This library requires React v16.6 or later. To use the latest features (including hooks) requires React v16.8+. If you need support for earlier versions of React, you should check out react-google-maps
This is complete re-write of the (sadly unmaintained) react-google-maps
library. We thank tomchentw for his great work that made possible.
@react-google-maps/api provides very simple bindings to the google maps api and lets you use it in your app as React components.
Here are the main additions to react-google-maps that were the motivation behind this re-write
Install @react-google-maps/api
with NPM
npm i -S @react-google-maps/api
or Yarn
yarn add @react-google-maps/api
Main features
- Simplified API
- Uses the new Context API
- Supports async React (StrictMode complient)
- Removes lodash dependency =>
smaller bundle size
gzip, tree-shakeable https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=@react-google-maps/api@1.4.0 - forbids loading of Roboto fonts, if you set property preventGoogleFonts on
<LoadScript preventGoogleFonts />
Examples can be found in two places:
- Official docs (powered by react-styleguidist.
- A Gatsby app including some examples. See the examples folder
- Gatsby.js Demo
Using the examples requires you to generate a google maps api key. For instructions on how to do that please see the following guide
Community Help Resource
You can join the community at https://spectrum.chat/react-google-maps to ask questions and help others with your experience.
Maintainers and contributors are very welcome! See this issue to get started.
Migration from react-google-maps@9.4.5
if you need an access to map object, instead of ref
prop, you need to use onLoad
callback on <GoogleMap />
// before
ref={map => {
const bounds = new window.google.maps.LatLngBounds();
onLoad={map => {
const bounds = new window.google.maps.LatLngBounds();
onUnmount={map => {
// do your stuff before map is unmounted
Since 1.2.0 you can use onLoad and onMount props for each @react-google-maps/api component, ref does not contain API methods anymore.
Since version 1.2.2 We added useGoogleMap hook, which is working only with React@16.8.1 and later versions.
Websites made with @react-google-maps-api
DriveFromTo.com Transfer Booking service PWA.
add your website by making PR!