Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


aikoven4.8mMIT1.4.0TypeScript support: included

Helper function for exhaustive checks of discriminated unions in TypeScript

typescript, discriminated unions, assert, never


Assert Never npm version

Helper function for exhaustive checks of discriminated unions in TypeScript.


npm install --save assert-never


import {assertNever} from "assert-never";

type A = {type: 'a'};
type B = {type: 'b'};
type Union = A | B;

function doSomething(arg: Union) {
  if (arg.type === 'a') {
    return something;

  if (arg.type === 'b') {
    return somethingElse;

  // TS will error if there are other types in the union
  // Will throw an Error when called at runtime. Use `assertNever(arg, true)`
  // instead to fail silently.
  return assertNever(arg);