Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail



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persistent, dotenv, entries, extend, tester, set, instrumentation, look, cloudwatch, Uint8Array, matchAll, sequence, beanstalk, group, apollo, react-testing-library, ES, get, uuid, @@toStringTag, Object.entries, args, CSS, ECMAScript 2021, linewrap, file cache, trimEnd, sharedarraybuffer, typescript, deep-copy, number, id, package, language, function.length, joi, argv, prop, hasOwnProperty, crypto, hookform, exe, typed, jsx, output, toSorted, swf, collection.es6, .env, workspace:*, argument, jest, type, contains, idle, trim, async, modules, mime, queueMicrotask, full-width, defineProperty, tape, redux-toolkit, findup, rm -rf, map, rate, libphonenumber, identifiers, drag, import, Array.prototype.findLastIndex,, zod, visual, stdlib, _.extend, fast, aws, efficient, every, Uint8ClampedArray, environment, escape, plugin, expression, api, dependencies, ratelimit, animation, compiler, command-line, jQuery, fs, Float64Array, toobject, queue, css-in-js, $.extend, ender, String.prototype.matchAll, serializer, full, redact, ECMAScript 2023, error, assertion, glacier, callbind, name, tty, cli, accessibility, terminal, deep, BigUint64Array, mime-db, readable, commander, colors, spawn, worker, up, lockfile, symlink, Array.prototype.flat, readablestream, tslib, ec2, dependency manager, negative zero, react-hook-form, Array.prototype.findLast, Array, amazon, key par, emr, delete, prefix, take, internal slot, Array.prototype.flatMap, i18n, ECMAScript 5, pipe, es-abstract, serialization, environments, testing, byteLength, symlinks, format, writable, ajv, ECMAScript 2016, Uint16Array, hooks, drop, folder, start, https, StyleSheet, events, is, validate, east-asian-width, cmd, es2016, stringifier, fps, bound, validation, prototype, AsyncIterator, width, rfc4122, traverse, streams, property, nope, open, stream, wait, ES2019, properties, weakmap, getPrototypeOf, task, Push, ES2023, color, Object.values, util, concatMap, flag, istanbul, airbnb, mobile, WeakMap, findLast, serialize, react-hooks, equal, computed-types, text, shared, Object.fromEntries, chinese, syntaxerror, http, telephone, waapi, parents, protobuf, fast-deep-clone, term, safe, Reflect.getPrototypeOf, inference, waf, mkdirp, awesomesauce, RxJS, xterm, look-up, hash, own, arktype, eventEmitter, curl, agent, jshint, unicode, has, request, iteration, jsdom, popmotion, location, sort, once, form-validation, json, Object, starter, jsdiff, glob, ReactiveExtensions, valid, query, file, HyBi, intrinsic, character, omit, elasticache, yup, typanion, touch, obj, pose, util.inspect, art, routing, flags, streams2, Symbol.toStringTag, ECMAScript 6, pretty, ebs, lazy, busy, metadata, Array.prototype.includes, buffers, cjk, guid, make dir, speed, estree, functions, Observable, accessor, Microsoft, dir, Int16Array, Array.prototype.contains, cloudtrail, includes, style, code points, buffer, generics, config, enumerable, regular expressions, forms, fastify, lint, yaml, byte, chromium, opens, toStringTag, 3d, minimal, extra, data, pnpm9, move, limited, Map, chrome, path, sorted, ES8, datastructure, description, positive, kinesis, postcss, Promise, gdpr, throat, getter, write, es2017, Stream, diff, ArrayBuffer, rapid, sameValueZero, es6, fast-deep-copy, rangeerror, xhr, json cache, inspect, styles, wordbreak, app, exec, reduce, espree, isConcatSpreadable, tools, hardlinks, matches, forEach, shebang, arrays, colour, debug, wordwrap, read, ECMAScript 2019, graphql, shrinkwrap, spec, filter, jasmine, stable, higher-order, walk, function, dom, assign, mocha, define, trimStart, es-shims, side, object, styling, check, call, [[Prototype]], ES2017, Set, workflow, Object.keys, wrap, helpers, querystring, asserts, qs, superagent, browserslist, browser, js, ava, log, es7, toolkit, css, dynamodb, ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice, three, break, 0, icu, throttle, arguments, descriptor, key, monorepo, styleguide, Int8Array, rgb, Array.prototype.filter, getintrinsic, internal, gestures, TypeScript, copy, regular expression, functional, channel, callbound, zero, deepcopy, mimetypes, formatting, groupBy, date, Object.defineProperty, deep-clone, dataView, promise, value, indicator, ArrayBuffer#slice, robust, performant, promises, native, core, bluebird, schema, length, await, dom-testing-library, banner, rm -fr, vars, extension, ECMAScript 3, route53, flat, sqs, listeners, ECMAScript 7, call-bind, postcss-plugin, fast-clone, express, time, installer, runtime, make, polyfill, ECMAScript 2022, storagegateway, compare, Object.getPrototypeOf, executable, ES7, flatten, loadbalancing, fetch, batch, censor, collection


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A helper to optimistically set Symbol.toStringTag, when possible.

Most common usage:

var assert = require('assert');
var setToStringTag = require('@diotoborg/harum-nesciunt-dolores');

var obj = {};

assert.equal(, '[object Object]');

setToStringTag(obj, 'tagged!');

assert.equal(, '[object tagged!]');


Simply clone the repo, npm install, and run npm test