Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


Digit Sapiens Angular Starter is a setup based on Angular 9+. This library was generated with Angular CLI version 10.1.6. alt text



Digit Sapiens Angular Starter is a setup based on Angular 9+. This library was generated with Angular CLI version 10.1.6. alt text

New Features!

  • Angular 9+

Table is designed as follow

Scalability Optimized Client side logic


NgxTable requires Node.js v4+ to run.

Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.

$ npm i @digitsapiens/ngx-table --save
import { NgxTableModule } from './ngx-table/ngx-table.module';
    <app-ngx-table [data]="" [config]="config"> </app-ngx-table>

Add custom cell template and use it inside the colDef.

    <app-ngx-table [search]="search" [data]="" [config]="config" [templates]="{symbol:symbol}">
        <ng-template #symbol let-row>

Add custom actions

    <app-ngx-table [search]="search" [data]="" [config]="config" [customActions]="customActions"
        <ng-template #symbol let-row>
        <ng-template #customActions let-row>
            <button mat-icon-button>View</button>
config: Config = {
    colDefs: [
        headerName: "Id",
        name: "id",
        type: ColType.text,
        filters: {} as Filters,
        headerName: "Name",
        name: "name",
        type: ColType.text,
        filters: {} as Filters,
        headerName: "Weight",
        name: "weight",
        type: ColType.numeric,
        filters: {} as Filters,
        footerAgg?: (data: any) => any;
        headerName: "Symbol",
        name: "symbol",
        type: ColType.text,
        filters: {} as Filters,
    data: ELEMENT_DATA,
    groups: [
      { colspan: 2, id: "header-row-first-group",title:"Group 1" },
      { colspan: 2, id: "header-row-second-group", title:"Group 2" },
    hasSelection: true,
    hasActions: true,
    height: "500px",
    onEdit: (row) => {
    onDelete: (row) => {

This package is dependent to the following packages

Angular Material

$ ng add @angular/material

Resizable Element

$ npm i angular-resizable-element --save


  • Write MORE Tests
  • Add server side pagination and filters