Octoherd CLI
CLI to run a custom script on one or multiple repositories
Usage: octoherd run -S path/to/script.js [options]
--help Show help [boolean]
-S, --octoherd-script Path to *.js script. Must be an ES Module. [string] [required]
-T, --octoherd-token Requires the "public_repo" scope for public repositories, "rep
o" scope for private repositories. Creates an OAuth token if n
ot set. [string]
-R, --octoherd-repos One or multiple repositories in the form of 'repo-owner/repo-n
ame'. 'repo-owner/*' will find all repositories for one owner.
'*' will find all repositories the user has access to.
To exclude a repository use '!repo-owner/repo'. Will prompt
for repositories if not set. [array]
--octoherd-cache Cache responses for debugging. Creates a ./cache folder if fla
g is set. Override by passing custom path [string]
--octoherd-debug Show debug logs [boolean] [default: false]
--octoherd-bypass-confirms Bypass prompts to confirm mutating requests
[boolean] [default: false]
--octoherd-base-url When using with GitHub Enterprise Server, set to the root URL
of the API. For example, if your GitHub Enterprise Server's h
ostname is github.acme-inc.com, then set to https://github.ac
me-inc.com/api/v3. [string]
--version Show version number [boolean]
octoherd run -S path/to/script.js Minimal usage example
octoherd run -S path/to/script.js -T $TOKEN -R Pass token and repos as CLI flags
octoherd run -S path/to/script.js -T $TOKEN -R Avoid prompts for token and repos
octoherd run -S path/to/script.js -T $TOKEN -R Avoid any prompts
octoherd/cli --octoherd-bypass-confirms
octoherd run -S path/to/script.js -T $TOKEN -R Will fetch all repositories except repo-owner/hello-world
'repo-owner/*' -R '!repo-owner/hello-world
octoherd run -S path/to/script.js Run octoherd script against GHES
The script
must export a script
function which takes three parameters:
export async function script(octokit, repository, options) {
// do something here
is an instance ofoctokit.js
's Octokitrepository
is the response data ofGET /repos/{owner}/{repo}
are all options passed to the CLI which are not used byoctoherd
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