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Package detail


salihbenlalla4.5kMIT1.0.1TypeScript support: included

Transform SVG inputs into many outputs, especially "HAST" "JSX" and "JS".

svg, svgx, core, qwik, qwik-city, react, vite, rollup, webpack


SVGX core

This is the core package for @svgx/vite-plugin-react and @svgx/vite-plugin-qwik plugins. it exposes many functions that are used under the hood to transform SVG files into components, these functions may be especially useful for library authors, or you may find them useful for some tasks in your app.


This package is hybrid (ESM & CommonJS), which means it can be imported or required.


npm install @svgx/core


All of these functions take a raw svg string as first argument, and an options object as second argument, and return a Promise:


This function takes a raw SVG string and transforms it into HAST (Hypertext Abstract Syntax Tree).

  • Signature: toHast: (svg: string, options?: ToHastOptions) => Promise<import("hast").Root>
  • Options:

    interface ToHastOptions {
      optimize?: boolean | undefined;
      svgoConfig?: SVGOConfig | undefined;


This function takes a raw SVG string and transforms it into ESTree (EcmaScript Tree).

  • Signature: toEstree: (svg: string, options?: ToEsTreeOptions) => Promise<import("estree").Program>
  • Options:

    interface ToEsTreeOptions extends ToHastOptions {}


This function takes a raw SVG string and transforms it into JSX Element (string).

  • Signature: toJsx: (svg: string, options?: ToJsxOptions) => Promise<string>
  • Options:

    interface ToJsxOptions extends ToEsTreeOptions {}


This function takes a raw SVG string and transforms it into vanilla javascript (string) with pragma factory function calls.

  • Signature: toJs: (svg: string, options?: ToJsOptions) => Promise<string>
  • Options:

    interface ToJsOptions extends ToEsTreeOptions {
      runtime?: "classic" | "automatic";
      importSource?: string;
      pragma?: string;
      pragmaFrag?: string;
      development?: boolean;
      filePath?: string;


This function takes a raw SVG string and transforms it into a function component (not JSX element) represented with Estree format.

  • Signature: toEstreeComponent: (svg: string, options?: ToEstreeComponentOptions) => Promise<import("estree").Program>
  • Options:

    interface ToEstreeComponentOptions extends ToEsTreeOptions {
      runtime?: "classic" | "automatic";
      pragma?: string;
      pragmaFrag?: string;
      importSource?: string;
      componentName?: string;
      passProps?: boolean;
      defaultExport?: boolean;


This function takes a raw SVG string and transforms it into a function component (not JSX element) that returns regular JSX (without compilation).

  • Signature: toJsxComponent: (svg: string, options: ToJsxComponentOptions) => Promise<string>
  • Options:

    interface ToJsxComponentOptions extends ToEstreeComponentOptions {}


This function takes a raw SVG string and transforms it into a vanilla javascript function component (not JSX element), the JSX is compiled down to vanilla javascript.

  • Signature: toJsComponent: (svg: string, options?: ToJsComponentOptions) => Promise<string>
  • Options:

    interface ToJsComponentOptions
      extends ToJsOptions,
        ToEstreeComponentOptions {}


As there are many similar options for these functions i decided to document them once and for all:


  • type: boolean
  • default: true

Wether to optimize the SVG files using SVGO or not.


  • type: import("svgo").Config (SVGO configuration)
  • default: default SVGO Options

If optimize is true, pass options to SVGO.


  • type: "classic" | "automatic"
  • default: "automatic"

Wether to use classic or automatic JSX runtime.


  • type: string
  • default: "react"

Specify where you want to import the JSX runtime from.


  • type: string
  • default: "createElement"

The pragma specific to the library intended,


  • type: string
  • default: "Fragment"

The fragment pragma specific to the library intended,


  • type: boolean
  • default: false

When in the automatic runtime, whether to import theSource/jsx-dev-runtime.js, use jsxDEV, and pass location info when available.

This helps debugging but adds a lot of code that you don’t want in production.


  • type: string
  • default: undefined

File path to the original source file. Passed in location info to jsxDEV when using the automatic runtime with development: true.


  • type: string
  • default: "Component"

The identifier of the generated function component.


  • type: boolean
  • default: true

Wether to default export the component, or use named export instead.


  • type: boolean
  • default: true

Wether the component accepts props (the props are passed directly to the <svg> element using spread operator <svg {...props}></svg>).