Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


InteractiveAdvertisingBureau103.5kApache- support: included

Ensures consistent encoding and decoding of TC Signals for the iab. Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF).

interactive, advertising, bureau, iab, transparency, consent, consentstring, tcstring, gvl, vendor, framework, tcf, lib, library, cmp, 2.0, v2.0, v2, software, development, api, kit, sdk, gdpr




Official JavaScript / TypeScript compliant tool suite for implementing the Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) v2.2. The essential toolkit for CMPs.

This is a mono repo containing 5 modules:

Core - For encoding/decoding TC strings and tools for handling the Global Vendor List (GVL).

CmpApi - CMP in-page API (__tcfapi()) tool that works with the core library.

cli - Tool to decode a TC string on the command line interface (cli).

Testing - Tools for testing the core library including random TCModel and GVL generators.

Stub - Code for the on-page __tcfapi() CMP stub.


Here you can find the contributing guide to help maintain and update the library.