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Package detail


kettek12MPL- support: included

POSIX/win32 path strings to POJO tree

tree, paths, POSIX, win32, file paths, simple, pojo



This module provides functions for creating and manipulating a plain object tree built from POSIX and win32 style paths. There are no classes, only functions that manipulate a POJO representing a tree structure.


Make(paths, cb)Object

Make creates a new tree object from an array of POSIX or win32 style paths.

Insert(root, path, value)Object

Insert inserts the given path into the root object and assigns the value to the end node.

Remove(root, path)Object

Remove removes the given path from the root object. Also removes any branches that are made empty during this process.

Find(root, path)Object

Find returns the tree branch, end node value, or undefined from the given path in the tree.


SplitPath returns an array of strings representing a path's structure split by forward or back slashes.



Make(paths, cb) ⇒ Object

Make creates a new tree object from an array of POSIX or win32 style paths.

Returns: Object -

The resulting tree.

Param Type Description
paths Array.<string>

An array of POSIX or win32 style paths to build the tree object.

cb MakeCallback

A optional callback to assign to the end node of the path.


// returns { a: { b: { c: 'a/b/c', d: 'a\\b\\d', e: 'a\\b/e' } }, b: { c: { a: 'b/c\\a' } } }
Make(['a/b/c', 'a\\b\\d', 'a\\b/e', 'b/c\\a'], p => p)

Insert(root, path, value) ⇒ Object

Insert inserts the given path into the root object and assigns the value to the end node.

Returns: Object -

The root tree object.

Param Type Description
root Object

The root tree object to grow to fit the path.

path string

The POSIX or win32 path to create as a branch.

value any

The value to set the end of the branch to.


// returns { my: { mixed: { path: 'something' } } }
Insert({}, '/my\\mixed/path', 'something')

Remove(root, path) ⇒ Object

Remove removes the given path from the root object. Also removes any branches that are made empty during this process.

Returns: Object -

The root tree object.

Param Type Description
root Object

The root tree object to grow to fit the path.

path string

The POSIX or win32 path to remove from the tree.


// returns { a: { '1': 'a/1', '2': 'a/2' }, b: { '1': 'b\\1' } }
let t = Make(['a/1', 'a/2', 'b\\1'])
// returns { a: { '2': 'a/2' }, b: { '1': 'b\\1' } }
Remove(t, 'a/1')
// returns { a: { '2': 'a/2' } }
Remove(t, 'b/1')

Find(root, path) ⇒ Object

Find returns the tree branch, end node value, or undefined from the given path in the tree.

Returns: Object -

The tree branch, end value, or undefined.

Param Type Description
root Object

The root tree object to grow to fit the path.

path string

The POSIX or win32 path to remove from the tree.

SplitPath(path) ⇒ Array.<string>

SplitPath returns an array of strings representing a path's structure split by forward or back slashes.

Returns: Array.<string> -

An array of paths separated by / or \.

Param Type Description
path string

The POSIX or win32 path to remove from the tree.

MakeCallback ⇒ any

Returns: any -

The value to assign to the given entry.

Param Type Description
fullpath string

The full path of the given entry.

© 2022 Ketchetwahmeegwun T. Southall