Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


storybookjs7.2mMIT3.1.0TypeScript support: included

Storybook Docs MDX analyzer



Storybook MDX docs is a small library that analyzes the contents of a .docs.mdx file and produces metadata about its contents.

This is an internal library, used to help generate the Storybook's index.json, the static index of all the contents of your storybook.

It currently produces:

name example description
title <Meta title="x"> A manually specified title
of <Meta of={buttonMeta}> A title specified by an imported object
imports import * from './Button.stories' The list of ESM imports

Getting Started

FIXME: Add getting started steps


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  • 📥 Pull requests and 🌟 Stars are always welcome.
  • Read our contributing guide to get started, or find us on Discord, we will take the time to guide you




v3.1.0 (Mon Mar 25 2024)

🚀 Enhancement

🐛 Bug Fix

Authors: 1

v3.0.0 (Tue Jan 02 2024)

💥 Breaking Change

🚀 Enhancement

🐛 Bug Fix

⚠️ Pushed to main

Authors: 5