Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


niilo.keinanen6kSEE LICENSE IN LICENSE5.2.1TypeScript support: included

A high-performance charting library.

Arction, chart, data, lightning, visualization, xy, WebGL, graph, ohlc, candlestick, performance, spider, pie, funnel, linechart, gauges, trading, lightningchart, lightning chart, finance, plot, box plot, spline, multi-channel, scrolling chart, LineSeries, line series, line chart, visualisation, data visualisation, data visualization, bar chart, spline chart, high performance, dashboard, fast, big data, ekg, ecg, dataviz, GPU, typescript, javascript, charting library, charts, React, Vue, graphs, powerful, streaming, fastest, pyramid, heatmap, intensity, node js, zoom band, constant line, band, server-side rendering, spectrogram, 3D, surface, box series, EEG, polar chart, logarithmic, JavaScript Charting Library, Real-time Data Visualization, High-Performance Charts, Data Visualization Toolkit, Web-Based Charting, Interactive Charts, Chart Customization, Large Dataset Rendering, Financial Dashboards, Monitoring Systems, Scientific Simulations, 3D Surface Plots, Line Charts, Scatter Plots, Heatmaps, Candlestick Charts, Time Series Charts, Stock Market Analytics, Big Data Visualization, Real-time Analytics, IoT Data Visualization, Streaming Data, WebGL Charting, GPU Acceleration, Web Data Dashboards, JavaScript Framework Compatibility, Cross-Browser Support, Chart Animation, Chart Interactivity, Zooming and Panning, Data Streaming, User Interface (UI) Components, Performance Optimization, JavaScript Charting Toolkit, Cross-Platform Compatibility, Responsive Charting, Custom Chart Styles, Data Annotation, Data Analysis, Data Insights, Data Exploration, Data Representation, Real-time Monitoring, Chart Widgets, Data Visualization Integration, Web Application Development, Visual Analytics, Dynamic Dashboards, Real-time Streaming Charts, Geographic Data Visualization, Industry-Agnostic, Multiseries Charts, Data Trends Analysis, Time-Stamped Data, Performance Metrics, Trendlines, Data Plotting, Real-time Trading Analytics, Gaming Analytics, Live Sensor Data, Engineering Simulations, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Oil and Gas Exploration, Meteorological Data Visualization, Environmental Data Analysis, Healthcare Analytics, Manufacturing Process Monitoring, Machine Learning Visualization, Data-driven Decision Making, Chart Rendering Engine, High-Frequency Trading, Server Monitoring, Network Performance Monitoring, Scientific Research Visualization, Industrial Automation, Particle Tracking, Data Dashboards for Industries, 2D and 3D Charts, Real-time Rendering Speed, Cross-Device Compatibility


LightningChart® JS - World's Fastest JavaScript Charts

LightningChart JS is a WebGL based, lightning-fast real-time data visualization charting library with a focus on exceptional performance. Performance testing results prove it’s able to visualize streaming data rates no other library for JS can, both in 2D and 3D. The fastest rendering real JavaScript charting library.

Interactive examples, with code editing on-the-fly

Whether you are first learning about LightningChart, investigating if it suits your needs or starting with your own application development our interactive examples application is the place to start from.

Click here to browse almost all LightningChart JS features, interact with the charts, test the performance and see how the code looks.

More interactive examples

Performance comparison:

We have made multiple comparisons of LightningChart® JS against other popular JavaScript charting libraries. Check all of the comparisons and find out how we got the results here

Some performance results, with a typical desktop PC:

  • Static line series: 10 million data points in 290 ms. Up to several billion samples.
  • Scrolling line series: 400 channels simultaneously with 1 000 Hz data stream rate per channel and 1 minute time window, adding up to a grand total of 24 million data points visible at every frame and updated at 60 FPS
  • Heat maps: 30000x30000 heat map can be loaded in less than 5 seconds
  • Scatter series: load massive raw data sets up to 500 million samples (and more depending on hardware)

Key features:

  • GPU acceleration and WebGL rendering
  • Intuitive touch screen interactivity with zooming, panning, moving data cursors etc.
  • Dashboard control, capable of rendering 100+ charts.
  • Supports server side rendering (use with our @arction/lcjs-headless package)
  • Chart types: 3D, XY, Heatmaps, Polar, Radar, Spider, Pie, Donut, Funnel, Bar, Stacked Bar, Grouped Bar, Gauge, Pyramid and Treemap charts
  • Linear and Logarithmic Axis for XY Charts
  • Data Grid for displaying data in form of real-time tables with icons, text, numbers, coloring and miniature charts
  • Extremely customizable, flexible and adaptable to different user interface and design requirements


For latest instructions, please refer to Developer Documentation.

1. Install from NPM and use a bundler

Install the library package from NPM.

npm install --save @arction/lcjs

This package can be used with any bundler that supports CommonJS. Some examples of bundlers that work are WebPack, Parcel and Rollup.

Check our getting started video on LightningChart JS to see this in action.

Any of our Examples can be used as a seed project. All examples on that page have been made to standalone repositories which can be found on our GitHub. Standalone Example Repositories

2. Use IIFE bundle directly on a webpage

The library is distributed with a browser ready IIFE bundle. This bundle can be used directly in browsers with script tag. You can see an example implementation of this method in our Developer Documentation

All of our examples can be used in the html page. To use them, first find an example you want to use from interactive examples. Click Edit this example. On the bottom of the page click on the button that reads CJS. That will switch our code to be IIFE compatible. After that, the code can be copied to the html page. See our LightningChart JS html usage example for more detailed information.


LightningChart JS requires a license key to be used. Get one here.

// Using a license key
const lc = lightningChart({ license: 'my-license-key' })
const chart = lc.ChartXY()

For latest instructions, please refer to Developer Documentation.

Terms of use can be found here.

For more materials, instructions, guides and troubleshooting, please refer to the more conclusive Developer Documentation.