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Package detail


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Hub quota matcher utils


This package is related to the Hub quotas. It contains utils which intended to evaluate which quotas are matching and which are not.

Usage example:

import { matchQuotasWithRespondent, QuotaMatchResult } from '@ythub/quota-matcher'

const ageQualificationId = '304';
const genderQualificationId = '197';

const outcome = matchQuotasWithRespondent(
  // Respondent collection
    [ageQualificationId]: 22,
    [genderQualificationId]: 1857 /* male */
  // Survey quotas collection
    id: 1,
    name: 'Male 18-24',
    remainingCompletes: 10,
    isMandatory: true,
    isEnabled: true,
    conditions: [
        range: [{ to: 24, from: 18 }],
        property: ageProperty,
        options: [1857],
        property: genderProperty,

switch (outcome.matchResult) {
  case QuotaMatchResult.Eligible:
    // outcome.eligibleQuotas
    // ... do something
  case QuotaMatchResult.Ineligible:
  case QuotaMatchResult.Uncertain:
    // ...