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supercharge168.1kMIT2.0.0TypeScript support: included

String utilities for Node.js and JavaScript

supercharge, superchargejs, string, strings, utilities, nodejs



String utilities for Node.js.

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The @supercharge/strings package provides chainable string utilities for Node.js and JavaScript. It’s a wrapper around JavaScript’s global String class providing a handful of useful methods, like .title(), .strip(), .camel(), and so on.


npm i @supercharge/strings


Find all the details for @supercharge/strings in the extensive Supercharge docs.


Using @supercharge/strings is pretty straightforward. Pass a string to the imported Function and chain your desired methods to transform to string value to your needs.

For example, you may want to trim a string and then title-case it:

const Str = require('@supercharge/strings')

const title = Str('  Supercharge is sweet!').trim().title().get()

// title: "Supercharge Is Sweet!"

For every method in the chain that would return a string, the package returns an instance of iteself. This way, you can chain further methods. Call .get() to retrieve the actual JavaScript string.


Do you miss a string function? We very much appreciate your contribution! Please send in a pull request 😊

  1. Create a fork
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request 🚀


MIT © Supercharge  ·  GitHub @supercharge  ·  Twitter @superchargejs



2.0.0 - 2022-12-28


  • words: keeps words consisting of alpha-numeric characters. Previously, also symbols like comma or exclamation mark were kept as words


  • bump dependencies
  • provide named export Str used via
    • import { Str } from '@supercharge/strings'
    • const { Str } = require('@supercharge/strings')

Breaking Changes

  • drop support for Node.js v12 and require Node.js v14
    • we’re using this package only with Node.js and not in browser environments and this change may also have effects in the browser that we can’t determine at this point

1.29.1 - 2022-11-18


  • lcFirst: won’t fail for empty strings
  • ucFirst: won’t fail for empty strings

1.29.0 - 2022-10-20


  • equals(string | Str): you can now pass a Str instance for comparisons
  • notEquals(string | Str): you can now pass a Str instance for comparisons
  • isLowerLetters(): determine whether the wrapped string is lowercase and consists of letters only


  • bump deps

1.28.0 - 2022-05-30


  • hasLength(length): determine whether the string has the given length
  • isAlphaNumeric(input): determine whether the given input is an alpha-numeric string

1.27.1 - 2022-05-06


  • bring back Node.js v12 support

1.27.0 - 2022-04-25


  • random: add support for a random string builder
    • example: Str.random(use => use.length(10).numbers().characters()) results in a random string using only numbers and characters with a length of 10

1.26.0 - 2022-04-11


  • squish(): remove all extra whitespaces and also trim the string (remove leading and trailing whitespaces)

1.25.1 - 2022-04-06


  • bump deps


  • properly handle boolean false values as strings
    • before: false was replaced with an empty string
    • now: false will be wrapped properly to a string 'false'

1.25.0 - 2022-01-24


  • stripHtml(): remove HTML tags from the string


  • bump deps
  • replace(searchValue: string | RegEx): add the RegEx type annotation to the search value in the replace method

1.24.0 - 2021-11-17


  • padBoth(length, pad): pad both sides, left and right, of the string with the given pad string (repeatedly if needed) so that the resulting string reaches a given length
  • equalsIgnoreCase(value): determine whether the string equals given value when ignoring character casing


  • use UVU and c8 for testing and coverage report

1.23.1 - 2021-11-12


  • updated the splitCamel() method to trim each word

1.23.0 - 2021-11-12


  • lines(): breaks the string at the newline character and returns an array of lines
  • isCamel(): determine whether the given string is written in camelCase
  • words(): returns the list of words for the given string

1.22.0 - 2021-10-13


  • at(position): returns the character at the given position
  • isSymbol(): determine whether the string is a JavaScript Symbol
  • isUuid(): determine whether the string is a UUID

1.21.0 - 2021-09-08


  • containsBom(): determine whether the string contains a byte order mark (BOM) at any position
  • startsWithBom(): determine whether the string starts with the byte order mark (BOM)


  • bump dependencies
  • refined types for Str.isString(value) allowing TypeScript to properly resolve the string type

1.20.0 - 2021-09-03


  • stripExtraSpaces(): removes all extra spaces from a string and leaves only a single space at the given position
  • shuffle(): randomly shuffle the characters of the string (using the fisher yates shuffle algorithm)
  • slice(start, end): returns a section of the string from start to end
  • stripBom(): removes the byte order mark (BOM) from the string


  • bump dependencies

1.19.0 - 2021-07-29


  • chars(): returns the list of characters for the given string


  • bump dependencies
  • remove not needed eslint-plugin-standard dependency: not needed when using eslint-config-standard v16

1.18.0 - 2021-01-23


  • slug(separator = '-'): convert the string to a URL-friendly “slug” in kebab-case


  • bump dependencies
  • kebab(separator = '-'): add the separator parameter to the kebab method

1.17.1 - 2020-12-10


  • fixed typings for parseCallback) method

1.17.0 - 2020-12-10


  • parseCallback(separator = '@', defaultValue?): parse a Class[@]method style string into the Class and method names


  • bump dependencies

1.16.0 - 2020-11-18


  • notEquals(value): determine whether the string does not equal the given value
  • notIncludes(needle): determine whether the string does not contain the given needle
  • includesAll(...needles): determine whether the string contains all of the given needles


  • bump dependencies

1.15.1 - 2020-10-23


  • replaceLast(search, replacement) now returns the original string if the searched value isn’t part of the string

1.15.0 - 2020-10-22


  • reverse(): reverses the string
  • replaceLast(search, replacement): replaces the last occurrence of the given search string with the replacement


  • bump dependencies
  • contains(...needles): determine whether the given string contains any of the given needles. Before, you could only check for one needle (contains(needle))

1.14.0 - 2020-10-21


  • finish(suffix): ensures the string ends with the given suffix
  • padLeft(length, pad): pads the string on the left side until the length is reached
  • padRight(length, pad): pads the string on the right side until the length is reached


  • bump dependencies
  • allow array as an argument for append, prepend, and containsAll


  • ltrim(char) removes every occurrence of char from the beginning of the string, not just the first
  • rtrim(char) removes every occurrence of char from the end of the string, not just the last

1.13.0 - 2020-10-20


  • afterLast(delimiter): returns the portion of the string after the last occurrence of delimiter
  • append(...values): appends the given values to the string
  • beforeLast(delimiter): returns the portion of the string before the last occurrence of delimiter
  • prepend(...values): prepends the given values to the string
  • start(prefix): ensures the string starts with the given prefix
  • replace(search, value): replaces the first occurrence of search with value in the string


  • bump dependencies

1.12.0 - 2020-09-15


  • before(delimiter): returns the portion of the string before the first occurrence of the given delimiter
  • after(delimiter): returns the portion of the string after the first occurrence of the given delimiter
  • stripNums(): removes all numbers from the string


  • bump dependencies
  • change main entrypoint in package.json to dist folder
  • move test runner from @hapi/lab to jest
  • move assertions from @hapi/code to jest


  • remove index.js file which acted as a middleman to export from dist folder

1.11.0 - 2020-07-27


  • containsAll(needles): determine whether all items in the needles array are part of the string


  • bump dependencies

1.10.0 - 2020-07-14


  • notContains(needle): determine whether the given string does not contain the given needle


  • bump dependencies

1.9.0 - 2020-06-04


  • ltrim(characters), rtrim(characters) and trim(characters): support a characters parameter allowing you to trim a specific string value from the beginning, end, or both of a value:
    • Str('/supercharge/').trim('/').get() => 'supercharge'
    • Str('/supercharge/').ltrim('/').get() => 'supercharge/'
    • Str('/supercharge/').rtrim('/').get() => '/supercharge'

1.8.0 - 2020-05-18


  • snake(): converts a string to snake_case
  • kebab(): converts a string to kebab-case
  • pascal(): converts a string to PascalCase or also known as StudlyCase


  • GitHub Action to publish this package in the GitHub Package Registry

1.7.0 - 2020-05-13


  • type definitions


  • bump dependencies
  • move codebase to TypeScript to automatically generate type definitions

1.6.0 - 2020-05-12


  • .limit(limit, end): returns the first limit characters and ends the limited string with end

1.5.0 - 2020-05-05


  • Str.isString(value): determine whether the given value is a string

1.4.0 - 2020-04-24


  • .ltrim(): remove all whitespace from the left of the string
  • .rtrim(): remove all whitespace from the rigth of the string
  • .concat(): returns a string that contains the concatenation of two or more strings

1.3.0 - 2020-04-03


  • .split(separator): split the string into an ordered set of substrings where the separator occurs
  • .equals(value): determine whether the string equals the given value
  • .startsWith(needle, position): determine whether the string starts with the needle
  • .endsWith(needle, length): determine whether the string ends with the needle

1.2.0 - 2020-01-27


  • .ucFirst(): uppercase the first character in the string
  • .replaceAll(): replace all occurences in a string


  • bump deps
  • Readme: fix scope in package name (from @superchargejs to @supercharge)

1.1.0 - 2019-12-17


  • .isEmpty(): determine whether the string value is empty (''/undefined/null)
  • .isNotEmpty(): determine whether the string value has a length of 1 or greater

1.0.1 - 2019-12-15


  • GitHub Workflow publishing this package in the GitHub Package Registry
  • files configuration in package.json file to only publish package parts, not tests. This reduces the package size

1.0.0 - 2019-12-14


  • 1.0.0 release 🚀 🎉