Hrana client for TypeScript
This package implements a Hrana client for TypeScript. Hrana is the protocol for connecting to sqld using WebSocket or HTTP.
This package is intended mostly for internal use. Consider using the
package, which will use Hrana automatically.
import * as hrana from "@libsql/hrana-client";
// Open a `hrana.Client`, which works like a connection pool in standard SQL
// databases.
const url = process.env.URL ?? "ws://localhost:8080"; // Address of the sqld server
const jwt = process.env.JWT; // JWT token for authentication
// Here we are using Hrana over WebSocket:
const client = hrana.openWs(url, jwt);
// But we can also use Hrana over HTTP:
// const client = hrana.openHttp(url, jwt);
// Open a `hrana.Stream`, which is an interactive SQL stream. This corresponds
// to a "connection" from other SQL databases
const stream = client.openStream();
// Fetch all rows returned by a SQL statement
const books = await stream.query("SELECT title, year FROM book WHERE author = 'Jane Austen'");
// The rows are returned in an Array...
for (const book of books.rows) {
// every returned row works as an array (`book[1]`) and as an object (`book.year`)
console.log(`${book.title} from ${book.year}`);
// Fetch a single row
const book = await stream.queryRow("SELECT title, MIN(year) FROM book");
if (book.row !== undefined) {
console.log(`The oldest book is ${book.row.title} from year ${book.row[1]}`);
// Fetch a single value, using a bound parameter
const year = await stream.queryValue(["SELECT MAX(year) FROM book WHERE author = ?", ["Jane Austen"]]);
if (year.value !== undefined) {
console.log(`Last book from Jane Austen was published in ${year.value}`);
// Execute a statement that does not return any rows
const res = await["DELETE FROM book WHERE author = ?", ["J. K. Rowling"]])
console.log(`${res.affectedRowCount} books have been cancelled`);
// When you are done, remember to close the client