AngularJS directive to use Material Design icons with custom fill-color and size.
This project encompasses all SVG icons from Google's official Material Design Icon repository and few hand-picked icons from community-led in form of angular directive that gives option to specify custom fill-color and size.
Changes to icon will go through delightful morphing if SVG-Morpheus is also included in your application.
This library is available via bower and npm
bower install angular-material-icons
npm install angular-material-icons
Configure own icons
add many icons
angular.module('moduleName').config(function (ngMdIconServiceProvider) {
'signal_wifi_0_bar': '<path fill-opacity=".3" d="M12.01 21.49L23.64 7c-.45-.34-4.93-4-11.64-4C5.28 3 .81 6.66.36 7l11.63"/>',
'signal_wifi_1_bar': '<path fill-opacity=".3" d="M12.01 21.49L23.64 7c-.45-.34-4.93-4-11.64-4C5.28 3 .81 6.66.36 7l11.63"/><path d="M6.67 14.86L12 21.49v.01l.01-.01 5.33-6.63C17.06 14.65 15.03 13 12 13s-5.06 1.65-5.33 1.86z"/>',
optionally You can add viewBox for icon if not want to do it in templates
- attribute view-box from template has higher priority so if given will override configured by service
- if not given viewBox in config and template will use default "0 0 24 24"
angular.module('moduleName').config(function (ngMdIconServiceProvider) { ngMdIconServiceProvider .addShape('evCross', '<polygon points="612,36.004 576.521,0.603 306,270.608 35.478,0.603 0,36.004 270.522,306.011 0,575.997 35.478,611.397 306,341.411 576.521,611.397 612,575.997 341.459,306.011"/>') .addViewBox('evCross', '0 0 612 612'); });
Checkout the live demo for usage instructions and a preview of all icons included in the set.
This package is released under MIT license.
Icons are released under Attribution 4.0 International license.