Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


borradaniele8MIT0.0.3TypeScript support: included

A native first, front end library for creating awesome UI. Created to leverage the gap between native apis and reactive frameworks.

ui, framework, native


DOT Logo

Starting up as a personal experiment the framework is not in even in an alpha state right now, so please use it just for testing and helping with the development.


Full documentation is available here

Example of basic usage

To test this file use a bundler and include the result in an html file

import { DotApp, DotComponent, register, html } from 'dot';

const app = new DotApp();

class AppTitle extends DotComponent {
  // Declare observed attributes thath will trigger renders on change
  static get observedAttributes() { return ['title']; }
  static get tag() { return 'app-title' }

  constructor() {

    this.$data.something = null;

    // Watch this data and log it's value on change
    this.$watchers.set('something', (newValue, oldValue) => {
      console.log('Old: ', oldValue);
      console.log('New: ', newValue);

    this.$template = () => html`
        h1 { color: darkgray; }

class TextBlock extends DotComponent {
  static get tag() { return 'text-block' }

  constructor() {

    this.$template = () => html`
      <!-- Mount a child compinent using the template -->
      <app-title title="Hello world!" ref="title"></app-title>

    requestAnimationFrame(() => {
      // Wait next tick and render its child

    setTimeout(() => {
      // Update the title attribute, and trigger the update
      this.$refs.title.setAttribute('title', '...Hooray!');
      // Also trigger a watcher by changing a watched data
      this.$refs.title.$data.something = 'hello!';
    }, 2000);

// Create the app mounting it on a DOM node

// Register both the components

// Pragmatically create a TextBlock component
const tb = new TextBlock();
// Mount the text block on the app node by not settina a parent
