Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


path, packages, ES6, chinese, link, ec2, functional, matches, state, busy, modules, groupBy, has-own, queueMicrotask, once, argument, s3, typeof, command, mimetypes, drop, react-testing-library, ECMAScript 2015, readablestream, assert, includes, Object.values, react-hook-form, gradients css3, columns, lockfile, dom-testing-library, browserslist, styling, Set, equal, authentication, utility, recursive, sorted, view, browser, testing, superagent, visual, Float32Array, text, URLSearchParams, encryption, private data, toStringTag, sameValueZero, call, forms, spec, toolkit, jasmine, directory, hasOwnProperty, streams2, react, listeners, compare, hooks, tools, api, parser, wordwrap, url, safe, getPrototypeOf, higher-order, ESnext, toobject, hot, ES2017, collection.es6, jsdiff, push, find, sequence, reducer, findLast, postcss, cloudfront, javascript, extra, hookform, duplex, endpoint, remove, define, error, parents, ES2021, wrap, middleware, ES7, slice, sort, colour, art, Int8Array, css variable, streams, config, classnames, electron, ascii, agent, set, setPrototypeOf, map, vest, ECMAScript 2022, chromium, offset, node, starter, emit, last, getintrinsic, look, Observable, ender, sharedarraybuffer, asserts, fetch, util.inspect, ArrayBuffer, channel, isConcatSpreadable, exec, fixed-width, output, findLastIndex, arktype, get, iteration, Object.defineProperty, react-hooks, quote, query, css less, env, value, byte, util, aws, option, mru, toSorted, css nesting, language, Object, formatting, io-ts, name, http, has, elb, call-bind, dom, dependencies, mocha, simpledb, promise, shrinkwrap, tape, json, hardlinks, variables in css, logging, private, package manager, Object.assign, ses, key, jsonpath, Float64Array, queue, ECMAScript 2021, property, minimal, validation, typedarray, robust, korean, ast, forEach, karma, tslib, cjk, merge, elasticache, ES2023, trimRight, command-line, obj, promises, deterministic, watchFile, callbound, tostringtag, https, colors, move, regex, persistent, symbols, typedarrays, es-abstract, fast-deep-copy, array, helpers, extend, superstruct, take, settings, positive, full-width, ES3, class-validator, stringifier, multi-package, fast, dependency manager, ArrayBuffer#slice, import, TypedArray, fastify, variables, ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice, getopt, negative zero, in, .env, function, glob, npm, stdlib, every, full, ECMAScript 5, Streams, es, storagegateway, accessor, Array.prototype.flatMap, RFC-6455, ES8, break, workflow, stable, bcrypt, deep-copy, fast-clone, stream, dataview, argparse, values, URL, libphonenumber, internal slot, watcher, enumerable, auth, querystring, zod, es-shim API, mime, flatMap, less, connect, console, $.extend, japanese, setImmediate, task, mapreduce, css-in-js, time, wait, fullwidth, symlink, optimizer, Uint8ClampedArray, fast-deep-clone, protocol-buffers, cloudsearch,, Symbol.toStringTag, stylesheet, properties, reuse, read, jest, Symbol, indicator, shebang, some, filter, accessibility, functions, -0, proto, extension, xhr, typed array, es2016, length, progress, walk, eslintconfig, Int32Array, delete, jsx, figlet, buffer, Iterator, ES2022, diff, args, @@toStringTag, dynamodb, mixins, deepcopy, crypt, ES5, color, form-validation, assertion, format, pnpm9, es7, syntaxerror, wordbreak, less css



npm Build license

Evaluatory is an open-source tool for website validation. It is mainly a wrapper around axe-core and html-validate, which test a website for accessibility and markup issues.

Evaluatory comes with some essential improvements:

  • Run checks at multiple device breakpoints at the same time (e.g. mobile, tablet and desktop). Some accessibility issues appear only at a certain breakpoint.
  • Emulate dark mode, disabled JavaScript, offline mode and more by using custom Playwright options.
  • Return a visual HTML results page, including page screenshots.
  • Support for sitemaps to check all referenced web pages at once.

This project uses a modular architecture, so in the long term it could become an alternative to tools like webhint.


Check out a demo results page at


  • base: Custom built-in checks.
  • axe-core: Checks for accessibility issues using axe-core.
  • html-validate: Validates the HTML using html-validate.
  • screenshot: Takes a screenshot of the page.


Run @diotoborg/quasi-repellat-odit with default configuration for a single URL:

npx @diotoborg/quasi-repellat-odit


This tool requires Node.js version 12+.

Install globally:

$ yarn add -g @diotoborg/quasi-repellat-odit     # Yarn
$ npm install -g @diotoborg/quasi-repellat-odit  # Npm

Or install as a local dependency:

$ yarn add @diotoborg/quasi-repellat-odit            # Yarn
$ npm install --save @diotoborg/quasi-repellat-odit  # Npm

Or use without installing:

$ npx @diotoborg/quasi-repellat-odit <url>


View program help:

$ @diotoborg/quasi-repellat-odit --help
Usage: @diotoborg/quasi-repellat-odit [url] [options]

  [url]  URL

  -c, --config       Configuration file path
  -o, --output       Output folder
  --color-scheme     Color scheme (light, dark, no-preference)
  -m, --modules      Modules to execute (comma-separated)
  --no-open-results  Don't open the results page after evaluation
  --sitemap          Sitemap URL
  --verbose          Verbose/debug mode
  -h, --help         Show help
  -v, --version      Show version number

Run default configuration for a single URL:

$ @diotoborg/quasi-repellat-odit

Run default configuration for all URLs within a sitemap:

$ @diotoborg/quasi-repellat-odit --sitemap

Provide a custom configuration:

$ @diotoborg/quasi-repellat-odit -c config.json


The configuration is a valid JSON5 file. See config.example.json5 for an example and config.default.js for available options (with defaults).


This project and its contents are open source under the MIT license.