Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


sindresorhus119.8kMIT5.0.0TypeScript support: included

Alphabetically sort an array of strings

alpha, alphabet, alphabetically, lexicographically, sort, compare, comparator, order, locale, unicode, string, intl, collator, natural



Alphabetically sort an array of strings

With correct sorting of unicode characters. Supports natural sort order with an option.


$ npm install alpha-sort


import alphaSort from 'alpha-sort';

['b', 'a', 'c'].sort(alphaSort());
//=> ['a', 'b', 'c']

['b', 'a', 'c'].sort(alphaSort({descending: true}));
//=> ['c', 'b', 'a']

['B', 'a', 'C'].sort(alphaSort({caseInsensitive: true}));
//=> ['a', 'B', 'C']

['file10.txt', 'file2.txt', 'file03.txt'].sort(alphaSort({natural: true}));
//=> ['file2.txt', 'file03.txt', 'file10.txt']



Get a comparator function to be used as argument for Array#sort.


Type: object


Type: boolean\ Default: false

Whether or not to sort in descending order.


Type: boolean\ Default: false

Whether or not to sort case-insensitively.

Note: If two elements are considered equal in the case-insensitive comparison, the tie-break will be a standard (case-sensitive) comparison. Example:

import alphaSort from 'alpha-sort';

['bar', 'baz', 'Baz'].sort(alphaSort({caseInsensitive: true}));
//=> ['bar', 'Baz', 'baz']

Type: boolean\ Default: false

Whether or not to sort using natural sort order (such as sorting 10 after 2).

Note: If two elements are considered equal in the natural sort order comparison, the tie-break will be a standard (non-natural) comparison. Example:

import alphaSort from 'alpha-sort';

['file10.txt', 'file05.txt', 'file0010.txt'].sort(alphaSort({natural: true}));
//=> ['file05.txt', 'file0010.txt', 'file10.txt']

Type: function\ Default: undefined

A custom function that you can provide to manipulate the elements before sorting. This does not modify the values of the array; it only interferes in the sorting order.

This can be used, for example, if you are sorting book titles in English and want to ignore common articles such as the, a or an:

import alphaSort from 'alpha-sort';

['The Foo', 'Bar'].sort(alphaSort({
    preprocessor: title => title.replace(/^(?:the|a|an) /i, '')
//=> ['Bar', 'The Foo']

Note: If two elements are considered equal when sorting with a custom preprocessor, the tie-break will be a comparison without the custom preprocessor.