Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


scalar67.6kMIT0.13.15TypeScript support: included

Scalars component library


Scalar Components

This library is designed to work seamlessly with our theming system, but it’s also flexible enough for standalone use by setting CSS variables manually. For a list of available variables, please refer to the variable legend below.


pnpm i @scalar/components


To get started, import the CSS styles in your main setup file (e.g., main.ts, index.ts, or App.vue):

import '@scalar/components/style.css'

Then, you can use the components in your Vue components. Here’s an example:

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ScalarButton, ScalarTextField } from '@scalar/components'

  <main class="col-1 items-center justify-center">
      class="col w-full max-w-md items-center gap-4 rounded-lg bg-b-3 p-8 shadow">
      <h1 className="text-lg font-bold">Sign in to your account</h1>

        label="Email Address" />
      <ScalarButton fullWidth>Login</ScalarButton>

CSS Layers

This package exports its Tailwind styles using CSS cascade layers to avoid any conflicts with existing CSS. The layers are organized as follows:

  • scalar-base: reset and normalize
  • scalar-components: complex component styles
  • scalar-utilities: utility styles like flex


All pull requests should include the following checklist:

## Component Checklist

- [ ] Exported from `@scalar/components`
- [ ] Has JSDocs for all:
  - [ ] Components (with examples)
  - [ ] Props
  - [ ] Slots
  - [ ] Emits
  - [ ] Functions
  - [ ] Types
- [ ] Allows overriding of Tailwind classes where applicable (see useBindCx)
- [ ] Has stories showcasing any applicable variants
- [ ] Has unit tests covering any applicable interactions