Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


ng-bootstrap5MIT1.0.0-beta.6-v3TypeScript support: included

Angular powered Bootstrap

angular, bootstrap, components, accordion, alert, buttons, carousel, collapse, datepicker, dropdown, modal, pagination, popover, progressbar, rating, tabset, timepicker, tooltip, typeahead


NG Bootstrap - Angular directives specific to Bootstrap 4

npm version Build Status devDependency Status Sauce Test Status

Welcome to the Angular version of the Angular UI Bootstrap library. This library is being built from scratch by the ui-bootstrap team. We are using TypeScript and targeting the Bootstrap 4 CSS framework.

As with Bootstrap 4, this library is a work in progress. Please check out our list of issues to see all the things we are implementing. Feel free to make comments there.

Table of Contents


View all the directives in action at



After installing the above dependencies, install ng-bootstrap via:

npm install --save @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap

Once installed you need to import our main module:

import {NgbModule} from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';

The only remaining part is to list the imported module in your application module. The exact method will be slightly different for the root (top-level) module for which you should end up with the code similar to (notice NgbModule.forRoot()):

import {NgbModule} from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';

  declarations: [AppComponent, ...],
  imports: [NgbModule.forRoot(), ...],  
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {

Other modules in your application can simply import NgbModule:

import {NgbModule} from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';

  declarations: [OtherComponent, ...],
  imports: [NgbModule, ...], 
export class OtherModule {


If you are using SystemJS, you should also adjust your configuration to point to the UMD bundle.

In your systemjs config file, map needs to tell the System loader where to look for ng-bootstrap:

map: {
  '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap': 'node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/bundles/ng-bootstrap.js',

Supported browsers

We support the same browsers and versions supported by both Bootstrap 4 and Angular, whichever is more restrictive. See this for up-to-date Angular browser support.

  • Chrome (45+)
  • Firefox (40+)
  • IE (10+)
  • Edge (20+)
  • Safari (7+)

Also check Bootstrap 4's notes on browsers support.

Contributing to the project

Please check the doc for contribution guidelines.

Getting Help

Please, do not open issues for the general support questions as we want to keep GitHub issues for bug reports and feature requests. You've got much better chances of getting your question answered on StackOverflow where maintainers are looking at questions tagged with ng-bootstrap.

StackOverflow is a much better place to ask questions since:

  • there are hundreds of people willing to help on StackOverflow
  • questions and answers stay available for public viewing so your question / answer might help someone else
  • SO voting system assures that the best answers are prominently visible.

To save your and our time we will be systematically closing all the issues that are requests for general support and redirecting people to StackOverflow.

You think you've found a bug?

Oh, we are ashamed and want to fix it ASAP! But before fixing a bug we need to reproduce and confirm it. In order to reproduce bugs we will systematically ask you to provide a minimal reproduction scenario using Having a live, reproducible scenario gives us wealth of important information without going back & forth to you with additional questions like:

  • version of Angular used
  • version of this library that you are using
  • 3rd-party libraries used, if any
  • and most importantly - a use-case that fails

A minimal reproduce scenario using allows us to quickly confirm a bug (or point out coding problem) as well as confirm that we are fixing the right problem. The best part is that you do not need to create plunks from scratch - you can fork one from our demo page.

We will be insisting on a minimal reproduce scenario in order to save maintainers time and ultimately be able to fix more bugs. Interestingly, from our experience users often find coding problems themselves while preparing a minimal plunk. We understand that sometimes it might be hard to extract essentials bits of code from a larger code-base but we really need to isolate the problem before we can fix it.

Unfortunately we are not able to investigate / fix bugs without a minimal reproduce scenario using, so if we don't hear back from you we are going to close an issue that don't have enough info to be reproduced.

Code of Conduct

Please take a moment and read our Code of Conduct


1.0.0-beta.6 (2017-12-01)

This release depends on Bootstrap beta.2 CSS.

Bug Fixes

  • accordion: hide panel when destroyOnHide set to false (9e2df7f), closes #1915
  • buttons: mark the form control of a ngbRadioGroup as touched (9dde9c2), closes #1987 #1988
  • datepicker: close date picker after selecting the same date (ea796de), closes #1783
  • datepicker: date selection regression for non-visible dates (8e0ddb4), closes #1974
  • datepicker: popup disabled state (a05727e)
  • datepicker: remove border from 'btn-link' style (c6121b3), closes #1900 #1851
  • datepicker: use class btn with btn-link (3648f46)
  • dropdown: add "dropdown" class for placements other than "top" (ed88f72), closes #1847 #1852
  • dropdown: adjust for better compatibility with universal (9ad8f43), closes #1883
  • popover: added margin to arrow placement (2506ae4), closes #1845 #1855
  • timepicker: remove border from 'btn-link' style (3f9b909), closes #1851 #1901
  • timepicker: use class btn with btn-link (e6a93e0)
  • typeahead: don't close dropdown on typeahead input click (fa9c080), closes #1853 #1989


  • datepicker: add Islamic Umalqura calendar (22a7210)
  • datepicker: add support for the container option (6c7a31b), closes #1380 #1857
  • datepicker: allow user to define his own date structure (a406e52), closes #1753
  • progressbar: allow changing progressbar height (b329be9), closes #1904 #1908
  • rating: add 'index' variable in template (2ed3632), closes #1922 #1931
  • typeahead: add exportAs property for ngbTypeahead (c318045), closes #1559

1.0.0-beta.5 (2017-09-14)

Bug Fixes

1.0.0-beta.4 (2017-09-07)

Lot's of positioning updates in this release. Now you can use more positioning options and auto-positioning for all widgets that open popups.

Bug Fixes

  • positioning: check for secondary available placements (0f92c80), closes #1819


1.0.0-beta.3 (2017-08-30)

Bug Fixes

1.0.0-beta.2 (2017-08-23)

Bug Fixes



  • dropdown: The up input is no longer supported by you can use more flexible placement setting now.


<div ngbDropdown [up]="true">


<div ngbDropdown placement="top-right">

1.0.0-beta.1 (2017-08-11)

ng-bootstrap goes BETA (and requires Bootstrap CSS 4.0.0-beta now)!

Bug Fixes

  • dropdown: update for Bootstrap4.beta (877c696), closes #1745
  • popover: account for margins when positioning popovers (5a7df43)



  • ng-bootstrap now requires Bootstrap CSS 4.0.0-beta
  • buttons: The btn-group CSS class needs to added explicitly for radio buttons.


<div ngbRadioGroup ...>


<div class="btn-group" ngbRadioGroup ...>
  • dropdown: Dropdown menu now requires usage of the new ngbDropdownMenu directive.


<div ngbDropdown>
  <button ngbDropdownToggle>Toggle dropdown</button>
  <div class="dropdown-menu">
    <a class="dropdown-item">Action</a>

After (notice ngbDropdownMenu):

<div ngbDropdown>
  <button ngbDropdownToggle>Toggle dropdown</button>
  <div ngbDropdownMenu>
    <a class="dropdown-item">Action</a>

1.0.0-alpha.31 (2017-08-11)

This is the last alpha release of ng-bootstrap. Next stop - beta!

Bug Fixes

  • typeahead: resubscribe for value changes on blur, esc, enter (47797d3), closes #723 #1244


1.0.0-alpha.30 (2017-08-03)

Bug Fixes

  • buttons: set name on radio inputs to fix keyboard navigation (3bfd82d), closes #1704 #1706
  • carousel: restart timer when interval changed (ae4e3e9), closes #1690 #1702
  • datepicker: focus datepicker after opening it inside the popup (0dbe0cb), closes #1708 #1717
  • datepicker: propagate model and validation state on 'input' event (38b8ffa), closes #1225 #1605
  • datepicker: retain manually entered values even if invalid (4bd81c3), closes #1710 #1725


1.0.0-alpha.29 (2017-07-25)

Bug Fixes



  • buttons: The NgbButtonsModule changed location (path) and content. This path might need adjusting for people importing individual modules. Before: import {NgbButtonsModule} from './buttons/radio.module' After: import {NgbButtonsModule} from './buttons/buttons.module'

The NgbButtonsModule now contains both checkbox and radio buttons.

  • buttons: Selectors for radio buttons related directives were changed and now both label and input require ng-bootstrap specific attributes as selectors.


<div [(ngModel)]="model" ngbRadioGroup>
  <label class="btn">
    <input type="radio" name="radio" [value]="values[0]"/> {{ values[0] }}
  <label class="btn">
    <input type="radio" name="radio" [value]="values[1]"/> {{ values[1] }}


<div [(ngModel)]="model" ngbRadioGroup>
  <label ngbButtonLabel>
    <input ngbButton type="radio" name="radio" [value]="values[0]"/> {{ values[0] }}
  <label ngbButtonLabel>
    <input ngbButton type="radio" name="radio" [value]="values[1]"/> {{ values[1] }}

Notice new ngbButtonLabel and ngbButton attributes that act as new selectors.

1.0.0-alpha.28 (2017-07-11)

Bug Fixes

  • datepicker: use noon instead of midnight for date conversion (2fdd8f1), closes #1615 #1676
  • timepicker: respect meridian setting when entring hours (62c5ae3), closes #1631 #1636
  • typeahead: avoid unnecessary re-creation of DOM nodes (0c19153), closes #1659 #1674


  • datepicker: add keyboard navigation (bd94215)


  • datepicker: component uses ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush now for most of the internal implementation. Things like the dynamic internationalization or calendar change might not work anymore as these are injected services. Any internal changes in these services in runtime will not trigger datepicker re-rendering.

1.0.0-alpha.27 (2017-06-30)

Bug Fixes

  • support closure-compiler in the library (5cfd9e4)
  • datepicker: consider empty string inputs as valid (95d1668), closes #1588 #1637
  • popover: popover not positioned properly (85fadb8), closes #1649
  • positioning: top-right, right-bottom, bottom-right, left-bottom (4689b4b), closes #1561
  • tooltip: properly position tooltips close to container edges (4a221c1), closes #1263 #1371 #1643


1.0.0-alpha.26 (2017-05-16)

Bug Fixes

  • datepicker: prevent memory leak caused by ngZone subscription (c0c093b), closes #1534
  • rating: properly propagate control's touched state (53aa678), closes #1514 #1532


1.0.0-alpha.25 (2017-04-25)



  • ng-bootstrap requires a minimal version of Angular 4.0.3

1.0.0-alpha.24 (2017-04-22)

Bug Fixes

  • buttons: add role="group" to radio group (c847a92), closes #1503
  • collapse: remove aria-expanded from target (a24b283), closes #1492


  • rating: set aria-disabled="true" when readonly (c89f2c4), closes #1489
  • timepicker: replace table layout with flexbox (b94a126), closes #1498

1.0.0-alpha.23 (2017-04-12)

Bug Fixes

  • accordion: disabled links are announced and focusable (e836798), closes #1443
  • accordion: remove aria-controls when panel is not in DOM (44acc44), closes #1482
  • accordion: remove unneded aria-selected (92ae3fd), closes #1159 #1438
  • carousel: remove inappropriate role="listbox" from carousel (39e1df5), closes #1484
  • datepicker: add stricter checks on dates validity (184f45a), closes #1230 #1442
  • pagination: remove duplicate accessibility labels (4960533), closes #1429
  • rating: correct aria attribute setting (4575573), closes #1479
  • rating: properly support disabled control state (a29da45), closes #1432 #1435
  • tabs: prevent focus of disabled tabs (7d1dd97), closes #1430
  • tabs: remove aria-controls when content is destroyed (a2a8a74), closes #1485
  • tabset: remove unneeded tabpanel role on container (5005384), closes #1409
  • timepicker: improve accessibility (b2942d3), closes #1480
  • timepicker: scale chevrons when size option is used (493d0b3), closes #1300 #1405
  • typeahead: fix ARIA attributes (ba4f48f), closes #1454 #1454


  • datepicker: add validation (4cbea99), closes #1222 #1434
  • pagination: improve accessibility (424c38f), closes #1294
  • popover: add aria-describedby to popover triggering element (92e4804), closes #1412
  • tooltip: add aria-describedby to tooltip triggering element (0883635), closes #1386
  • typeahead: add accessibility support (e1fa7a4), closes #1321


  • datepicker: Datepickers in popups are much stricter about valid dates now and won't try to auto-correct invalid dates any more. For example 2017-99-99 was considered valid previously and auto-corrected. This is not the case any more. Please check control's validity to detect invalid dates entered by users.
  • datepicker: Invalid dates entered by a user into datepicker input are propagated to the model as-is. This is required to properly support validation and is in-line with behaviour of all the built-in Angular validators. From now on you need to check control's validity to determine if the entered date is valid or not.

1.0.0-alpha.22 (2017-03-24)

This is a small release that contains peerDependencies adjustments needed to support Angular 4.x. This library was tested with the latest Angular and now fully supports both 4.x and 2.x.

Bug Fixes

1.0.0-alpha.21 (2017-03-15)

Bug Fixes



  • model: The ngbModalContainer directive is no longer needed and was removed from this project. Just remove any references to the <template ngbModalContainer></template> from your projects.

1.0.0-alpha.20 (2017-02-02)

Bug Fixes

  • alert: add missing alert-dismissible CSS class (e2691b9), closes #1267 #1270
  • datepicker: mark dates without a day as invalid (c57f913), closes #1278 #1279
  • datepicker: navigation arrows not responding on Firefox when navigation=="arrows" (e2410f9), closes #1254
  • timepicker: correct input alligements (9649ab2), closes #1280
  • typeahead: don't modify Observable prototype (ae6abb7), closes #1242 #1256


1.0.0-alpha.19 (2017-01-25)

This release comes with many improvements to the datepicker: better layout as well as look & feel. We are also bumping up minimal Angular version to 2.3.1 - this is required so we can provide better APIs for modal.


Bug Fixes

  • datepicker: account for undefined values in ngOnChanges (8803847), closes #1202 #1229
  • dropdown: do not close dropdown on right button click (b6bb9e9), closes #1211
  • pagination: fix unnecessary ellipsis between sibling page numbers (b607652), closes #1166 #1232 #1233


  • datepicker: add full month name versions to i18n (106fa82), closes #1217
  • datepicker: improve default look and feel (d88c8b7), closes #706 #1061 #1205
  • tabset: add an option for tabs horizontal alignment (00114f3), closes #1210


  • minimal angular version was updated to 2.3.1. Angular@^2.3.1 will have to be used as a peer dependency from now on.

  • datepicker: NgbDatepickerI18n methods were renamed:

getWeekdayName to getWeekdayShortName getMonthName to getMonthShortName

  • datepicker: switched to flex layout instead of table-based (drop IE9 support) and prefixed datepicker-related css classes with ngb-dp-

1.0.0-alpha.18 (2017-01-09)

This release adds full compatibility with Bootstrap CSS version 4.0.0-alpha.6!


  • upgrade documentation to bootstrap-4.0.0-alpha.6 (4499927), closes #1192


  • carousel: upgrade carousel to v4-alpha.6 (e9f539a), closes #1190
  • collapse: upgrade collapse to v4-alpha.6 (6cda8b3), closes #1183
  • datepicker: upgrade datepicker to v4-alpha.6 (b60e2d7), closes #1187
  • dropdown: upgrade to 4.0.0-alpha.6 (d8bfe37), closes #1180 #1182
  • modal: upgrade modal to v4-alpha.6 (7ab022b), closes #1185
  • popover: upgrade popover to v4-alpha.6 (60fd5d9), closes #1189
  • timepicker: upgrade timepicker to v4-alpha.6 (4288e22), closes #1186
  • tooltip: upgrade tooltip to v4-alpha.6 (0000aa3), closes #1188


  • This version is compatible with bootstrap-4.0.0-alpha.6, and is not backward-compatible with previous versions of bootstrap. If you choose to upgrade to this version of ng-bootstrap, you will thus also have to migrate to bootstrap-4.0.0-alpha.6.

1.0.0-alpha.17 (2017-01-09)

This is a very small release that restores TypeScript 1.8 compatibility. Additionally it and fixes plunks to work with Bootstrap version 4.0.0-alpha.5 (this is in preparation for full support of Bootstrap 4.0.0-alpha.6)

Bug Fixes

1.0.0-alpha.16 (2017-01-02)

Bug Fixes

  • buttons: properly manage disabled state of group interactions (e24f4c6), closes #1143 #1148


1.0.0-alpha.15 (2016-12-15)

Bug Fixes



  • rating: event emitter behind the 'rateChange' output emits asynchronously now

1.0.0-alpha.14 (2016-11-25)

Bug Fixes


1.0.0-alpha.13 (2016-11-11)

This is a very small release that fixes a problem in the generated Typescript definition files (#1027).

Bug Fixes

1.0.0-alpha.12 (2016-11-10)

Bug Fixes


  • datepicker: add navigation notification with 'navigate' output (1639626), closes #986 #1002
  • rating: add keyboard support (da0b6a0), closes #1015

1.0.0-alpha.11 (2016-11-03)

Bug Fixes

  • modal: restore backdrop: false functionality (0e2f386), closes #989 #990
  • modal: use Injector of NgbModal for component content (5172884), closes #982 #983
  • pagination: better protect against invalid inputs (a6ec937), closes #898 #979
  • rating: restore compatibility with TypeScript 1.8 (951e538), closes #995 #996


  • datepicker: ability to display several months (a65cc30), closes #977


  • datepicker: datepicker navigation now must be hidden with navigation='none'and not [showNavigation]='false' as prevoiusly

1.0.0-alpha.10 (2016-10-28)

Bug Fixes

  • restore AoT compatibility with 2.1.x (991c880), closes #953 #973
  • restore TypeScript 1.8 compatibility (e077ccc), closes #940 #941
  • accordion: remove unnecessary tabindex usage (a240bea), closes #942 #943
  • modal: make it easier to use components from lazy-loaded modules (2fb72d8), closes #947 #974
  • rating: improves rating accessibility (9b5f999), closes #962

1.0.0-alpha.9 (2016-10-21)

Bug Fixes

  • restore TypeScript 1.8 compatibility (1259d37), closes #904 #911
  • buttons: properly handle focus on radio buttons (23d412b), closes #913
  • datepicker: propagate "touched" property (deadb67), closes #918 #924
  • popover: properly destroy popovers using container option (19bb887), closes #931
  • timepicker: properly display chevrons in Safari on iOS (cbfa23b), closes #908 #909
  • timepicker: properly display chevrons in older IEs (54cd30b), closes #935
  • tooltip: properly destroy tooltips using container option (94a4d5c), closes #910 #912


  • datepicker: can easily hide days outside of current month (a92c0e7), closes #937
  • modal: allow interactions with components passed as content (cc4ffb0), closes #861 #903
  • modals: stack modals in opening order (20ad457), closes #902 #901

1.0.0-alpha.8 (2016-10-14)

Bug Fixes

  • build: properly reference rxjs from the UMD bundle (53115da), closes #884
  • modal: don't error on dismiss without result handler (21de54c), closes #880 #885
  • pagination: emits pageChange when collection size changes (84d555c), closes #800 #868
  • radio: don't shadow checked attribute when not using buttons (de7d0e4), closes #840 #874


  • popover: add support for the 'container' option (d1a22c0), closes #852 #853
  • tooltip: add support for the 'container' option (b8230e5), closes #621 #871
  • typeahead: add support for the focusFirst option (e86277f), closes #748 #856

1.0.0-alpha.7 (2016-10-10)

This release restores full AoT compatibility and has proper support for lazy-loaded NgbModule. On top of this we are shipping a lot of new features and bug fixes - details below.

Bug Fixes

  • restore full AoT compatibility (2101a89), closes #796 #854
  • buttons: use disabled state from a control (d9495db), closes #805 #828
  • datepicker: replace not-allowed cursor with default one (807c7e7), closes #850
  • datepicker: use ISO 8601 for month and weekday numbers (#797) (a173e40), closes #728
  • dropdown: properly close dropdown on child elements click (fdf8d4b), closes #803 #810
  • modal: support modals in lazy loaded modules (#799) (eca26cd), closes #784
  • modal: properly destroy content views (3cdb0ff), closes #806 #826
  • popover: properly cleanup content passed as TemplateRef (8246541), closes #827 #830
  • rating: replace not-allowed cursor with default one (e888d67), closes #851


  • carousel: add support to turn off interval (c5625e8), closes #804
  • datepicker: infer startDate from model value (4fc52c1), closes #843 #844
  • datepicker: pass current month value to 'markDisabled' callback (afe6342), closes #849
  • modal: add support for custom windowClass on modals (ff132d7), closes #818 #845
  • modal: allow components as content (ecdd3a0), closes #680 #727 #846
  • popover: add isOpen() and shown/hidden events (3bbf512), closes #841
  • rating: allow custom star templates (29c44cd), closes #815
  • rating: allow decimal numbers as rating values (964d8cf), closes #817
  • tooltip: add isOpen() and show/hide events (91c6054), closes #842


  • The NgbModule module must now import using the forRoot() static method. Check the updated installation instructions for more details.
  • datepicker: now datepicker uses ISO 8601 for month and weekday numbers with default calendar


0=Jan; 1=Feb; ... 11=Dec

0=Sun; 1=Mon; ... 6=Sat


1=Jan; 2=Feb; ... 12=Dec

1=Mon; 2=Tue; ... 7=Sun

1.0.0-alpha.6 (2016-09-23)

Bug Fixes

  • accordion: rename change event to avoid conflicts (21eb610), closes #751 #756
  • dropdown: support autoClose when several dropdowns exist (e2e7c1b), closes #687 #785
  • popover: avoid shadowing of the native title property (2577efd), closes #736 #757
  • popover: properly handle components using OnPush strategy (40bde5e), closes #781
  • tabset: rename change event to avoid conflicts with native ones (9d2754f), closes #741 #747
  • tooltip: hide, or avoid opening the tooltip if its value is falsy (31a035b), closes #737 #745
  • tooltip: properly handle components using OnPush strategy (667833c), closes #772 #777
  • typeahead: properly handle components using OnPush strategy (a2ba68a), closes #775


  • alert: remove self-closing alert component (79e393d), closes #758
  • datepicker: allow parsing and formatting dates in a custom way (401fcfa), closes #755
  • typeahead: add support for the "editable" option (cb91905), closes #788 #789


  • alert: the NgbSelfClosingAlert component has been removed. Check the self-closing alert demo to know how to achieve the same thing with NgbAlert.
  • accordion: the change event on the accordion level was renamed to panelChange.


<ngb-accordion (change)="...">


<ngb-accordion (panelChange)="...">

  • popover: the title property of the popover directive was renamed to popoverTitle.


<div ngbPopover="..." title="...">


<div ngbPopover="..." popoverTitle="...">

  • tabset: the change event on the tabset level was renamed to tabChange.


<ngb-tabset (change)="...">


<ngb-tabset (tabChange)="...">

1.0.0-alpha.5 (2016-09-15)

This release brings support for datepicker in popups - we believe that there is a solid widget here! Alpha.5 changes content of npm package to enable AoT compilation with tree-shaking.
There are also small features and bug fixes for the existing widgets - see the details below.

Bug Fixes

  • popover: properly re-position popovers (a729ba9), closes #710
  • tooltip: properly re-position tooltips (6748a78), closes #709
  • typeahead: properly re-position typeahead window (2f59666), closes #707 #714
  • typeahead: properly support disabled inputs (bf61640), closes #703


  • datepicker: add support for datepickers in popups (390935b), closes #715
  • datepicker: add background color when hovering day (bc89510), closes #713
  • datepicker: add support for disabled datepicker (64ec99c), closes #702
  • timepicker: propagate second as 0 if seconds not displayed (c1c68b0), closes #711
  • typeahead: add config service to provide default values (237b4d5), closes #518 #697
  • typeahead: allow veto of an item selection (e793944), closes #699 #733


  • typeahead: payload of the typeahead's selectItem event was changed - now it is an object implementing the NgbTypeaheadSelectItemEvent. You can easily migrate your existing code by changing:

<input [ngbTypeahead]="find" (selectItem)="onSelect($event)"/>


<input [ngbTypeahead]="find" (selectItem)="onSelect($event.item)"/>

  • build: npm package: code in ESM (ES6 Modules) format is now published at the default location in the npm package with package.json's main entry pointing to an UMD bundle (primarily for node and webpack 1 users).

If you are using SystemJS, you should adjust your configuration to point to the UMD bundle.

1.0.0-alpha.4 (2016-09-07)

This release brings a new component - datepicker! Additionally all widgets now support global config through an injectable service.
There are also small features and bug fixes for the existing widgets - see the details below.

Bug Fixes

  • dropdown: don't emit duplicate change events (2e529e3), closes #694 #695
  • timepicker: spinners don't submit form anymore (f131990), closes #690 #691
  • typeahead: navigation buttons don't submit form anymore (79f4597), closes #693


  • accordion: add config service to provide default values (1c290a2), closes #655
  • alert: add config service to provide default values (e666c61), closes #661
  • alert: self-closing alerts are non-dismissible by default (720c409), closes #660 #676
  • carousel: add config service to provide default values (99d4386), closes #664
  • datepicker: add config service to provide default values (42002d9), closes #677
  • datepicker: initial version of datepicker component (#618) (9e8c5c0), closes #20
  • dropdown: add config service to provide default values (e97d260), closes #688
  • dropdown: add support for dropup (56b8dc5), closes #667
  • pagination: add config service to provide default values (#665) (9405e0e)
  • popover: add config service to provide default values (a58588c), closes #686
  • progressbar: add config service to provide default values (f32f8c8)
  • rating: add config service to provide default values (8b7047d), closes #671
  • tabset: add config service to provide default values (609cbde), closes #673
  • timepicker: add config service to provide default values (ca40f27), closes #674
  • tooltip: add config service to provide default values (7107caf), closes #678
  • typeahead: add support for the showHint option (5a0226d), closes #639 #640

1.0.0-alpha.3 (2016-08-30)

This release adds support for the modal service. Cross-browser compatibility was reviewed and improved. We now support all the browsers supported by Angular 2 and Bootstrap, including IE9. There are also small features and bug fixes for the existing widgets - see the details below.

Bug Fixes

  • typeahead: cleans up subscription on component destroy (5dcecae), closes #620
  • fix the error emitted by TS due to missing generic type (976ff34), closes #622


  • support IE9 (5514a97), closes #604
  • modal: add initial version of the modal service (3ef99c5), closes #3
  • typeahead: add support for the 'select' output (c0dd7b7), closes #606 #610

1.0.0-alpha.2 (2016-08-10)

This release makes the code compatible with Angular 2.0.0-rc.5.
There are also small features and bug fixes for the existing widgets - see the details below.

Bug Fixes

  • buttons: don't interfere with 'active' class (af4de2a), closes #557 #559
  • progressbar: reorder 'value' and 'max' attribute bindings for IE (30e20f5), closes #543 #544
  • timepicker: format input values on blur (d9ac911), closes #511 #517
  • timepicker: propagate only valid model values (8c4144a), closes #513 #516
  • typeahead: resolves window items excessive rendering (862fbc5), closes #526
  • typeahead: specify any type for formatters argument (86c3644), closes #553 #554
  • don't accept string as boolean input (190b7ec), closes #552
  • don't accept string as number input (f49fb08), closes #560


  • timepicker: allow hiding the spinners (dc4962d), closes #510 #519
  • typeahead: set autocomplete, autocapitalize and autocorrect off (46024c3), closes #520 #525


  • number inputs in pagination could previously be set as strings. The values passed were transformed to numbers if necessary and rounded to integers. This is not supported anymore. All number inputs should now consistently be set as number, using the syntax [attr]="value" (for example: <ngb-pagination [pageSize]="20" ...></ngb-pagination> instead of <ngb-pagination pageSize="20" ...></ngb-pagination>), and rounding is not applied anymore.
  • boolean inputs in progressbar and pagination could be set by just adding the attribute (for example: <ngb-progressbar striped></ngb-progressbar>). This is not supported anymore. All boolean inputs must now consistently be set using the syntax [attr]="value" (for example: <ngb-progressbar [striped]="true"></ngb-progressbar>).
  • you need to use @NgModules to setup your application. Check for more details.

1.0.0-alpha.1 (2016-07-29)

This release adds support for 2 new directives (timepicker and typeahead) and updates Bootstrap support to 4.0.0-alpha.3. There are also small features and bug fixes for the existing widgets - see the details below.

Bug Fixes

  • dropdown: use button elements instead of links (aeeee01), closes #490
  • pagination: display proper cursor on each page (dca96fd), closes #492
  • progressbar: don't add bogus CSS classes (56ea4c5), closes #496
  • rating: set cursor on stars of rating component (#411) (bcba259)


  • accordion: add panels type option (b5ad117), closes #420 #431
  • timepicker: add timepicker widget
  • typeahead: add typeahead widget


  • accordion: accordion implementation was overhauled to use cards instead of deprecated panels. Refer to the API docs and demo page for more details.
  • pager: support for the pager widget was removed as the result of its removal from Bootstrap's CSS.

1.0.0-alpha.0 (2016-07-08)


Initial release with the following directives:

  • accordion
  • alert
  • buttons
  • carousel
  • collapse
  • dropdown
  • pager
  • pagination
  • popover
  • progressbar
  • rating
  • tabset
  • tooltip