no longer available in the RouterModule.forRoot options. URL parsing errors should instead be handled in the UrlSerializer.parse method.


  • Deep and legacy dist/ imports like zone.js/bundles/zone-testing.js and zone.js/dist/zone are no longer allowed. zone-testing-bundle and zone-testing-node-bundle are also no longer part of the package.

    The proper way to import zone.js and zone.js/testing is:

    import 'zone.js';
    import 'zone.js/testing';



  • The AnimationDriver.NOOP symbol is deprecated, use NoopAnimationDriver instead.


  • ChangeDetectorRef.checkNoChanges is deprecated.

    Test code should use ComponentFixture instead of ChangeDetectorRef. Application code should not call ChangeDetectorRef.checkNoChanges directly.

  • Swapping out the context object for EmbeddedViewRef is no longer supported. Support for this was introduced with v12.0.0, but this pattern is rarely used. There is no replacement, but you can use simple assignments in most cases, or Object.assign , or alternatively still replace the full object by using a Proxy (see NgTemplateOutlet as an example).

    Also adds a warning if the deprecated

  • NgProbeToken

    The NgProbeToken is not used internally since the transition from View Engine to Ivy. The token has no utility and can be removed from applications and libraries.


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 59aa0634f4 | build | remove support for Node.js v16 (#51755) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | e753278faa | feat | Add the possibility of lazy loading animations code. (#50738) | | 698c058e1c | fix | remove code duplication between entry-points (#51500) | | 0598613950 | refactor | deprecation of AnimationDriver.NOOP (#51843) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 2da3551a70 | feat | report gc and render time spent in script (#50771) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | fe2fd7e1a8 | feat | make the warning for lazy-loaded lcp image an error (#51748) | | dde3fdabbd | feat | upgrade warning to logged error for lazy-loaded LCP images using NgOptimizedImage (#52004) | | da056a1fe2 | fix | add missing types field for @angular/common/locales of exports in package.json (#52080) | | 85843e8212 | fix | allow to specify only some properties of DatePipeConfig (#51287) | | 3bd85fb7b0 | fix | apply fixed_srcset_width value only to fixed srcsets (#52459) | | 65b460448e | fix | missing space in ngSwitch equality warning (#52180) | | 86c5e34601 | fix | remove code duplication between entry-points (#51500) | | 28a5925f53 | fix | use === operator to match NgSwitch cases (#51504) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 1934524a0c | feat | add docs extraction for type aliases (#52118) | | 7f6d9a73ab | feat | expand class api doc extraction (#51733) | | a7fa25306f | feat | extract api docs for interfaces (#52006) | | 7bfe20707f | feat | extract api for fn overloads and abtract classes (#52040) | | c7daf7ea16 | feat | extract directive docs info (#51733) | | e0b1bb33d7 | feat | extract doc info for JsDoc (#51733) | | b9c70158ab | feat | extract docs for accessors, rest params, and types (#51733) | | a24ae994a0 | feat | extract docs for top level functions and consts (#51733) | | 2e41488296 | feat | extract docs info for enums, pipes, and NgModules (#51733) | | 34495b3533 | feat | extract docs via exports (#51828) | | 7e82df45c5 | feat | initial skeleton for API doc extraction (#51733) | | 6795cccbbb | fix | account for type-only imports in defer blocks (#52343) | | 23bfa10ac8 | fix | add diagnostic for inaccessible deferred trigger (#51922) | | 31295a3cf9 | fix | allocating unnecessary slots in conditional instruction (#51913) | | 2aaddd3f64 | fix | allow comments between switch cases (#52449) | | ddd9df68bb | fix | allow decimals in defer block time values (#52433) | | 7dbd47fb30 | fix | allow newlines in track and let expressions (#52137) | | 0eae992c4e | fix | allow nullable values in for loop block (#51997) | | 073ebfe09e | fix | apply style on :host attributes in prod builds. (#49118) | | 81a287a79a | fix | avoid error in template parser for tag names that can occur in object prototype (#52225) | | 6c58252521 | fix | compilation error when for loop block expression contains new line (#52447) | | 9d19c8e317 | fix | don't allocate variable to for loop expression (#52158) | | 9acd2ac98b | fix | enable block syntax in the linker (#51979) | | 1d871c03a5 | fix | forward referenced dependencies not identified as deferrable (#52017) | | 16ff08ec70 | fix | narrow the type of expressions in event listeners inside if blocks (#52069) | | ac0d5dcfd6 | fix | narrow the type of expressions in event listeners inside switch blocks (#52069) | | 02edb43067 | fix | narrow the type of the aliased if block expression (#51952) | | 83067b3ef2 | fix | ng-template directive invoke twice at the root of control flow (#52515) | | 17078a3fe1 | fix | pipes used inside defer triggers not being picked up (#52071) | | 861ce3a7c5 | fix | pipes using DI not working in blocks (#52112) | | 1f5039bbd6 | fix | project control flow root elements into correct slot (#52414) | | 81c315ec6e | fix | template type checking not reporting diagnostics for incompatible type comparisons (#52322) | | 1beef49d80 | fix | update the minVersion if component uses block syntax (#51979) | | 386e1e9500 | fix | work around TypeScript bug when narrowing switch statements (#52110) | | e5bca43224 | perf | further reduce bundle size using arrow functions (#52010) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 5b66330329 | fix | allow non-array imports for standalone component in local compilation mode (#51819) | | 377a7abfda | fix | bypass static resolving of the component's changeDetection field in local compilation mode (#51848) | | 19c3dc18d3 | fix | fix NgModule injector def in local compilation mode when imports/exports are non-array expressions (#51819) | | 11bb19cafc | fix | handle nested qualified names in ctor injection in local compilation mode (#51947) | | f91f222b55 | fix | resolve component encapsulation enum in local compilation mode (#51848) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 59b6ec6be8 | docs | Deprecate ChangeDetectorRef.checkNoChanges (#52431) | | 4f04d1cdab | feat | add new list reconcilation algorithm (#51980) | | c7127b98b5 | feat | add schematic to escape block syntax characters (#51905) | | 50275e58b8 | feat | Add schematic to migrate control flow syntax (#52035) | | 81b67aa987 | feat | add support for zone.js 0.14.0 (#51774) | | 048f400efc | feat | add warnings for oversized images and lazy-lcp (#51846) | | 93675dc797 | feat | conditional built-in control flow (#51346) | | 4427e1ebc2 | feat | create function to assert not running inside reactive context (#52049) | | e23aaa7d75 | feat | drop support for older TypeScript versions (#51792) | | 43e6fb0606 | feat | enable block syntax (#51994) | | 3cbb2a8ecf | feat | implement deferred block interaction triggers (#51830) | | 8be2c48b7c | feat | implement new block syntax (#51891) | | a54713c831 | feat | implement ɵgetInjectorMetadata debug API (#51900) | | 5b88d136af | feat | mark core signal APIs as stable (#51821) | | 8eef694def | feat | Provide a diagnostic for missing Signal invocation in template interpolation. (#49660) | | 40113f653c | feat | Remove deprecated CompilerOptions.useJit andCompilerOptions.missingTranslation. (#49672) | | 68ba798ae3 | feat | revamp the runtime error message for orphan components to include full component info (#51919) | | 1a4aee7e49 | feat | show runtime error for orphan component rendering (#52061) | | 687b96186c | feat | support deferred hover triggers (#51874) | | e2e3d69a27 | feat | support deferred triggers with implicit triggers (#51922) | | 16f5fc40a4 | feat | support deferred viewport triggers (#51874) | | 59387ee476 | feat | support styles and styleUrl as strings (#51715) | | 9cc52b9b85 | feat | support TypeScript 5.2 (#51334) | | 7d42dc3c02 | feat | the new list reconciliation algorithm for built-in for (#51980) | | 935c1816fd | fix | add rejectErrors option to toSignal (#52474) | | 5411864c2e | fix | adjust toSignal types to handle more common cases (#51991) | | dcf18dc74c | fix | allow toSignal calls in reactive context (#51831) | | dbffdc09c2 | fix | avoid duplicated code between entry-points (primary, testing, rxjs-interop) (#51500) | | 4f69d620d9 | fix | deferred blocks not removing content immediately when animations are enabled (#51971) | | df58c0b714 | fix | disallow afterRender in reactive contexts (#52138) | | 5d61221ed7 | fix | disallow using effect inside reactive contexts (#52138) | | 99e7629159 | fix | do not remove used ng-template nodes in control flow migration (#52186) | | c7ff9dff2c | fix | drop mutate function from the signals public API (#51821) | | 00128e3853 | fix | drop mutate function from the signals public API (#51821) (#51986) | | ddef3ac9a4 | fix | effects wait for ngOnInit for their first run (#52473) | | 5ead7d412d | fix | ensure a consumer drops all its stale producers (#51722) | | 1dd8558f82 | fix | Ensure backwards-referenced transplanted views are refreshed (#51854) | | 50ad074505 | fix | framework debug APIs getDependenciesForTokenInInjector and getInjectorMetadata (#51719) | | 80e7a0f8fa | fix | guard usages of performance.mark (#52505) | | b9ea2d6900 | fix | handle aliased index with no space in control flow migration (#52444) | | ffe9b1fcc2 | fix | handle for alias with as in control flow migration (#52183) | | e5720edb46 | fix | handle if alias in control flow migration (#52181) | | 4461cefa4f | fix | handle trackBy and aliased index in control flow migration (#52423) | | 7368b8aaeb | fix | host directive validation not picking up duplicate directives on component node (#52073) | | 696f003553 | fix | mutation bug in getDependenciesFromInjectable (#52450) | | d487014785 | fix | Remove no longer needed build rule related to removed migration (#52143) | | 4da08dc2ef | fix | remove unnecessary migration (#52141) | | 384d7aacd0 | fix | replace assertion with more intentional error (#52427) | | 40bb45f329 | fix | Respect OnPush change detection strategy for dynamically created components (#51356) | | 3a19d6b743 | fix | run afterRender callbacks outside of the Angular zone (#51385) | | a2ba5482c3 | fix | use TNode instead of LView for mapping injector providers (#52436) | | d5dad3eb4c | fix | viewport trigger deregistering callbacks multiple times (#52115) | | 8e4a7ab52b | perf | avoid repeated access to LContainer and trackBy calculation (#52227) | | 1dc14d9853 | perf | avoid unnecessary callbacks in after render hooks (#52292) | | e90694259e | perf | build-in for should update indexes only when views were added / removed (#52051) | | 1032c1e1a5 | perf | cache LiveCollectionLContainerImpl (#52227) | | 685d01e106 | perf | chain template instructions (#51546) | | 88a0af64fd | perf | generate arrow functions for pure function calls (#51668) | | 37d627dbd4 | perf | minimze trackBy calculations (#52227) | | 3861a73135 | perf | Update LView consumer to only mark component for check (#52302) | | 9b9e11fcaf | refactor | deprecate allowing full context object to be replaced in EmbeddedViewRef (#51887) | | ba9fc2419e | refactor | deprecate the NgProbeToken (#51396) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 7dde42a5df | feat | allow customization of the HttpTransferCache. (#52029) | | 8156b3d4ec | fix | Don't override the backend when using the InMemoryWebAPI (#52425) | | bd9e91ecf7 | perf | reduce data transfer when using HTTP caching (#52347) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 449830f24e | feat | Complete inside @switch (#52153) | | e2416a284f | feat | Enable go to definition of styleUrl (#51746) | | 023a181ba5 | feat | Implement outlining spans for control flow blocks (#52062) | | 7c052bb6ef | feat | Support autocompletion for blocks (#52121) | | 9d565cd6d6 | fix | Autocomplete block keywords in more cases (#52198) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 5a20a44c64 | fix | ng-add schematics for application builder (#51777) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | f0da7c2e44 | feat | schematic to remove deprecated CompilerOptions properties (#49672) | | 965ce5a8c5 | feat | Schematics for TransferState, StateKey and makeStateKey migration. (#49594) | | 09e905ad67 | fix | account for separator characters inside strings (#52525) | | 4c878f90d2 | fix | Add support for nested structures inside a switch statement (#52358) | | d7397fb29b | fix | Ensure control flow migration ignores new block syntax (#52402) | | 6a01d62b9d | fix | fix broken migration when no control flow is present (#52399) | | 9c2be715a3 | fix | Fixes a bug in the ngFor pre-v5 alias translation (#52531) | | 54fed68bbf | fix | Fixes the root level template offset in control flow migration (#52355) | | 57404d4723 | fix | handle comma-separated syntax in ngFor (#52525) | | 54bc384661 | fix | handle nested classes in block entities migration (#52309) | | c9b1ddff4d | fix | handle nested classes in control flow migration (#52309) | | 6988a0070e | fix | handle ngIf else condition with no whitespaces (#52504) | | e40e55d902 | fix | Remove unhelpful parsing errors from the log (#52401) | | c267f54bc3 | fix | Update regex to better match ng-templates (#52529) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | c340d6e044 | feat | enable removal of styles on component destroy by default (#51571) | | c5daa6ce77 | feat | expose EventManagerPlugin in the public API. (#49969) | | 5b375d106f | fix | Fire Animations events when using async animations. (#52087) | | 65786b2b96 | fix | prevent duplicate stylesheets from being created (#52019) | | 75d610d420 | fix | set animation properties when using async animations. (#52087) | | 3c0577f991 | perf | disable styles of removed components instead of removing (#51808) | | c9cde3ab10 | perf | only append style element on creation (#52237) | | dbc14eb41d | refactor | remove withNoDomReuse function (#52057) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 0c66e2424c | fix | resolve relative requests URL (#52326) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 1da28f4825 | feat | Add callback to execute when a view transition is created (#52002) | | 73e4bf2ed2 | feat | Add feature to support the View Transitions API (#51314) | | 86e91463af | feat | Add option to skip the first view transition (#51825) | | ce1b915868 | fix | Allow redirects after an absolute redirect (#51731) | | 37df395be0 | fix | children of routes with loadComponent should not inherit parent data by default (#52114) | | 4dce8766f8 | fix | Ensure newly resolved data is inherited by child routes (#52167) | | f464e39364 | fix | Ensure title observable gets latest values (#51561) | | b2aff43621 | fix | Remove urlHandlingStrategy from public Router properties (#51631) | | c62e680098 | fix | Remove deprecated Router properties (#51502) | | 3c6258c85b | fix | Remove deprecated setupTestingRouter function (#51826) | | 0b3e6a41d0 | fix | Remove malformedUriErrorHandler from ExtraOptions (#51745) | | c03baed854 | fix | use DOCUMENT token instead of document directly in view transitions (#51814) |

16.2.12 (2023-11-02)


Commit Type Description
03f4050636 fix remove finish listener once player is destroyed (#51136)
### common
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
e092184a5c fix apply fixed_srcset_width values only to fixed srcsets (#52486)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
b3b4ae4c3a fix properly emit literal types in input coercion function arguments (#52437)
873c4f2454 fix use originally used module specifier for transform functions (#52437)

16.2.11 (2023-10-25)


Commit Type Description
54ea3b65c3 fix emit provider configured event when a service is configured with providedIn (#52365)
78533324dc fix get root and platform injector providers in special cases (#52365)
019a0f4c22 fix load global utils before creating platform injector in the standalone case (#52365)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
b79b4aca91 fix RouterTestingHarness should throw if a component is expected but navigation fails (#52357)

16.2.10 (2023-10-18)

16.2.9 (2023-10-11)


Commit Type Description
51a5baace3 fix reset() call with null values on nested group (#48830)

16.2.8 (2023-10-04)


Commit Type Description
b732961fc3 fix Retain correct language service when ts.Project reloads (#51912)
### service-worker
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
966ce9790a fix throw a critical error when handleFetch fails (#51960)

15.2.10 (2023-10-04)


Commit Type Description
9fe08968b8 fix throw a critical error when handleFetch fail (#51989)

16.2.7 (2023-09-27)


Commit Type Description
39a3e34e03 fix allow toSignal calls in reactive context (#51831) (#51892)
### service-worker
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
c3d901eacf fix throw a critical error when handleFetch fails (#51885)

16.2.6 (2023-09-20)


Commit Type Description
82712f80df fix ensure a consumer drops all its stale producers (#51722) (#51772)

16.2.5 (2023-09-13)

16.2.4 (2023-09-06)

16.2.3 (2023-08-30)


Commit Type Description
04c6574280 fix remove unnecessary escaping in regex expressions (#51554)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
dbd761f528 fix correct incomplete escaping (#51557)
5c36fc784f fix remove unnecessary escaping in regex expressions (#51554)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
dcd1add06f fix correct incomplete escaping (#51557)
20d62603c2 fix handle hydration of view containers that use component hosts as anchors (#51456)
e6b301caa2 fix remove unnecessary escaping in regex expressions (#51554)
0c7c852ee7 fix run afterRender callbacks outside of the Angular zone (#51551)
### language-service
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
8081fdd22d fix correct incomplete escaping (#51557)

16.2.2 (2023-08-23)


Commit Type Description
a43c0772ea fix Allow safeUrl for ngSrc in NgOptimizedImage (#51351)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
39ace8664b fix enforce a minimum version to be used when a library uses input transform (#51413)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
36f434e49d fix guard the jasmine hooks (#51394)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
b0396e7164 fix Ensure canceledNavigationResolution: 'computed' works on first page (#51441)

16.2.1 (2023-08-16)


Commit Type Description
232a8c1b8d fix Apply named outlets to children empty paths not appearing in the URL (#51292)

16.2.0 (2023-08-09)


Commit Type Description
dd850b2ab7 fix correctly report GC memory amounts (#50760)
### common
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
29d358170b feat add component input binding support for NgComponentOutlet (#51148)
1837efb9da feat Allow ngSrc to be changed post-init (#50683)
### compiler
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
c27a1e61d6 feat scope selectors in @scope queries (#50747)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
12bad6576d fix libraries compiled with v16.1+ breaking with Angular framework v16.0.x (#50714)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
e53d4ecf4c feat add afterRender and afterNextRender (#50607)
98d262fd27 feat create injector debugging APIs (#48639)
cdaa2a8a9e feat support Provider type in Injector.create (#49587)
9f490da7e2 fix handle hydration of view containers for root components (#51247)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
0b14e4ef74 feat exposes the fixture of the RouterTestingHarness (#50280)

16.1.9 (2023-08-09)

16.1.8 (2023-08-02)


Commit Type Description
cc722ea1f5 fix return full spans for Comment nodes (#50855)

16.1.7 (2023-07-26)


Commit Type Description
916916d835 fix check whether Zone is defined (#51119)

16.1.6 (2023-07-19)


Commit Type Description
dea8dc0378 fix Run fetch request out the angular zone (#50981)

16.1.5 (2023-07-13)


Commit Type Description
f920fcbd94 fix Ensure elements are removed from the cache after leave animation. (#50929)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
499fb5c772 fix ensure that standalone components get correct injector instances (#50954)
c65913ecb7 fix handle deref returning null on RefactiveNode. (#50992)
### platform-browser
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
31419f6a3b perf do not remove renderer from cache when REMOVE_STYLES_ON_COMPONENT_DESTROY is enabled. (#51005)
### upgrade
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
3efb577cf3 fix Use takeUntil on leaky subscription. (#50901)

16.1.4 (2023-07-06)


Commit Type Description
4ba5850ba6 fix use setTimeout when coalescing tasks in Node.js (#50820)
### upgrade
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
a4348355ce fix allow for downgraded components to work with component-router (#50871)

16.1.3 (2023-06-28)


Commit Type Description
dd6fc5785f fix expose input transform function on ComponentFactory and ComponentMirror (#50713)
### elements
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
e1bbe47c23 fix support input transform functions (#50713)
### platform-browser
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
79dd6a847a fix wait until animation completion before destroying renderer (#50677)
a797f41d1b fix wait until animation completion before destroying renderer (#50860)

16.1.2 (2023-06-21)


Commit Type Description
9488a3fd46 fix Send query params on fetch request (#50740)
5ae001829c fix use serializeBody to support JSON payload in FetchBackend (#50776)

16.1.1 (2023-06-14)


Commit Type Description
71360b3a3e fix libraries compiled with v16.1+ breaking with Angular framework v16.0.x (#50715)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
d9bed48eb5 fix extend toSignal to accept any Subscribable (#50162)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
5e1d8444ae fix Prevent a component from importing itself. (#50554)

16.1.0 (2023-06-13)


Commit Type Description
4e663297c5 fix error when reading compiled input transforms metadata in JIT mode (#50600)
721bc72649 fix resolve deprecation warning with TypeScript 5.1 (#50460)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
68017d4e75 feat add ability to transform input values (#50420)
69dadd2502 feat support TypeScript 5.1 (#50156)
c0ebe34cbd fix add additional component metadata to component ID generation (#50336)
### http
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
85c5427582 feat Introduction of the fetch Backend for the HttpClient (#50247)

16.0.6 (2023-06-13)


Commit Type Description
05ac0868c9 fix avoid duplicated content during hydration while processing a component with i18n (#50644)

16.0.5 (2023-06-08)


Commit Type Description
703b8fcac1 fix do not remove comments in component styles (#50346)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
2b6da93e19 fix incorrectly throwing error for self-referencing component (#50559)
c992109d6c fix wait for HTTP in ngOnInit correctly before server render (#50573)
### platform-server
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
c0d4086c6e fix surface errors during rendering (#50587)

16.0.4 (2023-06-01)


Commit Type Description
df65c4fc8f fix Trigger leave animation when ViewContainerRef is injected (#48705)
### common
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
7e1bc513de fix untrack subscription and unsubscription in async pipe (#50522)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
9970b29ace fix update ApplicationRef.isStable to account for rendering pending tasks (#50425)

16.0.3 (2023-05-24)


Commit Type Description
c11041e372 fix adds missing symbols for animation standalone bundling test (#50434)
98e8fdf40e fix fix Self flag inside embedded views with custom injectors (#50270)
199ff4fe7f fix host directives incorrectly validating aliased bindings (#50364)
### http
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
080bbd2137 fix create macrotask during request handling instead of load start (#50406)

16.0.2 (2023-05-17)


Commit Type Description
c1016d4e57 fix add additional component metadata to component ID generation (#50340)
cc41758b59 fix allow onDestroy unregistration while destroying (#50237)
7d679bdb59 fix allow passing value of any type to isSignal function (#50035)

16.0.1 (2023-05-10)


Commit Type Description
52c74d3b4a fix add additional component metadata to component ID generation (#50203)
048b6b1e0d fix bootstrapApplication call not rejected when error is thrown in importProvidersFrom module (#50120)
d68796782f fix handle hydration of root components with injected ViewContainerRef (#50136)
f751ce6445 fix handle projection of hydrated containters into components that skip hydration (#50199)
346ab73dd9 fix only try to retrieve transferred state on the browser (#50144)

16.0.0 (2023-05-03)

Blog post "Angular v16 is now available".

Breaking Changes


  • Angular Compatibility Compiler (ngcc) has been removed and as a result Angular View Engine libraries will no longer work
  • Deprecated EventManager method addGlobalEventListener has been removed as it is not used by Ivy.


  • Several changes to the Angular Package Format (APF)
    • Removal of FESM2015
    • Replacing ES2020 with ES2022
    • Replacing FESM2020 with FESM2022
  • Several changes to the Angular Package Format (APF)
    • Removal of FESM2015
    • Replacing ES2020 with ES2022
    • Replacing FESM2020 with FESM2022


  • MockPlatformLocation is now provided by default in tests. Existing tests may have behaviors which rely on BrowserPlatformLocation instead. For example, direct access to the window.history in either the test or the component rather than going through the Angular APIs (Location.getState()). The quickest fix is to update the providers in the test suite to override the provider again TestBed.configureTestingModule({providers: [{provide: PlatformLocation, useClass: BrowserPlatformLocation}]}). The ideal fix would be to update the code to instead be compatible with MockPlatformLocation instead.
  • If the 'ngTemplateOutletContext' is different from the context, it will result in a compile-time error.

    Before the change, the following template was compiling:

    interface MyContext {
     $implicit: string;
     standalone: true,
     imports: [NgTemplateOutlet],
     selector: 'person',
     template: `
           context: { $implicit: 'test', xxx: 'xxx' }
    export class PersonComponent {
     myTemplateRef!: TemplateRef<MyContext>;

    However, it does not compile now because the 'xxx' property does not exist in 'MyContext', resulting in the error: 'Type '{ $implicit: string; xxx: string; }' is not assignable to type 'MyContext'.'

    The solution is either:

    • add the 'xxx' property to 'MyContext' with the correct type or
    • add '$any(...)' inside the template to make the error disappear. However, adding '$any(...)' does not correct the error but only preserves the previous behavior of the code.
  • Deprecated XhrFactory export from @angular/common/http has been removed. Use XhrFactory from @angular/common instead.


    • TypeScript 4.8 is no longer supported.


  • QueryList.filter now supports type guard functions, which will result in type narrowing. Previously if you used type guard functions, it resulted in no changes to the return type. Now the type would be narrowed, which might require updates to the application code that relied on the old behavior.
  • zone.js versions 0.11.x and 0.12.x are not longer supported.
    • entryComponents has been deleted from the @NgModule and @Component public APIs. Any usages can be removed since they weren't doing anyting.
    • ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS injection token has been deleted. Any references can be removed.
  • ComponentRef.setInput will only set the input on the component if it is different from the previous value (based on equality). If code relies on the input always being set, it should be updated to copy objects or wrap primitives in order to ensure the input value differs from the previous call to setInput.
  • RendererType2.styles no longer accepts a nested arrays.
  • The APP_ID token value is no longer randomly generated. If you are bootstrapping multiple application on the same page you will need to set to provide the APP_ID yourself.

    bootstrapApplication(ComponentA, {
      providers: [
       { provide: APP_ID, useValue: 'app-a' },
       // ... other providers ...
  • The ReflectiveInjector and related symbols were removed. Please update the code to avoid references to the ReflectiveInjector symbol. Use Injector.create as a replacement to create an injector instead.
  • Node.js v14 support has been removed

    Node.js v14 is planned to be End-of-Life on 2023-04-30. Angular will stop supporting Node.js v14 in Angular v16. Angular v16 will continue to officially support Node.js versions v16 and v18.


  • The deprecated BrowserTransferStateModule was removed, since it's no longer needed. The TransferState class can be injected without providing the module. The BrowserTransferStateModule was empty starting from v14 and you can just remove the reference to that module from your applications.


  • Users that are using SSR with JIT mode will now need to add import to @angular/compiler before bootstrapping the application.

    NOTE: this does not effect users using the Angular CLI.

  • renderApplication method no longer accepts a root component as first argument. Instead, provide a bootstrapping function that returns a Promise<ApplicationRef>.


    const output: string = await renderApplication(RootComponent, options);


    const bootstrap = () => bootstrapApplication(RootComponent, appConfig);
    const output: string = await renderApplication(bootstrap, options);
  • renderModuleFactory has been removed. Use renderModule instead.


  • The Scroll event's routerEvent property may also be a NavigationSkipped event. Previously, it was only a NavigationEnd event.
  • ComponentFactoryResolver has been removed from Router APIs. Component factories are not required to create an instance of a component dynamically. Passing a factory resolver via resolver argument is no longer needed and code can instead use ViewContainerRef.createComponent without the factory resolver.
  • The RouterEvent type is no longer present in the Event union type representing all router event types. If you have code using something like filter((e: Event): e is RouterEvent => e instanceof RouterEvent), you'll need to update it to filter((e: Event|RouterEvent): e is RouterEvent => e instanceof RouterEvent).
  • Tests which mock ActivatedRoute instances may need to be adjusted because Router.createUrlTree now does the right thing in more scenarios. This means that tests with invalid/incomplete ActivatedRoute mocks may behave differently than before. Additionally, tests may now navigate to a real URL where before they would navigate to the root. Ensure that tests provide expected routes to match. There is rarely production impact, but it has been found that relative navigations when using an ActivatedRoute that does not appear in the current router state were effectively ignored in the past. By creating the correct URLs, this sometimes resulted in different navigation behavior in the application. Most often, this happens when attempting to create a navigation that only updates query params using an empty command array, for example router.navigate([], {relativeTo: route, queryParams: newQueryParams}). In this case, the relativeTo property should be removed.



  • makeStateKey, StateKey and TransferState exports have been moved from @angular/platform-browser to @angular/core. Please update the imports.

    - import {makeStateKey, StateKey, TransferState} from '@angular/platform-browser';
    + import {makeStateKey, StateKey, TransferState} from '@angular/core';
  • EnvironmentInjector.runInContext is now deprecated, with runInInjectionContext functioning as a direct replacement:

    // Previous method version (deprecated):
    // New standalone function:
    runInInjectionContext(envInjector, fn);
  • The @Directive/@Component moduleId property is now deprecated. It did not have any effect for multiple major versions and will be removed in v17.


  • BrowserModule.withServerTransition has been deprecated. APP_ID should be used instead to set the application ID. NB: Unless, you render multiple Angular applications on the same page, setting an application ID is not necessary.


    imports: [
      BrowserModule.withServerTransition({ appId: 'serverApp' }),


    imports: [
      { provide: APP_ID, useValue: 'serverApp' },
  • ApplicationConfig has moved, please import ApplicationConfig from @angular/core instead.


  • PlatformConfig.baseUrl and PlatformConfig.useAbsoluteUrl platform-server config options are deprecated as these were not used.


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 48aa96ea13 | refactor | remove Angular Compatibility Compiler (ngcc) (#49101) | | 2703fd6260 | refactor | remove deprecated EventManager method addGlobalEventListener (#49645) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 5dce2a5a3a | feat | Provide MockPlatformLocation by default in BrowserTestingModule (#49137) | | d47fef72cb | fix | strict type checking for ngtemplateoutlet (#48374) | | c41a21658c | refactor | remove deprecated XhrFactory export from http entrypoint (#49251) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 1a6ca68154 | feat | add support for compile-time required inputs (#49304) | | 13dd614cd1 | feat | add support for compile-time required inputs (#49453) | | 8f539c11f4 | feat | add support for compile-time required inputs (#49468) | | 79cdfeb392 | feat | drop support for TypeScript 4.8 (#49155) | | 1407a9aeaf | feat | support multiple configuration files in extends (#49125) | | 9de1e9da8f | fix | incorrectly matching directives on attribute bindings (#49713) | | 6623810e4d | fix | Produce diagnositc if directive used in host binding is not exported (#49527) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 03d1d00ad9 | feat | Add an extended diagnostic for nSkipHydration (#49512) | | ed817e32fe | fix | Catch FatalDiagnosticError during template type checking (#49527) | | 49fe974501 | perf | optimize NgModule emit for standalone components (#49837) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 89d291c367 | feat | add assertInInjectionContext (#49529) | | 4e9531f777 | feat | add mergeApplicationConfig method (#49253) | | d7d6514add | feat | Add ability to configure NgZone in bootstrapApplication (#49557) | | bc5ddabdcb | feat | add Angular Signals to the public API (#49150) | | 17e9862653 | feat | add API to provide CSP nonce for inline stylesheets (#49444) | | 605c536420 | feat | add migration to remove moduleId references (#49496) | | 99d874fe3b | feat | add support for TypeScript 5.0 (#49126) | | d1617c449d | feat | allow removal of previously registered DestroyRef callbacks (#49493) | | b2327f4df1 | feat | Allow typeguards on QueryList.filter (#48042) | | 061f3d1086 | feat | Drop public factories property for IterableDiffers : Breaking change (#49598) | | fdf61974d1 | feat | drop support for zone.js versions <=0.12.0 (#49331) | | 9c5fd50de4 | feat | effects can optionally return a cleanup function (#49625) | | c024574f46 | feat | expose makeStateKey, StateKey and TransferState (#49563) | | a5f1737d1c | feat | expose onDestroy on ApplicationRef (#49677) | | e883198460 | feat | implement takeUntilDestroyed in rxjs-interop (#49154) | | 0814f20594 | feat | introduce runInInjectionContext and deprecate prior version (#49396) | | 0f5c8003cc | feat | introduce concept of DestroyRef (#49158) | | 9b65b84cb9 | feat | Mark components for check if they read a signal (#49153) | | 8997bdc03b | feat | prototype implementation of @angular/core/rxjs-interop (#49154) | | 585e34bf6c | feat | remove entryComponents (#49484) | | aad05ebeb4 | feat | support usage of non-experimental decorators with TypeScript 5.0 (#49492) | | 6d7be42da7 | fix | add newline to hydration mismatch error (#49965) | | f8e25864e8 | fix | allow async functions in effects (#49783) | | 84216dabfc | fix | catch errors from source signals outside of .next (#49769) | | be23b7ce65 | fix | ComponentRef.setInput only sets input when not equal to previous (#49607) | | 316c91b1a4 | fix | deprecate moduleId @Component property (#49496) | | fd9dcd36cd | fix | Ensure effects can be created when Zone is not defined (#49890) | | 9180f98f0e | fix | ensure takeUntilDestroyed unregisters onDestroy listener on unsubscribe (#49901) | | 4721c48a24 | fix | error if document body is null (#49818) | | 2650f1afc1 | fix | execute input setters in non-reactive context (#49906) | | f8b95b9da6 | fix | execute query setters in non-reactive context (#49906) | | ef91a2e0fe | fix | execute template creation in non-reactive context (#49883) | | 87549af73c | fix | Fix capitalization of toObservableOptions (#49832) | | 0e5f9ba6f4 | fix | generate consistent component IDs (#48253) | | fedc75624c | fix | include inner ViewContainerRef anchor nodes into ViewRef.rootNodes output (#49867) | | df1dfc4c17 | fix | make sure that lifecycle hooks are not tracked (#49701) | | c34d7e0822 | fix | onDestroy should be registered only on valid DestroyRef (#49804) | | 2f2ef14f9e | fix | resolve InitialRenderPendingTasks promise on complete (#49784) | | c7d8d3ee37 | fix | toObservable should allow writes to signals in the effect (#49769) | | b4531f1d82 | fix | typing of TestBed Common token. (#49997) | | a4e749ffca | fix | When using setInput, mark view dirty in same was as markForCheck (#49711) | | 9b9c818f99 | perf | change RendererType2.styles to accept a only a flat array (#49072) | | 82d6fbb109 | refactor | generate a static application ID (#49422) | | 3b863ddc1e | refactor | Remove ReflectiveInjector symbol (#48103) | | f594725951 | refactor | remove Node.js v14 support (#49255) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 07a1aa3004 | feat | Improve typings form (async)Validators (#48679) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | aff1512950 | feat | allow HttpClient to cache requests (#49509) | | 15c91a53ae | fix | delay accessing pendingTasks.whenAllTasksComplete (#49784) | | 9f0c6d1ed1 | fix | ensure new cache state is returned on each request (#49749) | | 45a6ac09fd | fix | force macro task creation during HTTP request (#49546) | | 2a580b6f0b | fix | HTTP cache was being disabled prematurely (#49826) | | 2eb9b8b402 | fix | wait for all XHR requests to finish before stabilizing application (#49776) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 5e5dac278d | feat | Migration to remove Router guard and resolver interfaces (#49337) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 761e02d912 | feat | add a public API function to enable non-destructive hydration (#49666) | | 630af63fae | feat | deprecate withServerTransition call (#49422) | | 81e7d15ef6 | feat | enable HTTP request caching when using provideClientHydration (#49699) | | 74c925c19c | fix | export deprecated TransferState as type (#50015) | | 2312eb53ef | fix | KeyEventsPlugin should keep the same behavior (#49330) | | c934a8e72b | fix | only add ng-app-id to style on server side (#49465) | | 9165ff2517 | fix | reuse server generated component styles (#48253) | | e8e36811d5 | fix | set nonce attribute in a platform compatible way (#49624) | | 3aa85a8087 | refactor | move ApplicationConfig to core (#49253) | | 9bd9a11f4e | refactor | remove deprecated BrowserTransferStateModule symbol (#49718) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | b5278cc115 | feat | renderApplication now accepts a bootstrapping method (#49248) | | 056d68002f | feat | add provideServerSupport function to provide server capabilities to an application (#49380) | | 7870fb07fe | feat | rename provideServerSupport to provideServerRendering (#49678) | | a08a8ff108 | fix | bundle @angular/domino in via esbuild (#49229) | | 5ea624f313 | fix | remove dependency on @angular/platform-browser-dynamic (#50064) | | e99460865e | refactor | deprecate useAbsoluteUrl and baseUrl (#49546) | | 41f27ad086 | refactor | remove renderApplication overload that accepts a component (#49463) | | 17abe6dc96 | refactor | remove deprecated renderModuleFactory (#49247) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | ea32c3289a | feat | Expose information about the last successful Navigation (#49235) | | 455c728525 | feat | helper functions to convert class guards to functional (#48709) | | f982a3f965 | feat | Opt-in for binding Router information to component inputs (#49633) | | 1f055b90b6 | fix | Ensure anchor scrolling happens on ignored same URL navigations (#48025) | | 6193a3d406 | fix | fix = not parsed in router segment name (#47332) | | c0b1b7becf | fix | Remove deprecated ComponentFactoryResolver from APIs (#49239) | | 1e32709e0e | fix | remove RouterEvent from Event union type (#46061) | | 3c7e637374 | fix | Route matching should only happen once when navigating (#49163) | | 1600687fe5 | fix | Route matching should only happen once when navigating (#49163) | | 31f210bf2c | fix | Router.createUrlTree should work with any ActivatedRoute (#48508) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 5e7fc259ea | feat | add function to provide service worker (#48247) |

15.2.9 (2023-05-03)


Commit Type Description
9107e931ca fix fix incorrectly reported distortion for padded images (#49889)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
7c58885797 fix catch fatal diagnostic when getting diagnostics for components (#50046)

15.2.8 (2023-04-19)


Commit Type Description
2fff8fadbe fix handle invalid classes in class array bindings (#49924)
### http
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
05a0225deb fix prevent headers from throwing an error when initializing numerical values (#49379)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
09a42d988e fix canceledNavigationResolution: 'computed' with redirects to the current URL (#49793)

15.2.7 (2023-04-12)


Commit Type Description
b0c1a90f55 fix Produce diagnositc if directive used in host binding is not exported (#49792)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
a40529af2e fix Catch FatalDiagnosticError during template type checking (#49792)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
702ec90110 fix When using setInput, mark view dirty in same way as markForCheck (#49747)
## Special Thanks
Alan Agius, Andrew Kushnir, Andrew Scott, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Matthieu Riegler and Nikola Kološnjaji

13.4.0 (2023-04-06)


Commit Type Description
ae34dbca1b feat Backport NgOptimizedImage to v13
## Special Thanks
Alex Castle and Paul Gschwendtner

15.2.6 (2023-04-05)


Commit Type Description
d9efa1b0d7 feat change the URL sanitization to only block javascript: URLs (#49659)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
cad7274ef9 fix create correct URL relative to path with empty child (#49691)
9b61379096 fix Ensure initial navigation clears current navigation when blocking (#49572)
## Special Thanks
Andrew Scott, Guillaume Weghsteen, John Manners, Johnny Gérard, Matthieu Riegler, Robin Richtsfeld, Sandra Limacher, Sarthak Thakkar, Vinit Neogi and vikram menon

15.2.5 (2023-03-29)


Commit Type Description
ca5acadb78 fix invalid ImageKit transformation (#49201)
### compiler
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
077f6b4674 fix do not unquote CSS values (#49460)
c3cff35869 fix handle trailing comma in object literal (#49535)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
d201fc2dec fix set style property value to empty string instead of an invalid value (#49460)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
978d37f324 fix Ensure Router preloading works with lazy component and static children (#49571)
a844435514 fix fix #49457 outlet activating with old info (#49459)
## Special Thanks
Alan Agius, Andrew Scott, Asaf Malin, Jan Cabadaj, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Matthieu Riegler, Paul Gschwendtner, Sid and Tano Abeleyra

15.2.4 (2023-03-22)


Commit Type Description
bae6b5ceb1 fix Allow TestBed.configureTestingModule to work with recursive cycle of standalone components. (#49473)
087f4412af fix more accurate matching of classes during content projection (#48888)
## Special Thanks
Aditya Srinivasan, Alex Rickabaugh, Andrew Scott, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Masaoki Kobayashi, Matthieu Riegler, Paul Gschwendtner, Peter Götz, Thomas Pischke, Virginia Dooley and avmaxim

15.2.3 (2023-03-16)

Special Thanks

Alan Agius, Esteban Gehring, Matthieu Riegler and Virginia Dooley

14.3.0 (2023-03-13)


Commit Type Description
37bbc61cfe feat Backport NgOptimizedImage to Angular 14.
## Special Thanks
Alex Castle, Joey Perrott and Paul Gschwendtner

15.2.2 (2023-03-08)


Commit Type Description
6207d6f1f0 fix add protractor support if protractor imports are detected (#49274)
## Special Thanks
Alan Agius, Andrew Kushnir, Andrew Scott, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Matthieu Riegler, Paul Gschwendtner, Sai Kartheek Bommisetty and Vinit Neogi

15.2.1 (2023-03-01)


Commit Type Description
f0e926074d fix make Location.normalize() return the correct path when the base path contains characters that interfere with regex syntax. (#49181)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
04d8b6c61a fix do not persist component analysis if template/styles are missing (#49184)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
d60ea6ab5a fix update zone.js peerDependencies ranges (#49244)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
44d095a61c fix avoid migrating the same class multiple times in standalone migration (#49245)
92b0bda9e4 fix delete barrel exports in standalone migration (#49176)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
3062442728 fix add error message when using loadComponent with a NgModule (#49164)
## Special Thanks
Alan Agius, Andrew Kushnir, Aristeidis Bampakos, Craig Spence, Doug Parker, Iván Navarro, Joey Perrott, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Matthieu Riegler, Michael Ziluck, Paul Gschwendtner, Stephanie Tuerk, Vincent and Virginia Dooley

15.2.0 (2023-02-22)



  • Class and InjectionToken guards and resolvers are deprecated. Instead, write guards as plain JavaScript functions and inject dependencies with inject from @angular/core.


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 926c35f4ac | docs | Deprecate class and InjectionToken and resolvers (#47924) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 54b24eb40f | feat | Add loaderParams attribute to NgOptimizedImage (#48907) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 0cf11167f1 | fix | incorrectly detecting forward refs when symbol already exists in file (#48988) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | a154db8a81 | feat | add ng generate schematic to convert declarations to standalone (#48790) | | 345e737daa | feat | add ng generate schematic to convert to standalone bootstrapping APIs (#48848) | | e7318fc758 | feat | add ng generate schematic to remove unnecessary modules (#48832) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 4ae384fd61 | feat | Allow auto-imports of a pipe via quick fix when its selector is used, both directly and via reexports. (#48354) | | 141333411e | feat | Introduce a new NgModuleIndex, and use it to suggest re-exports. (#48354) | | d0145033bd | fix | generate forwardRef for same file imports (#48898) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 2796230e95 | fix | add enum in mode option in standalone schema (#48851) | | 816e76a578 | fix | automatically prune root module after bootstrap step (#49030) | | bdbf21d04b | fix | avoid generating imports with forward slashes (#48993) | | 32cf4e5cb9 | fix | avoid internal modules when generating imports (#48958) | | 521ccfbe6c | fix | avoid interrupting the migration if language service lookup fails (#49010) | | a40cd47aa7 | fix | avoid modifying testing modules without declarations (#48921) | | 1afa6ed322 | fix | don't add ModuleWithProviders to standalone test components (#48987) | | c98c6a8452 | fix | don't copy animations modules into the imports of test components (#49147) | | 8389557848 | fix | don't copy unmigrated declarations into imports array (#48882) | | f82bdc4b01 | fix | don't delete classes that may provide dependencies transitively (#48866) | | 759db12e0b | fix | duplicated comments on migrated classes (#48966) | | ba38178d19 | fix | generate forwardRef for same file imports (#48898) | | 03fcb36cfd | fix | migrate HttpClientModule to provideHttpClient() (#48949) | | 2de6dae16d | fix | migrate RouterModule.forRoot with a config object to use features (#48935) | | 770191cf1f | fix | migrate tests when switching to standalone bootstrap API (#48987) | | c7926b5773 | fix | move standalone migrations into imports (#48987) | | 65c74ed93e | fix | normalize paths to posix (#48850) | | 6377487b1a | fix | only exclude bootstrapped declarations from initial standalone migration (#48987) | | e9e4449a43 | fix | preserve tsconfig in standalone migration (#48987) | | ffad1b49d9 | fix | reduce number of files that need to be checked (#48987) | | ba7a757cc5 | fix | return correct alias when conflicting import exists (#49139) | | 49a7c9f94a | fix | standalone migration incorrectly throwing path error for multi app projects (#48958) | | 584976e6c8 | fix | support --defaults in standalone migration (#48921) | | 03f47ac901 | fix | use consistent quotes in generated imports (#48876) | | ebae506d89 | fix | use import remapper in root component (#49046) | | 40c976c909 | fix | use NgForOf instead of NgFor (#49022) | | 4ac25b2aff | perf | avoid re-traversing nodes when resolving bootstrap call dependencies (#49010) | | 26cb7ab2e6 | perf | speed up language service lookups (#49010) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | bf4ad38117 | fix | remove styles from DOM of destroyed components (#48298) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 25e220a23a | fix | avoid duplicate TransferState info after renderApplication call (#49094) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 31b94c762f | feat | Add a withNavigationErrorHandler feature to provideRouter (#48551) | | dedac8d3f7 | feat | Add test helper for trigger navigations in tests (#48552) |

    Special Thanks

    Alan Agius, Alex Castle, Alex Rickabaugh, Andrew Kushnir, Andrew Scott, Dylan Hunn, Ikko Eltociear Ashimine, Ilyass, Jessica Janiuk, Joey Perrott, John Manners, Kalbarczyk, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Matthieu Riegler, Paul Gschwendtner, Pawel Kozlowski, Virginia Dooley, Walid Bouguima, cexbrayat and mgechev

15.1.5 (2023-02-15)


Commit Type Description
5f2a3edcf2 fix Make radio buttons respect [attr.disabled] (#48864)
## Special Thanks
AleksanderBodurri, Alvaro Junqueira, Dylan Hunn, Joey Perrott, Matthieu Riegler, PaloMiklo and Paul Gschwendtner

15.1.4 (2023-02-08)

Special Thanks

Jessica Janiuk, Kian Yang Lee, Matthieu Riegler, Redouane Bekkouche and Simona Cotin

15.1.3 (2023-02-02)


Commit Type Description
d36dfd4b62 fix fix non-animatable warnings for easing (#48583)
### common
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
a334e4efbe fix warn if using ngSrcset without a configured image loader (#48804)
### compiler
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
171b4d4640 fix incorrect code when non-null assertion is used after a safe access (#48801)
### migrations
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
9e86dd231b fix Fixed file format issue with lint (#48859)
af31f98b00 fix migration host incorrectly reading empty files (#48849)
### platform-server
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
73972c684e fix insert transfer state script before other script tags (#48868)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
d5b2c249a3 fix Handle routerLink directive on svg anchors. (#48857)
## Special Thanks
Alan Agius, Besim Gürbüz, Brecht Billiet, Dario Piotrowicz, Dylan Hunn, Iván Navarro, Jessica Janiuk, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Matthieu Riegler, Onkar Ruikar, Payam Valadkhan, Santosh Yadav, Virginia Dooley and Walid Bouguima

15.1.2 (2023-01-25)


Commit Type Description
98ccb57117 fix handle css selectors with space after an escaped character. (#48558)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
145f848a10 fix resolve deprecation warning (#48812)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
a6b10f6e59 fix 'createUrlTreeFromSnapshot' with empty paths and named outlets (#48734)
## Special Thanks
Alan Agius, AleksanderBodurri, Andrew Kushnir, Andrew Scott, Charles Lyding, Dylan Hunn, JoostK, Matthieu Riegler, Paul Gschwendtner, Payam Valadkhan, Virginia Dooley, Yann Thomas LE MOIGNE and dario-piotrowicz

15.1.1 (2023-01-18)


Commit Type Description
68ce4f6ab4 fix Update Location to get a normalized URL valid in case a represented URL starts with the substring equals APP_BASE_HREF (#48489)
032b2bd689 perf avoid excessive DOM mutation in NgClass (#48433)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
dd54f6bd96 fix makeEnvironmentProviders should accept EnvironmentProviders (#48720)
## Special Thanks
Alan Agius, Alex Rickabaugh, Andrew Scott, Aristeidis Bampakos, Bob Watson, Jens, Konstantin Kharitonov, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Matthieu Riegler, Paul Gschwendtner, Pawel Kozlowski, Vladyslav Slipchenko, ced, dario-piotrowicz, mgechev and ノウラ

15.1.0 (2023-01-10)



  • CanLoad guards in the Router are deprecated. Use CanMatch instead.
  • router writable properties

    The following strategies are meant to be configured by registering the application strategy in DI via the providers in the root NgModule or bootstrapApplication:

    • routeReuseStrategy
    • titleStrategy
    • urlHandlingStrategy

    The following options are meant to be configured using the options available in RouterModule.forRoot or provideRouter.

    • onSameUrlNavigation
    • paramsInheritanceStrategy
    • urlUpdateStrategy
    • canceledNavigationResolution

    The following options are available in RouterModule.forRoot but not available in provideRouter:

    • malformedUriErrorHandler - This was found to not be used anywhere internally.
    • errorHandler - Developers can instead subscribe to and filter for NavigationError.


      | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | fe50813664 | feat | Add BrowserPlatformLocation to the public API (#48488) | | 2f4f0638c7 | fix | Add data attribtue to NgOptimizedImage (#48497) |


      | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | a532d71975 | feat | allow self-closing tags on custom elements (#48535) | | caf7228f8a | fix | resolve deprecation warning (#48652) | | 33f35b04ef | fix | type-only symbols incorrectly retained when downlevelling custom decorators (#48638) |


      | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | caedef0f5b | fix | update @babel/core dependency and lock version (#48634) |


      | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 6acae1477a | feat | Add TestBed.runInInjectionContext to help test functions which use inject (#47955) | | 38421578a2 | feat | Make the isStandalone() function available in public API (#48114) | | dd42974b07 | feat | support TypeScript 4.9 (#48005) |


      | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 8aa8b4b77c | fix | Form provider FormsModule.withConfig return a FormsModule (#48526) |


      | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 5f0b53c735 | feat | Allow auto-imports to suggest multiple possible imports. (#47787) | | 6a8ea29a04 | fix | expose package.json for vscode extension resolution (#48678) | | ce8160ecb2 | fix | Prevent crashes on unemitable references (#47938) | | e615b598ba | fix | ship /api entry-point (#48670) | | 6ce7d76a0e | fix | update packages/language-service/ script to work with vscode-ng-language-service's new Bazel build (#48663) |


      | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | a1a8e91eca | fix | add triple slash type reference on @angular/localize on `ng add (#48502) |


      | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | cc284afbbc | fix | combine newly-added imports in import manager (#48620) |


      | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 228e992db7 | docs | Deprecate canLoad guards in favor of canMatch (#48180) | | 0a8b8a66cd | docs | Deprecate public members of Router that are meant to be configured elsewhere (#48006) | | 332461bd0c | feat | Add ability to override onSameUrlNavigation default per-navigation (#48050) | | f58ad86e51 | feat | Add feature provider for enabling hash navigation (#48301) | | 73f03ad2d2 | feat | Add new NavigationSkipped event for ignored navigations (#48024) | | 3fe75710d9 | fix | page refresh should not destroy history state (#48540) |

      Special Thanks

      Alan Agius, Alex Castle, Alex Rickabaugh, Andrew Kushnir, Andrew Scott, Bob Watson, Charles Lyding, Derek Cormier, Doug Parker, Dylan Hunn, George Kalpakas, Greg Magolan, Jessica Janiuk, JiaLiPassion, Joey Perrott, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Matthieu Riegler, Paul Gschwendtner, Pawel Kozlowski, Renan Ferro, Tim Gates, Vadim, Virginia Dooley, ced, mgechev, piyush132000, robertIsaac and sr5434

15.0.4 (2022-12-14)


Commit Type Description
6c1064c72f fix fix incorrect handling of camel-case css properties (#48436)
### common
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
f30d18a942 fix Fix TestBed.overrideProvider type to include multi (#48424)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
b55d2dab5d fix evaluate const tuple types statically (#48091)
## Special Thanks
Alan Agius, Andrew Kushnir, Andrew Scott, Aristeidis Bampakos, Bob Watson, BrowserPerson, Jens, Jessica Janiuk, Joey Perrott, JoostK, Konstantin Kharitonov, Lukas Matta, Piotr Kowalski, Virginia Dooley, Yannick Baron, dario-piotrowicz, lsst25, piyush132000 and why520crazy

15.0.3 (2022-12-07)


Commit Type Description
50b1c2bf52 fix Don't generate srcsets with very large sources (#47997)
bf44dc234a fix Update Location to support base href containing origin (#48327)
### compiler
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
9a5d84249a fix make sure selectors inside container queries are correctly scoped (#48353)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
167bc0d163 fix Produce diagnostic rather than crash when using invalid hostDirective (#48314)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
e4dcaa513e fix unable to inject ChangeDetectorRef inside host directives (#48355)
## Special Thanks
Alan Agius, Alex Castle, Andrew Kushnir, Andrew Scott, Bob Watson, Derek Cormier, Joey Perrott, Konstantin Kharitonov, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Paul Gschwendtner, Pawel Kozlowski, dario-piotrowicz and piyush132000

15.0.2 (2022-11-30)


Commit Type Description
86a21f5569 fix accept inheriting the constructor from a class in a library (#48156)
## Special Thanks
Alan Agius, Andrew Scott, Aristeidis Bampakos, Bob Watson, Derek Cormier, JoostK, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Matthieu Riegler, Paul Gschwendtner, Pawel Kozlowski, Rokas Brazdžionis, mgechev and piyush132000

15.0.1 (2022-11-22)


Commit Type Description
930af9dd26 fix Fix MockPlatformLocation events and missing onPopState implementation (#48113)
### forms
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
b342e55509 fix don't mutate validators array (#47830)
a12a120272 fix return right type with shorthand parameters. (#48084)
### language-service
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
cc8b76ef7c fix correctly handle host directive inputs/outputs (#48147)
a8c33bf931 fix update packages/language-service/ script to work with vscode-ng-language-service's new Bazel build (#48120)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
e4309d57d8 fix correct type of nextState parameter in canDeactivate (#48038)
9baefd085f fix Ensure renavigating in component init works with enabledBlocking (#48063)
fa5528fb5f fix restore 'history.state' on popstate even if navigationId missing (#48033)
## Special Thanks
Alan Agius, Andrew Scott, Bjarki, Bob Watson, Brooke, Derek Cormier, Dylan Hunn, George Kalpakas, Greg Magolan, Ikko Ashimine, Ivan Rodriguez, Jessica Janiuk, Joe Roxbury, Joey Perrott, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Matthieu Riegler, Mikhail Savchuk, Nebojsa Cvetkovic, Pawel Kozlowski, Volodymyr and Wooshaah

12.2.17 (2022-11-22)

Breaking Changes


  • Existing iframe usages may have security-sensitive attributes applied as an attribute or property binding in a template or via host bindings in a directive. Such usages would require an update to ensure compliance with the new stricter rules around iframe bindings.


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | b871db57da | fix | hardening attribute and property binding rules for <iframe> elements (#48059) |

    Special Thanks

    Andrew Kushnir, Andrew Scott, George Looshch, Joey Perrott and Paul Gschwendtner

13.3.12 (2022-11-21)

Breaking Changes


  • Existing iframe usages may have security-sensitive attributes applied as an attribute or property binding in a template or via host bindings in a directive. Such usages would require an update to ensure compliance with the new stricter rules around iframe bindings.


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | b1d7b79ff4 | fix | hardening attribute and property binding rules for <iframe> elements (#48029) |

    Special Thanks

    Andrew Kushnir, Andrew Scott, George Looshch, Joey Perrott and Paul Gschwendtner

14.2.12 (2022-11-21)

Breaking Changes


  • Existing iframe usages may have security-sensitive attributes applied as an attribute or property binding in a template or via host bindings in a directive. Such usages would require an update to ensure compliance with the new stricter rules around iframe bindings.


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 54814c8e9b | fix | hardening attribute and property binding rules for <iframe> elements (#48028) |

    Special Thanks

    Andrew Kushnir

15.0.0 (2022-11-16)

Blog post "Angular v15 is now available".

Breaking Changes


  • Keyframes names are now prefixed with the component's "scope name". For example, the following keyframes rule in a component definition, whose "scope name" is host-my-cmp:

    @keyframes foo { ... }

    will become:

    @keyframes host-my-cmp_foo { ... }

    Any TypeScript/JavaScript code which relied on the names of keyframes rules will no longer match.

    The recommended solutions in this case are to either:

    • change the component's view encapsulation to the None or ShadowDom
    • define keyframes rules in global stylesheets (e.g styles.css)
    • define keyframes rules programmatically in code.


  • Invalid constructors for DI may now report compilation errors

    When a class inherits its constructor from a base class, the compiler may now report an error when that constructor cannot be used for DI purposes. This may either be because the base class is missing an Angular decorator such as @Injectable() or @Directive(), or because the constructor contains parameters which do not have an associated token (such as primitive types like string). These situations used to behave unexpectedly at runtime, where the class may be constructed without any of its constructor parameters, so this is now reported as an error during compilation.

    Any new errors that may be reported because of this change can be resolved either by decorating the base class from which the constructor is inherited, or by adding an explicit constructor to the class for which the error is reported.

  • Angular compiler option enableIvy has been removed as Ivy is the only rendering engine.


  • Angular no longer supports Node.js versions 14.[15-19].x and 16.[10-12].x. Current supported versions of Node.js are 14.20.x, 16.13.x and 18.10.x.
  • TypeScript versions older than 4.8 are no longer supported.
  • Existing iframe usages may have security-sensitive attributes applied as an attribute or property binding in a template or via host bindings in a directive. Such usages would require an update to ensure compliance with the new stricter rules around iframe bindings.
  • Existing iframe usages may have src or srcdoc preceding other attributes. Such usages may need to be updated to ensure compliance with the new stricter rules around iframe bindings.


  • setDisabledState will always be called when a ControlValueAccessor is attached. You can opt-out with FormsModule.withConfig or ReactiveFormsModule.withConfig.


    • canParse method has been removed from all translation parsers in @angular/localize/tools. analyze should be used instead.
    • the hint parameter in theparse methods is now mandatory.


  • Previously, the RouterOutlet would immediately instantiate the component being activated during navigation. Now the component is not instantiated until the change detection runs. This could affect tests which do not trigger change detection after a router navigation. In rarer cases, this can affect production code that relies on the exact timing of component availability.
  • The title property is now required on ActivatedRouteSnapshot
  • relativeLinkResolution is no longer configurable in the Router. This option was used as a means to opt out of a bug fix.



  • The DATE_PIPE_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE token is now deprecated in favor of the DATE_PIPE_DEFAULT_OPTIONS token, which accepts an object as a value and the timezone can be defined as a field (called timezone) on that object.


    • The ability to pass an NgModule to the providedIn option for @Injectable and InjectionToken is now deprecated.

    providedIn: NgModule was intended to be a tree-shakable alternative to NgModule providers. It does not have wide usage, and in most cases is used incorrectly, in circumstances where providedIn: 'root' should be preferred. If providers should truly be scoped to a specific NgModule, use NgModule.providers instead.

    • The ability to set providedIn: 'any' for an @Injectable or InjectionToken is now deprecated.

    providedIn: 'any' is an option with confusing semantics and is almost never used apart from a handful of esoteric cases internal to the framework.

  • The bit field signature of Injector.get() has been deprecated, in favor of the new options object.
  • The bit field signature of TestBed.inject() has been deprecated, in favor of the new options object.


  • The RouterLinkWithHref directive is deprecated, use the RouterLink directive instead. The RouterLink contains the code from the RouterLinkWithHref to handle elements with href attributes.


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | c0c7efaf7c | feat | add provideLocationMocks() function to provide Location mocks (#47674) | | 75e6297f09 | feat | add <link> preload tag on server for priority img (#47343) | | 4fde292bb5 | feat | Add automatic srcset generation to ngOptimizedImage (#47547) | | 9483343ebf | feat | Add fill mode to NgOptimizedImage (#47738) | | bdb5371033 | feat | add injection token for default DatePipe configuration (#47157) | | 449d29b701 | fix | Add fetchpriority to ngOptimizedImage preloads (#48010) | | 4f52d4e474 | fix | don't generate srcset if noopImageLoader is used (#47804) | | 3a18398d83 | fix | Don't warn about image distortion is fill mode is enabled (#47824) | | edea15f2c6 | fix | export the IMAGE_CONFIG token (#48051) | | 8abf1c844c | fix | fix formatting on oversized image error (#47188) | | ca7bf65933 | fix | rename rawSrc -> ngSrc in NgOptimizedImage directive (#47362) | | b3879dbf14 | fix | support density descriptors with 2+ decimals (#47197) | | fa4798095e | fix | update size error to mention 'fill' mode (#47797) | | 23f210c0ab | fix | warn if using supported CDN but not built-in loader (#47330) | | 945432e3fa | fix | Warn on fill ngOptimizedImage without height (#48036) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 051f75648d | fix | scope css keyframes in emulated view encapsulation (#42608) | | 39b72e208b | fix | update element schema (#47552) | | 48b354a83e | fix | update element schema (#47552) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | bc54687c7b | fix | exclude abstract classes from strictInjectionParameters requirement (#44615) | | 309b2cde51 | fix | implement more host directive validations as diagnostics (#47768) | | 2e1dddec45 | fix | support hasInvalidatedResolutions. (#47585) | | 19ad4987f9 | fix | use @ts-ignore. (#47636) | | 8fcadaad48 | perf | cache source file for reporting type-checking diagnostics (#47471) | | 16f96eeabf | refactor | remove enableIvy options (#47346) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | e3cef4a784 | docs | deprecate providedIn: NgModule and providedIn: 'any' (#47616) | | 1b9fd46d14 | feat | add support for Node.js version 18 (#47730) | | ed11a13c3c | feat | drop support for TypeScript 4.6 and 4.7 (#47690) | | db28badfe6 | feat | enable the new directive composition API (#47642) | | 7de1469be6 | feat | introduce EnvironmentProviders wrapper type (#47669) | | 841c8e5138 | feat | support object-based DI flags in Injector.get() (#46761) | | 120555a626 | feat | support object-based DI flags in TestBed.inject() (#46761) | | 96c0e42e61 | fix | allow readonly arrays for standalone imports (#47851) | | 28f289b825 | fix | hardening attribute and property binding rules for <iframe> elements (#47964) | | d4b3c0b47c | fix | hardening rules related to the attribute order on iframe elements (#47935) | | 85330f3fd9 | fix | update isDevMode to rely on ngDevMode (#47475) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | a8569e3802 | feat | export forms utility functions: isFormArray, isFormGroup… (#47718) | | 96b7fe93af | fix | call setDisabledState on ControlValueAcessor when control is enabled (#47576) | | a99d9d67f3 | fix | don't mutate validators array (#47830) | | 2625dc1312 | fix | Improve a very commonly viewed error message by adding a guide. (#47969) | | ae29f98c20 | fix | Runtime error pages must begin with leading zero (#47991) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 3ba99e286a | feat | allow for child HttpClients to request via parents (#47502) | | 84d0d33c35 | feat | introduce provideHttpClientTesting provider function (#47502) | | 62c7a7a16e | feat | introduce functional interceptors (#47502) | | e47b129070 | feat | introduce the provideHttpClient() API (#47502) | | ea16a98dfe | fix | better handle unexpected undefined XSRF tokens (#47683) | | e7b48da713 | fix | rename withLegacyInterceptors to withInterceptorsFromDi (#47901) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | bebef5fb43 | feat | Quick fix to import a component when its selector is used (#47088) | | e7ee53c541 | feat | support to fix invalid banana in box (#47393) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 400a6b5e37 | fix | add polyfill in polyfills array instead of polyfills.ts (#47569) | | b6fd814542 | fix | update ng add schematic to support Angular CLI version 15 (#47763) | | d36fd3d9e4 | refactor | remove deprecated canParse method from TranslationParsers (#47275) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 2908eba59c | fix | align server renderer interface with base renderer (#47868) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 7bee28d037 | feat | add a migration to remove relativeLinkResolution usages (#47604) | | 5163e3d876 | feat | Add UrlTree constructor to public API (#47186) | | da58801f95 | feat | auto-unwrap default exports when lazy loading (#47586) | | c3f857975d | feat | make RouterOutlet name an Input so it can be set dynamically (#46569) | | f73ef21442 | feat | merge RouterLinkWithHref into RouterLink (#47630) | | 16c8f55663 | feat | migrate RouterLinkWithHref references to RouterLink (#47599) | | 07017a7bd3 | feat | prevent provideRouter() from usage in @Component (#47669) | | 79e9e8ab77 | fix | Delay router scroll event until navigated components have rendered (#47563) | | 6a88bad019 | fix | Ensure ActivatedRouteSnapshot#title has correct value (#47481) | | 7b89d95c0e | fix | Remove deprecated relativeLinkResolution (#47623) |

    Special Thanks

    Alan Agius, AleksanderBodurri, Alex Castle, Alex Rickabaugh, Andrew Kushnir, Andrew Scott, Charles Lyding, Dylan Hunn, Ferdinand Malcher, George Kalpakas, Jeremy Elbourn, Jessica Janiuk, JiaLiPassion, Joey Perrott, JoostK, Kara Erickson, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Martin Probst, Matthias Weiß, Matthieu Riegler, Paul Gschwendtner, Pawel Kozlowski, Sabareesh Kappagantu, WD Snoeijer, angular-robot[bot], arturovt, ced, dario-piotrowicz, ivanwonder and jaybell

14.2.11 (2022-11-16)


Commit Type Description
aef353c143 fix Ensure renavigating in component init works with enabledBlocking (#48066)
## Special Thanks
Alan Agius, Andrew Scott and Mujo Osmanovic

14.2.10 (2022-11-09)


Commit Type Description
a4312e1be5 fix addzone.js version 0.12.x as a valid peer dependency (#48002)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
db867fee77 fix fix redirectTo on named outlets - resolves #33783 (#47927)
## Special Thanks
Alan Agius, Albert Szekely, Andrew Scott, Doug Parker, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Markus Eckstein, Peter Scriven and abergquist

14.2.9 (2022-11-03)


Commit Type Description
92d28bdd99 perf resolve memory leak when using animations with shadow DOM (#47903)
### platform-server
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
d2d9bbf5ce fix call onSerialize when state is empty (#47888)
## Special Thanks
Alan Agius, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Virginia Dooley and mgechev

14.2.8 (2022-10-26)

Special Thanks

Andrew Scott, Balaji, Paul Gschwendtner, WD Snoeijer, onrails and vyom1611

14.2.7 (2022-10-19)

Special Thanks

Bob Watson, Charles Barnes, Joey Perrott, Virginia Dooley, WD Snoeijer, abergquist and urugator

14.2.6 (2022-10-12)


Commit Type Description
3fd176a905 fix add missing period to error message (#47744)
c3821f5ab5 perf minimize filesystem calls when generating shims (#47682)
## Special Thanks
Alan Agius, Andrew Kushnir, Andrew Scott, Aristeidis Bampakos, Bob Watson, Charles Lyding, Joey Perrott, Joshua Morony, Mathew Berg, Paul Gschwendtner, Peter Dickten, Renan Ferro, Sri Ram, WD Snoeijer, markostanimirovic and Álvaro Martínez

14.2.5 (2022-10-05)

This release contains various API docs improvements.

Special Thanks

Alexander Wiebe, Ciprian Sauliuc, Dmytro Mezhenskyi, George Kalpakas, Joe Martin (Crowdstaffing), Jordan, Ole M, Paul Gschwendtner, Pawel Kozlowski and mgechev

14.2.4 (2022-09-28)


Commit Type Description
a4b66fe1e5 perf cache source file for reporting type-checking diagnostics (#47508)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
2c46b5ab24 fix correctly check for typeof of undefined in ngDevMode check (#47480)
## Special Thanks
Alan Agius, Ashley Hunter, Doug Parker, Jessica Janiuk, JoostK, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Rokas Brazdžionis and Simona Cotin

14.2.3 (2022-09-21)


Commit Type Description
bba2dae812 fix make sure that the useAnimation function delay is applied (#47468)
## Special Thanks
AleksanderBodurri, Andrew Kushnir, Andrew Scott, Bob Watson, George Kalpakas, Joey Perrott, Mauro Mattos, dario-piotrowicz, fabioemoutinho and famzila

14.2.2 (2022-09-14)


Commit Type Description
937e6c5b3d fix make sure that the animation function delay is applied (#47285)
### common
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
c9bdf9bab1 fix rename rawSrc -> ngSrc in NgOptimizedImage directive (#47362) (#47396)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
a3e1303f04 fix imply @Optional flag when a default value is provided (#47242)
### forms
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
80c66a1e57 fix don't prevent default behavior for forms with method="dialog" (#47308)
## Special Thanks
Abhishek Rawat, Andrew Kushnir, Benjamin Chanudet, Bob Watson, George Kalpakas, Ikko Ashimine, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Marc Wrobel, Mariia Subkov, Pawel Kozlowski, Sebastian, abergquist, dario-piotrowicz, onrails and vyom1611

14.2.1 (2022-09-07)


Commit Type Description
c0d7ac9ec2 fix improve formatting of image warnings (#47299)
1875ce520a fix use DOCUMENT token to query for preconnect links (#47353)
### compiler
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
0e35829580 fix avoid errors for inputs with Object-builtin names (#47220)
### service-worker
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
6091786696 fix include headers in requests for assets (#47260)
28d33505fd fix only consider GET requests as navigation requests (#47263)
## Special Thanks
Aristeidis Bampakos, Asaf M, Bingo's Code, Bob Watson, Daniel Ostrovsky, George Kalpakas, Giovanni Alberto Rivas, Jeremy Elbourn, Jobayer Hossain, Joe Martin (Crowdstaffing), Joey Perrott, JoostK, Kara Erickson, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Maina Wycliffe, Sabareesh Kappagantu, Simona Cotin, Sonu Sindhu, Yann Provoost, abergquist, jaybell and vyom1611

14.2.0 (2022-08-25)


Commit Type Description
b96e571897 fix fix stagger timing not handling params (#47208)
### common
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
b380fdd59e feat add a density cap for image srcsets (#47082)
7ce497e5bc feat add built-in Imgix loader (#47082)
bff870db61 feat add cloudflare loader (#47082)
86e77a5d55 feat add Image directive skeleton (#45627) (#47082)
0566205a02 feat Add image lazy loading and fetchpriority (#47082)
4e952ba216 feat add loaders for cloudinary & imagekit (#47082)
e854a8cdde feat add loading attr to NgOptimizedImage (#47082)
8d3701cb4c feat add warnings re: image distortion (#47082)
d5f7da2120 feat define public API surface for NgOptimizedImage directive (#47082)
d3c3426aa4 feat detect LCP images in NgOptimizedImage and assert if priority is set (#47082)
451b85ca17 feat explain why width/height is required (#47082)
586274fe65 feat provide an ability to exclude origins from preconnect checks in NgOptimizedImage (#47082)
57f3386e5b feat support custom srcset attributes in NgOptimizedImage (#47082)
7baf9a46cd feat verify that priority images have preconnect links (#47082)
f81765b333 feat warn if rendered size is much smaller than intrinsic (#47082)
e2ab99b95e fix allow null/undefined to be passed to ngClass input (#39280) (#46906)
bedf537951 fix allow null/undefined to be passed to ngStyle input (#47069)
f9511bf6e8 fix avoid interacting with a destroyed injector (#47243)
dc29e21b14 fix consider density descriptors with multiple digits as valid (#47230)
801daf82d1 fix detect data: and blob: inputs in NgOptimizedImage directive (#47082)
fff8056e7f fix fix formatting on oversized image error (#47188) (#47232)
1ca2ce19ab fix remove default for image width (#47082)
c5db867ddc fix remove duplicate deepForEach (#47189)
1cf43deb18 fix sanitize rawSrc and rawSrcset values in NgOptimizedImage directive (#47082)
d71dfe931f fix set bound width and height onto host element (#47082)
32caa8b669 fix support density descriptors with 2+ decimals (#47197) (#47232)
ae4405f0bf fix throw if srcset is used with rawSrc (#47082)
0c8eb8bc82 perf monitor LCP only for images without priority attribute (#47082)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
ea89677c12 feat support more recent version of tsickle (#47018)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
d1e83e1b30 feat add createComponent function (#46685)
10becab70e feat add reflectComponentType function (#46685)
4b377d3a6d feat introduce createApplication API (#46475)
31429eaccc feat support TypeScript 4.8 (#47038)
796840209c fix align TestBed interfaces and implementation (#46635)
### forms
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
426af91a42 feat add FormBuilder.record() method (#46485)
b302797de4 fix Correctly infer FormBuilder types involving [value, validators] shorthand in more cases. (#47034)
### language-service
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
598b72bd05 feat support fix the component missing member (#46764)
### platform-browser
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
07606e3181 feat add isEmpty method to the TransferState class (#46915)
### platform-server
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
2b4d7f6733 feat support document reference in render functions (#47032)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
0abb67af59 feat allow guards and resolvers to be plain functions (#46684)
75df404467 feat Create APIs for using Router without RouterModule (#47010)
10289f1f6e feat expose resolved route title (#46826)
8600732b09 feat Expose the default matcher for Routes used by the Router (#46913)
422323cee0 feat improve typings for RouterLink boolean inputs (#47101)
26ea97688c feat Make router directives standalone (#46758)
2a43beec15 fix Fix route recognition behavior with some versions of rxjs (#47098)
### service-worker
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
383090858c feat support sendRequest as a notificationclick action (#46912)
3f548610dd fix export NoNewVersionDetectedEvent (#47044)
482b6119c2 fix update golden (#47044)
## Special Thanks
Alex Rickabaugh, Andrew Kushnir, Andrew Scott, Bob Watson, Cédric Exbrayat, Dylan Hunn, Emmanuel Roux, FatalMerlin, George Kalpakas, Ilia Mirkin, Jan Kuehle, Jeremy Elbourn, Jessica Janiuk, JiaLiPassion, Kalbarczyk, Kara Erickson, Katie Hempenius, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Merlin, Paul Gschwendtner, Pawel Kozlowski, Tristan Sprößer, Victor Porof, angular-robot[bot], dario-piotrowicz, ivanwonder and vyom

14.1.3 (2022-08-17)


Commit Type Description
0583227708 fix infinite loop in parser assignment expression with invalid left-hand expression (#47151)
## Special Thanks
AlirezaEbrahimkhani, Alma Eyre, Andrew Scott, Bob Watson, George Kalpakas, Kalbarczyk, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Leosvel Pérez Espinosa, Roman Matusevich and Sonu Kapoor

14.1.2 (2022-08-10)


Commit Type Description
5ff715c549 fix check if transplanted views are attached to change detector (#46974)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
439d77e852 fix Fix route recognition behavior with some versions of rxjs (#47098) (#47112)
## Special Thanks
4javier, Andrew Kushnir, Andrew Scott, AntonioCardenas, Bob Watson, Bruno Barbosa, Eduardo Speroni, Edward, George Kalpakas, Jan Melcher, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Mladen Jakovljević, Paul Gschwendtner, Pawel Kozlowski, Roman Matusevich, Vovch, ashide2729, ileil and onrails

14.1.1 (2022-08-03)


Commit Type Description
3606917732 fix improve the missing control flow directive message (#46903)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
79825d3f10 fix Do not call preload method when not necessary (#47007)
05f3f7445a fix Use correct return type for provideRoutes function (#46941)
## Special Thanks
Alan Agius, Andrew Kushnir, Andrew Quinn, Andrew Scott, Aristeidis Bampakos, Asaf M, Bob Watson, Cédric Exbrayat, Durairaj Subramaniam, George Kalpakas, Ivaylo Kirov, J Rob Gant, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Marek Hám, Paul Gschwendtner, Roman Matusevich and Simona Cotin

14.1.0 (2022-07-20)



  • The createNgModuleRef is deprecated in favor of newly added createNgModule one.
  • The bit field signature of inject() has been deprecated, in favor of the new options object. Correspondingly, InjectFlags is deprecated as well.


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 55308f2df5 | feat | add provideAnimations() and provideNoopAnimations() functions (#46793) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 4a2e7335b1 | feat | make the CommonModule pipes standalone (#46401) | | a7597dd080 | feat | make the CommonModule directives standalone (#46469) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 33ce3883a5 | feat | Add extended diagnostic to warn when missing let on ngForOf (#46683) | | 6f11a58040 | feat | Add extended diagnostic to warn when text attributes are intended to be bindings (#46161) | | 9e836c232f | feat | warn when style suffixes are used with attribute bindings (#46651) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 93c65e7b14 | feat | add extended diagnostic for non-nullable optional chains (#46686) | | 131d029da1 | feat | detect missing control flow directive imports in standalone components (#46146) | | 6b8e60c06a | fix | improve the missingControlFlowDirective message (#46846) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | e8e8e5f171 | feat | add createComponent function | | b5153814af | feat | add reflectComponentType function | | 96c6139c9a | feat | add ability to set inputs on ComponentRef (#46641) | | a6d5fe202c | feat | alias createNgModuleRef as createNgModule (#46789) | | 71e606d3c3 | feat | expose EnvironmentInjector on ApplicationRef (#46665) | | 19e6d9ccd3 | feat | import AsyncStackTaggingZone if available (#46693) | | a7a14df5f8 | feat | introduce EnvironmentInjector.runInContext API (#46653) | | fa52b6e906 | feat | options object to supersede bit flags for inject() (#46649) | | af20112222 | feat | support the descendants option for ContentChild queries (#46638) | | 945a3ad359 | fix | Fix runInContext for NgModuleRef injector (#46877) | | bb7c80477b | fix | make parent injector argument required in createEnvironmentInjector (#46397) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 82acbf919b | feat | improve error message for nullish header (#46059) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 53ca936366 | feat | Add ability to create UrlTree from any ActivatedRouteSnapshot (#45877) | | de058bba99 | feat | Add CanMatch guard to control whether a Route should match (#46021) | | 6c1357dd7d | feat | Add stable cancelation code to NavigationCancel event (#46675) | | a4ce273e50 | feat | Add the target RouterStateSnapshot to NavigationError (#46731) | | abe3759e24 | fix | allow to return UrlTree from CanMatchFn (#46455) | | e8c7dd10e9 | fix | Ensure APP_INITIALIZER of enabledBlocking option completes (#46026) | | ce20ed067f | fix | Ensure Route injector is created before running CanMatch guards (#46394) | | 6a7b818d94 | fix | Ensure target RouterStateSnapshot is defined in NavigationError (#46842) | | f94c6f433d | fix | Expose CanMatchFn as public API (#46394) | | e8ae0fe3e9 | fix | Fix cancelation code for canLoad rejections (#46752) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | e9cb0454dc | feat | more closely align UpgradeModule#bootstrap() with angular.bootstrap() (#46214) |

    Special Thanks

    AleksanderBodurri, Alex Rickabaugh, Andrew Kushnir, Andrew Scott, Cédric Exbrayat, Dmitrij Kuba, Dylan Hunn, George Kalpakas, Jessica Janiuk, JiaLiPassion, Joey Perrott, John Vandenberg, JoostK, Keith Li, Or'el Ben-Ya'ir, Paul Gschwendtner, Pawel Kozlowski, SyedAhm3r, arturovt, mariu, markostanimirovic and mgechev

14.0.7 (2022-07-20)


Commit Type Description
5bdbb6285b fix make sure falsy values are added to _globalTimelineStyles (#46863)
### compiler
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
41253f9c46 fix inputs/outputs incorrectly parsed in jit mode (#46813)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
4e77c7fbf3 fix do not invoke jasmine done callback multiple times with waitForAsync
## Special Thanks
Andrew Kushnir, Andrew Scott, Bob Watson, Cédric Exbrayat, Doug Parker, George Kalpakas, Jessica Janiuk, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Paul Gschwendtner, acvi, dario-piotrowicz, jnizet and piyush132000

14.0.6 (2022-07-13)


Commit Type Description
99697dae66 fix only consider used pipes for inline type-check requirement (#46807)
### forms
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
4f469cbef3 fix expose ControlConfig in public API (#46594)
e8c8b695f2 fix Move all remaining errors in Forms to use RuntimeErrorCode. (#46654)
### localize
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
14863acb1a fix add --project option to ng-add schematic (#46664)
## Special Thanks
Alan Agius, Andrew Scott, Bob Watson, Dylan Hunn, George Kalpakas, Ivaylo Kirov, Jessica Janiuk, JoostK, Joshua VanAllen, Lukas Matta, Marcin Wosinek, Nicolas Molina Monroy, Paul Gschwendtner, SoulsMark, Uday Sony, dario-piotrowicz, markostanimirovic and zhysky

14.0.5 (2022-07-06)


Commit Type Description
a3bd65e2b8 fix Ensure APP_INITIALIZER of enabledBlocking option completes (#46634)
## Special Thanks
Alan Agius, Alex Rickabaugh, Andrew Kushnir, Andrew Scott, Aristeidis Bampakos, Bob Watson, George Kalpakas, Paul Gschwendtner and Pawel Kozlowski

14.0.4 (2022-06-29)


Commit Type Description
51be9bbe29 fix cleanup DOM elements when the root view is removed (#45143)
999aca86c8 fix enable shadowElements to leave when their parent does (#46459)
### common
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
42aed6b13e fix handle CSS custom properties in NgStyle (#46451)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
1e7f22f00a fix trigger ApplicationRef.destroy when Platform is destroyed (#46497)
8bde2dbc71 fix Update ngfor error code to be negative (#46555)
57e8fc00eb fix Updates error to use RuntimeError code (#46526)
### forms
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
74a26d870e fix Convert existing reactive errors to use RuntimeErrorCode. (#46560)
747872212d fix Update a Forms validator error to use RuntimeError (#46537)
### router
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
d6fac9e914 fix Ensure that new RouterOutlet instances work after old ones are destroyed (#46554)
## Special Thanks
Alan Agius, Alex Rickabaugh, Andrew Kushnir, Andrew Scott, Bezael, Chad Ramos, Chellappan, Cédric Exbrayat, Dylan Hunn, George Kalpakas, Jeremy Meiss, Jessica Janiuk, Joey Perrott, KMathy, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Paul Gschwendtner, Pawel Kozlowski, Ramesh Thiruchelvam, Vaibhav Kumar, arturovt, dario-piotrowicz and renovate[bot]

14.0.3 (2022-06-22)


Commit Type Description
3dd7bb3f8f fix reset the start and done fns on player reset (#46364)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
c086653655 fix deduplicate imports of standalone components in JIT compiler (#46439)
5d3b97e1f8 fix handle NgModules with standalone pipes in TestBed correctly (#46407)
### platform-server
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
6ad7b40a6f fix invalid style attribute being generated for null values (#46433)
## Special Thanks
4javier, Aakash, Alan Agius, Andrew Kushnir, Aristeidis Bampakos, Dany Paredes, Derek Cormier, JoostK, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Paul Gschwendtner, Ramesh Thiruchelvam, behrooz bozorg chami, dario-piotrowicz, markostanimirovic, renovate[bot] and web-dave

14.0.2 (2022-06-15)


Commit Type Description
ef5cba3df7 fix allow null in ngComponentOutlet (#46280)
### compiler-cli
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
8ecfd71fd7 fix don't emit empty providers array (#46301)
b92c1a6ada fix use inline type-check blocks for components outside rootDir (#46096)
### core
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
3fd8948b4a fix Resolve forwardRef declarations for jit (#46334)
## Special Thanks
Alex Rickabaugh, Andrew Scott, Badawi7, Daniel Schmitz, Derek Cormier, JoostK, Kevin Davila, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Paul Draper, Paul Gschwendtner, Tom Eustace, Totati, Younes Jaaidi, alefra, dario-piotrowicz, markostanimirovic, mgechev, piyush132000, sten-bone and vivekkoya

14.0.1 (2022-06-08)


Commit Type Description
b00d237c0e fix update API extractor version (#46259)
9a0a7bac21 perf reduce input files for ng_package rollup and type bundle actions (#46187)
### forms
Commit Type Description
-- -- --
dde0b7f4b3 fix allow to accept optional fields. (#46253)
## Special Thanks
Adrien Crivelli, Alan Agius, Alex Rickabaugh, Andrew Kushnir, Andrew Scott, Dylan Hunn, Fabrizio Fallico, George Kalpakas, Jelle Bruisten, JoostK, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Krzysztof Platis, Paul Gschwendtner, Phalgun Vaddepalli, San Leen, dario-piotrowicz, mgechev and wellWINeo

14.0.0 (2022-06-02)

Blog post "Angular v14 is now available".

Breaking Changes


  • The AnimationDriver.getParentElement method has become required, so any implementors of this interface are now required to provide an implementation for this method. This breakage is unlikely to affect application developers, as AnimationDriver is not expected to be implemented in user code.


  • Adds new required class member that any implementors of the LocationStrategy will need to satisfy. Location does not depend on PlatformLocation anymore.


  • Keyframes names are now prefixed with the component's "scope name". For example, the following keyframes rule in a component definition, whose "scope name" is host-my-cmp:

    @keyframes foo { ... }

    will become:

    @keyframes host-my-cmp_foo { ... }

    Any TypeScript/JavaScript code which relied on the names of keyframes rules will no longer match.

    The recommended solutions in this case are to either:

    • change the component's view encapsulation to the None or ShadowDom
    • define keyframes rules in global stylesheets (e.g styles.css)
    • define keyframes rules programmatically in code.


  • Support for Node.js v12 has been removed as it will become EOL on 2022-04-30. Please use Node.js v14.15 or later.
  • TypeScript versions older than 4.6 are no longer supported.
  • Forms [email] input coercion

    Forms [email] input value will be considered as true if it is defined with any value rather than false and 'false'.

  • Since Ivy, TestBed doesn't use AOT summaries. The aotSummaries fields in TestBed APIs were present, but unused. The fields were deprecated in previous major version and in v14 those fields are removed. The aotSummaries fields were completely unused, so you can just drop them from the TestBed APIs usage.


  • Forms classes accept a generic.

    Forms model classes now accept a generic type parameter. Untyped versions of these classes are available to opt-out of the new, stricter behavior.

  • objects with a length key set to zero will no longer validate as empty.

    This is technically a breaking change, since objects with a key length and value 0 will no longer validate as empty. This is a very minor change, and any reliance on this behavior is probably a bug anyway.


  • Queries including + will now actually query for + instead of space. Most workarounds involving custom codecs will be unaffected. Possible server-side workarounds will need to be undone.
  • JSONP will throw an error when headers are set on a reques

    JSONP does not support headers being set on requests. Before when a request was sent to a JSONP backend that had headers set the headers were ignored. The JSONP backend will now throw an error if it receives a request that has any headers set. Any uses of JSONP on requests with headers set will need to remove the headers to avoid the error.


  • This change may cause a breaking change in unit tests that are implicitly depending on a specific number and sequence of change detections in order for their assertions to pass.
  • This may break invalid calls to TransferState methods.

    This tightens parameter types of TransferState usage, and is a minor breaking change which may reveal existing problematic calls.


  • The type of Route.pathMatch is now stricter. Places that use pathMatch will likely need to be updated to have an explicit Route/Routes type so that TypeScript does not infer the type as string.
  • When returning a Promise from the LoadChildrenCallback, the possible type is now restricted to Type<any>|NgModuleFactory<any> rather than any.
  • initialNavigation: 'enabled' was deprecated in v11 and is replaced by initialNavigation: 'enabledBlocking'.
  • The type of component on ActivatedRoute and ActivatedRouteSnapshot includes string. In reality, this is not the case. The component cannot be anything other than a component class.
    • The type of initialUrl is set to string|UrlTree but in reality, the Router only sets it to a value that will always be UrlTree
    • initialUrl is documented as "The target URL passed into the Router#navigateByUrl() call before navigation" but the value actually gets set to something completely different. It's set to the current internal UrlTree of the Router at the time navigation occurs.

    With this change, there is no exact replacement for the old value of initialUrl because it was never intended to be exposed. Router.url is likely the best replacement for this. In more specific use-cases, tracking the finalUrl between successful navigations can also be used as a replacement.

  • Lazy loaded configs are now also validated once loaded like the initial set of routes are. Lazy loaded modules which have invalid Route configs will now error. Note that this is only done in dev mode so there is no production impact of this change.
  • When a guard returns a UrlTree, the router would previously schedule the redirect navigation within a setTimeout. This timeout is now removed, which can result in test failures due to incorrectly written tests. Tests which perform navigations should ensure that all timeouts are flushed before making assertions. Tests should ensure they are capable of handling all redirects from the original navigation.
  • Previously, resolvers were waiting to be completed before proceeding with the navigation and the Router would take the last value emitted from the resolver. The router now takes only the first emitted value by the resolvers and then proceeds with navigation. This is now consistent with Observables returned by other guards: only the first value is used.


  • in TaskTrackingZoneSpec track a periodic task until it is cancelled

    The breaking change is scoped only to the plugin zone.js/plugins/task-tracking. If you used TaskTrackingZoneSpec and checked the pending macroTasks e.g. using (this.ngZone as any)._inner ._parent._properties.TaskTrackingZone.getTasksFor('macroTask'), then its behavior slightly changed for periodic macrotasks. For example, previously the setInterval macrotask was no longer tracked after its callback was executed for the first time. Now it's tracked until the task is explicitly cancelled, e.g with clearInterval(id).



  • The ngModuleFactory input of the NgComponentOutlet directive is deprecated in favor of a newly added ngModule input. The ngModule input accepts references to the NgModule class directly, without the need to resolve module factory first.


  • The initialValueIsDefault option has been deprecated and replaced with the otherwise-identical nonNullable option, for the sake of naming consistency.
  • It is now deprecated to provide both AbstractControlOptions and an async validators argument to a FormControl. Previously, the async validators would just be silently dropped, resulting in a probably buggy forms. Now, the constructor call is deprecated, and Angular will print a warning in devmode.


  • The resolver argument of the RouterOutletContract.activateWith function and the resolver field of the OutletContext class are deprecated. Passing component factory resolvers are no longer needed. The ComponentFactoryResolver-related symbols were deprecated in @angular/core package since v13.


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | a6fa37bc6e | feat | make validateStyleProperty check dev-mode only (#45570) | | 79d334b138 | feat | provide warnings for non-animatable CSS properties (#45212) | | f8dc660605 | fix | allow animations with unsupported CSS properties (#44729) | | 2a75754ee8 | fix | apply default params when resolved value is null or undefined (#45339) | | e46b379204 | fix | implement missing transition delay (#44799) | | 5c7c56bc85 | perf | improve algorithm to balance animation namespaces (#45057) | | 4c778cdb28 | perf | made errors in the animations package tree shakeable (#45004) | | 7a81481fb2 | perf | Remove generic objects in favor of Maps (#44482) | | 6642e3c8fd | perf | remove no longer needed CssKeyframes classes (#44903) | | 59559fdbac | refactor | make AnimationDriver.getParentElement required (#45114) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 31d7c3bd71 | feat | add getState method to LocationStrategy interface (#45648) | | c89cf63059 | feat | support NgModule as an input to the NgComponentOutlet (#44815) | | 38c03a2035 | feat | support years greater than 9999 (#43622) | | bedb257afc | fix | cleanup URL change listeners when the root view is removed (#44901) | | 10691c626b | fix | properly cast http param values to strings (#42643) | | 05d50b849b | perf | make NgLocalization token tree-shakable (#45118) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | bb8d7091c6 | fix | exclude empty styles from emitted metadata (#45459) | | 4d6a1d6722 | fix | scope css keyframes in emulated view encapsulation (#42608) | | f03e313f24 | fix | scope css keyframes in emulated view encapsulation (#42608) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 9cf14ff03d | feat | exclude abstract classes from strictInjectionParameters requirement (#44615) | | 0072eb48ba | feat | initial implementation of standalone components (#44812) | | 2142ffd295 | feat | propagate standalone flag to runtime (#44973) | | 6f653e05f9 | feat | standalone types imported into NgModule scopes (#44973) | | 752ddbc165 | feat | Support template binding to protected component members (#45823) | | 3d13343975 | fix | better error messages for NgModule structural issues (#44973) | | 046dad1a8d | fix | fix issue with incremental tracking of APIs for pipes (#45672) | | 27b4af7240 | fix | full side-effectful registration of NgModules with ids (#45024) | | 32c625d027 | fix | handle forwardRef in imports of standalone component (#45869) | | 06050ac2b4 | fix | handle inline type-check blocks in nullish coalescing extended check (#45454) | | a524a50361 | fix | handle standalone components with cycles (#46029) | | 724e88e042 | fix | preserve forwardRef for component scopes (#46139) | | 9cfea3d522 | fix | report invalid imports in standalone components during resolve phase (#45827) | | c0778b4dfc | fix | Support resolve animation name from the DTS (#45107) | | f2e5234e07 | fix | update unknown tag error for aot standalone components (#45919) | | 35f20afcac | fix | use existing imports for standalone dependencies (#46029) | | 8155428ba6 | perf | ignore the anti-pattern for NgModule ids (#45024) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 174ce7dd13 | feat | add ApplicationRef.destroy method (#45624) | | 5771b18a98 | feat | add the bootstrapApplication function (#45674) | | 69018c9f42 | feat | allow for injector to be specified when creating an embedded view (#45156) | | 94c949a60a | feat | allow for injector to be specified when creating an embedded view (#45156) | | e702cafcf2 | feat | allow to throw on unknown elements in tests (#45479) | | 6662a97c61 | feat | allow to throw on unknown elements in tests (#45479) | | a6675925b0 | feat | allow to throw on unknown properties in tests (#45853) | | 6eaaefd22e | feat | drop support for Node.js 12 (#45286) | | c9d566ce4b | feat | drop support for TypeScript 4.4 and 4.5 (#45394) | | b568a5e708 | feat | implement importProvidersFrom function (#45626) | | d5a6cd1111 | feat | implement EnvironmentInjector with adapter to NgModuleRef (#45626) | | 5a10fc4f82 | feat | implement standalone directives, components, and pipes (#45687) | | e461f716d4 | feat | move ANIMATION_MODULE_TYPE injection token into core (#44970) | | 94bba76a4a | feat | support TypeScript 4.6 (#45190) | | 29039fcdbc | feat | support TypeScript 4.7 (#45749) | | 225e4f2dbe | feat | triggerEventHandler accept optional eventObj (#45279) | | 401dec46eb | feat | update TestBed to recognize Standalone Components (#45809) | | 35653ce337 | fix | add more details to the MISSING_INJECTION_CONTEXT error (#46166) | | d36fa111eb | fix | avoid Closure Compiler error in restoreView (#45445) | | 0bc77f4cab | fix | better error message when unknown property is present (#46147) | | f3eb7d9ecb | fix | Ensure the StandaloneService is retained after closure minification (#45783) | | 701405fa71 | fix | handle AOT-compiled standalone components in TestBed correctly (#46052) | | ddce357d1d | fix | improve TestBed declarations standalone error message (#45999) | | ba9f30c9a6 | fix | include component name into unknown element/property error message (#46160) | | 9fa6f5a552 | fix | incorrectly inserting elements inside <template> element (#43429) | | d5719c2e0f | fix | input coercion (#42803) | | be161bef79 | fix | memory leak in event listeners inside embedded views (#43075) | | fa755b2a54 | fix | prevent BrowserModule providers from being loaded twice (#45826) | | 3172b4cc99 | fix | produce proper error message for unknown props on <ng-template>s (#46068) | | 4f1a813596 | fix | restore NgModule state correctly after TestBed overrides (#46049) | | 3f7ecec59b | fix | set correct context for inject() for component ctors (#45991) | | 4e413d9240 | fix | support nested arrays of providers in EnvironmentInjector (#45789) | | fde4942cdf | fix | throw if standalone components are present in `@NgModule.bootstrap([#45825]( | | [560188bf12]( | fix | update unknown property error to account for standalone components in AOT ([#46159]( | | [df339d8abf]( | fix | update unknown tag error for jit standalone components ([#45920]( | | [aafac7228f]( | fix | verify standalone component imports in JiT ([#45777]( | | [e9317aee71]( | perf | allowcheckNoChangesmode to be tree-shaken in production ([#45913]( | | [071c8af8ba]( | perf | avoid storing LView inngContext([#45051]( | | [a96c4827c4]( | perf | makeCompiler,ApplicationRefandApplicationInitStatustree-shakable ([#45102]( | | [45d98e7ca5]( | perf | makeIterableDiffersandKeyValueDifferstree-shakable ([#45094]( | | [1e60fe0a3e]( | perf | makeLOCALE_IDand other tokens fromApplicationModuletree-shakable ([#45102]( | | [88f1168506]( | perf | only track LViews that are referenced inngContext([#45172]( | | [9add714b13]( | refactor | remove deprecatedaotSummaries` fields in TestBed config (#45487) |

    devtools tabs

    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 6c284ef32e | fix | stop scroll occuring at tabs level |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 2dbdebc646 | feat | Add FormBuilder.nonNullable. (#45852) | | e0a2248b32 | feat | Add a FormRecord type. (#45607) | | 7ee121f595 | feat | Add untyped versions of the model classes for use in migration. (#45205) | | 89d299105a | feat | Implement strict types for the Angular Forms package. (#43834) | | f490c2de4e | feat | support negative indices in FormArray methods. (#44848) | | 39be06037d | fix | Add a nonNullable option to FormControl for consistency. | | 4332897baa | fix | Add UntypedFormBuilder (#45268) | | 5d13e58aed | fix | Allow NonNullableFormBuilder to be injected. (#45904) | | 8dd3f82f94 | fix | Correct empty validator to handle objects with a property length: 0. (#33729) | | ff3f5a8d12 | fix | Fix a typing bug in FormBuilder. (#45684) | | fe0e42a996 | fix | Make UntypedFormBuilder assignable to FormBuilder, and vice versa. (#45421) | | b36dec6b5b | fix | not picking up disabled state if group is swapped out and disabled (#43499) | | 9f6fa5b746 | fix | Prevent FormBuilder from distributing unions to control types. (#45942) | | aa7b857be8 | fix | Property renaming safe code (#45271) | | cae1e44608 | fix | Update the typed forms migration to use FormArray<T> instead of FormArray<T[]>. (#44933) | | d336ba96d9 | fix | Update the typed forms migration. (#45281) | | 018550ed50 | fix | Value and RawValue should be part of the public API. (#45978) | | 2e96cede3e | fix | Warn on FormControls that are constructed with both options and asyncValidators. |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 76a9a24cdc | fix | encode + signs in query params as %2B (angular#11058) (#45111) | | d43c0e973f | fix | Throw error when headers are supplied in JSONP request (#45210) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 9d4af65e34 | feat | Provide plugin to delegate rename requests to Angular (#44696) | | 3ae133c69e | fix | Fix detection of Angular for v14+ projects (#45998) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | a50e2da64a | fix | ensure transitively loaded compiler code is tree-shakable (#45405) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | d56a537196 | feat | Add migration to add explicit Route/Routes type (#45084) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 74a2e2e2ec | fix | cope with packages following APF v14+ (#45833) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | a01bcb8e7e | fix | do not run change detection when loading Hammer (#44921) | | b32647dc68 | fix | Make transfer state key typesafe. (#23020) | | c7bf75dd5e | fix | remove obsolete shim for Map comparison in Jasmine (#45521) | | 23c4c9601e | perf | avoid including Testability by default in bootstrapApplication (#45885) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | dff5586d52 | feat | implement renderApplication function (#45785) | | 22c71be94c | fix | update renderApplication to move appId to options (#45844) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | f4fd1a8262 | feat | Add EnvironmentInjector to RouterOutlet.activateWith (#45597) | | 910de8bc33 | feat | Add Route.title with a configurable TitleStrategy (#43307) | | 4e0957a4e1 | feat | Add ability to specify providers on a Route (#45673) | | dea8c86cd5 | feat | add ariaCurrentWhenActive input to RouterLinkActive directive (#45167) | | 41e2a68e30 | feat | add type properties to all router events (#44189) | | 4962a4a332 | feat | Allow loadChildren to return a Route array (#45700) | | 791bd31424 | feat | set stricter type for Route.title (#44939) | | 50004c143b | feat | Support lazy loading standalone components with loadComponent (#45705) | | 7fd416d060 | fix | Fix type of Route.pathMatch to be more accurate (#45176) | | 1c11a57155 | fix | merge interited resolved data and static data (#45276) | | f8f3ab377b | fix | Remove any from LoadChildrenCallback type (#45524) | | d4fc12fa19 | fix | Remove deprecated initialNavigation option (#45729) | | 989e840cce | fix | Remove unused string type for ActivatedRoute.component (#45625) | | 64f837d2c0 | fix | Update Navigation#initialUrl to match documentation and reality (#43863) | | 96fd29c6d2 | fix | validate lazy loaded configs (#45526) | | f13295f3a3 | perf | cancel the navigation instantly if at least one resolver doesn't emit any value (#45621) | | 1d2f5c1101 | refactor | deprecate no longer needed resolver fields (#45597) | | 7b367d9d90 | refactor | Remove unnecessary setTimeout in UrlTree redirects (#45735) | | c9679760b2 | refactor | take only the first emitted value of every resolver to make it consistent with guards (#44573) |


    | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | ec0a0e0669 | feat | add cacheOpaqueResponses option for data-groups (#44723) | | bd04fbc05b | feat | emit a notification when the service worker is already up-to-date after check (#45216) |

    Special Thanks

    Adrian Kunz, Alan Agius, AleksanderBodurri, Alex Rickabaugh, AlirezaEbrahimkhani, Amir Rustamzadeh, Andrew Kushnir, Andrew Scott, Chabbey François, Charles Lyding, Cédric Exbrayat, Daan De Smedt, David Schmidt, Derek Cormier, Dmitrij Kuba, Doug Parker, Dylan Hunn, Emma Twersky, George Kalpakas, George Looshch, Jan Kuehle, Jessica Janiuk, JiaLiPassion, JimMorrison723, Joe Martin (Crowdstaffing), Joey Perrott, JoostK, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Krzysztof Platis, Leosvel Pérez Espinosa, Maddie Klein, Mark Whitfeld, Martin Sikora, Michael-Doner, Michal Materowski, Minko Gechev, Paul Gschwendtner, Pawel Kozlowski, Payam Shahidi, Pusztai Tibor, Ricardo Mattiazzi Baumgartner, Roy Dorombozi, Ruslan Lekhman, Samuel Littley, Sergej Grilborzer, Sumit Arora, Tobias Speicher, Virginia Dooley, Zack Elliott, alirezaghey, ananyahs96, arturovt, cexbrayat, dario-piotrowicz, ivanwonder, kamikopi, markostanimirovic, markwhitfeld, mgechev, renovate[bot], twerske and zverbeta

Earlier changelog entries can be found in file.