This library is heavily inspired by hash-wasm. It only includes the Argon2 algorithm and can run on Vercel Edge functions and Cloudflare Workers.
Hashing passwords with Argon2
The recommended process for choosing the parameters can be found here.
export default {
parallelism: 1,
iterations: 256,
memorySize: 512, // use 512KB memory
hashLength: 32, // output size = 32 bytes
outputType: 'encoded', // return standard encoded string containing parameters needed to verify the key
Usage on standard Node and Bun environments
import params from './hasingParams';
import { argon2id, argon2Verify } from 'argon2-wasm-edge';
async function run() {
// salt is a buffer containing random bytes
const salt = new Uint8Array(16);
const key = await argon2id({ ...params, password: 'pass', salt });
console.log('Derived key:', key);
const isValid = await argon2Verify({
password: 'pass',
hash: key,
console.log(isValid ? 'Valid password' : 'Invalid password');
Usage on Vercel Edge
import params from './hasingParams';
import { argon2id, setWASMModules } from 'argon2-wasm-edge';
// @ts-expect-error
import argon2WASM from 'argon2-wasm-edge/wasm/argon2.wasm?module';
// @ts-expect-error
import blake2bWASM from 'argon2-wasm-edge/wasm/blake2b.wasm?module';
setWASMModules({ argon2WASM, blake2bWASM });
export const config = { runtime: 'edge' };
export default async function handler(req: Request) {
const password = new URL(req.url).searchParams.get('password');
if (!password) throw new Error('Missing password, try /api/hash-password?password=verysecure');
const salt = new Uint8Array(16);
const hashedPassword = await argon2id({ ...params, password, salt });
return new Response(`${password} => ${hashedPassword}`);
Usage on Cloudflare Workers
import params from './hasingParams';
import { argon2id, setWASMModules } from 'argon2-wasm-edge';
// @ts-expect-error
import argon2WASM from 'argon2-wasm-edge/wasm/argon2.wasm'; // <-- imports of wasm modules works differently in CF
// @ts-expect-error
import blake2bWASM from 'argon2-wasm-edge/wasm/blake2b.wasm';
setWASMModules({ argon2WASM, blake2bWASM });
async function fetch(req: Request) {
const password = new URL(req.url).searchParams.get('password');
if (!password) throw new Error('Missing password, try /api/hash-password?password=verysecure');
const salt = new Uint8Array(16);
const hashedPassword = await argon2id({ ...params, password, salt });
return new Response(`${password} => ${hashedPassword}`);
export default { fetch }