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jaredLunde1.5kMIT3.1.1TypeScript support: included

A React hook for gracefully resolving async functions and promises

react, react hook, async, react async hook, react promise hook, async hook, promise hook, react cancel promise, cancelable promise hook, async effect hook, use-async-effect, use-async, useasync, useasynceffect



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npm i @react-hook/async

A React hook for gracefully resolving, cancelling, and handling errors for async functions and promises. These hooks also clean up any lingering promises when your component unmounts by cancelling them.

Quick Start

Check out the example on CodeSandbox

`jsx harmony import {useAsync, useAsyncEffect} from '@react-hook/async'

// Example using a manual invocation const CallbackResolver = () => { const [{status, cancel, error, value}, call] = useAsync(() => { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve('Loaded'), 3000)) })

switch (status) { case 'loading': return (

<button onClick={cancel}>Cancel</button> Loading...
) case 'cancelled': return (
Cancelled. <button onClick={call}>Try again</button>
) case 'error': return Error: ${error} case 'success': return value || 'Success!' default: return <button onClick={call}>Load me</button> } }

// Example using a useEffect invocation const EffectResolver = () => { const [curr, setCurr] = useState(0) // Will load each time counter changes const {status, cancel, error, value} = useAsyncEffect(() => { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(Loaded ${curr}), 3000) ) }, [curr])

switch (status) { case 'loading': return (

<button onClick={cancel}>Cancel</button> Loading...
) case 'cancelled': return (
Cancelled. <button onClick={() => setCurr((curr) => ++curr)}>Try again</button>
) case 'error': return Error: ${error} case 'success': return (
{value} <button onClick={() => setCurr((curr) => ++curr)}>Load again</button>
) default: return null } }

## API

### useAsync(asyncCallback)

export const useAsync = <
  ValueType extends any = any,
  ErrorType extends any = Error,
  Args extends any[] = any[]
  asyncCallback: (...args: Args) => Promise<ValueType>
): [AsyncState<ValueType, ErrorType, Args>, AsyncCallback<Args>]


Argument Type Default Required? Description
asyncCallback (...args: Args) => Promise<ValueType> undefined Yes An async function or function that returns a promise.

Returns [AsyncState<ValueType, ErrorType>, AsyncCallback]


export interface AsyncState<ValueType, ErrorType> {
  // 'idle' | 'loading' | 'success' | 'error' | 'cancelled'
  status: AsyncStatus
  // The return value of your async callback or promise. This value is persisted until there
  // is another successful promise resolution. That means you when you're in an 'error', 'loading',
  // or 'cancelled' state, you'll still have the most recent successful value here. This is useful
  // because the status property should be dictating what you're doing in your UI and there are
  // cases where you won't want to lose the current value.
  value?: ValueType
  // The error object from any exceptions encountered inside the async function
  // or the value of the promise rejection.
  error?: ErrorType
  // Cancels the promise
  cancel: () => void


export interface AsyncCallback<Args extends any[] = any[]> {
  (...args: Args): void
  cancel: () => void

useAsyncEffect(asyncCallback, dependencies)

export const useAsyncEffect = <
  ValueType extends any = any,
  ErrorType extends any = Error
  asyncCallback: () => Promise<ValueType>,
  dependencies?: React.DependencyList
): AsyncState<ValueType, ErrorType, []>

This hook will invoke a callback each time its dependencies array changes.


Argument Type Default Required? Description
asyncCallback () => Promise<ValueType> undefined Yes An async function or function that returns a promise.
dependencies any[] undefined No Values or state that your callback depends on. This works the same as the dependencies array of useEffect, useCallback, etc.

Returns AsyncState<ValueType, ErrorType>