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nanxiaobei297.1kMIT4.24.0TypeScript support: included

An image cropper for Ant Design Upload

react, antd, ant-design, upload, image, crop, cropper


Link in bio to widgets, your online home screen. ➫ 🔗


图片裁切工具,用于 Ant Design Upload 组件

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pnpm add antd-img-crop
# or
yarn add antd-img-crop
# or
npm i antd-img-crop


`jsx harmony import { Upload } from 'antd'; import ImgCrop from 'antd-img-crop';

const Demo = () => ( <ImgCrop> <Upload>+ Add image</Upload> </ImgCrop> );

[![Edit antd-img-crop](](

## Props

| 属性           | 类型                 | 默认         | 说明                                                             |
| -------------- | -------------------- | ------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| quality        | `number`             | `0.4`        | 裁切图片质量,`0``1` 之间                                    |
| fillColor      | `string`             | `'white'`    | 裁切图像填充色                                                   |
| zoomSlider     | `boolean`            | `true`       | 允许缩放                                                         |
| rotationSlider | `boolean`            | `false`      | 允许旋转                                                         |
| aspectSlider   | `boolean`            | `false`      | 允许调整裁切比                                                   |
| showReset      | `boolean`            | `false`      | 显示重置按钮,重置缩放 & 旋转 & 裁切比                           |
| resetText      | `string`             | `重置`       | 重置按钮文字                                                     |
| aspect         | `number`             | `1 / 1`      | 裁切区域宽高比,`width / height`                                 |
| minZoom        | `number`             | `1`          | 最小缩放                                                         |
| maxZoom        | `number`             | `3`          | 最大缩放                                                         |
| minAspect      | `number`             | `0.5`        | 最小裁切比                                                       |
| maxAspect      | `number`             | `2`          | 最大裁切比                                                       |
| cropShape      | `string`             | `'rect'`     | 裁切区域形状,`'rect'``'round'`                              |
| showGrid       | `boolean`            | `false`      | 显示裁切区域网格(九宫格)                                       |
| cropperProps   | `object`             | -            | [react-easy-crop] 的 props(\* 已有 props 无法重写)             |
| modalClassName | `string`             | `''`         | 弹窗 className                                                   |
| modalTitle     | `string`             | `'编辑图片'` | 弹窗标题                                                         |
| modalWidth     | `number` \| `string` |              | 弹窗宽度                                                         |
| modalOk        | `string`             |              | 确定按钮文字                                                     |
| modalCancel    | `string`             |              | 取消按钮文字                                                     |
| onModalOK      | `function`           | -            | 点击确定按钮的回调                                               |
| onModalCancel  | `function`           | -            | 点击取消按钮、遮罩层、或右上角 'x' 的回调                        |
| modalProps     | `object`             |              | [Ant Design Modal] 的 props(\* 已有 props 无法重写)            |
| beforeCrop     | `function`           | -            | 裁切弹窗打开前的回调,若返回 `false``reject`,弹窗将不会打开 |

## FAQ

### `ConfigProvider` 无效?

尝试设置 `libraryDirectory``'es'``'lib'`)到 `babel-plugin-import` 的配置项,看看哪个会生效。

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    ['import', { libraryName: 'antd', libraryDirectory: 'es', style: true }],

没有样式?(仅 antd<=v4

若使用 antd<=v4 + babel-plugin-import,且未引入 ModalSlider,请手动引入这些样式:

import 'antd/es/modal/style';
import 'antd/es/slider/style';


MIT License (c) nanxiaobei