Provides a standard way to create a text-based form input with an associated label.
yarn add @uidu/field-text
Detailed docs and example usage can be found here.
Field Text Component
Provides a standard way to create a text-based form input with an associated label.
yarn add @uidu/field-text
Detailed docs and example usage can be found here.
c5a9ffbf6: ## Forms to tailwind, use css variables where possible, refactor Button completely
Button now is styleable from outside with tailwind or normal classNames. It's also possible to use css variables to style the button, and use variants to style the button. Removed bootstrap dependency locally, to understand how the uikit behaves in a less opinionated client. Bumped dependencies as well.
7cd4d7c: Shell is now more flexible than ever
ffffbbe: Update dependencies
Updated dependencies [9e09850]
Added FormWrapper and FormHeader
Release all packages for bumping all dependencies, fixes for react lifecycle unsafe methods
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