Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail



Invokes function, returning an object of the results.

utility, attempt, module, javascript, nodejs, browser


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Invokes function, returning an object of the results.

module.exports(fn, [...args])Object

This method attempts to invoke the function, returning either the result or the caught error object. Any additional arguments are provided to the function when it's invoked.

Kind: Exported function
Returns: Object - Returns an object of the result.

Param Type Description
fn function The function to attempt.
[...args] * The arguments to invoke the function with.


import attempt from 'attempt-x';

function thrower() {
  throw new Error('Threw');

attempt(thrower, 1, 2);
// {
//   threw: true,
//   value: // Error('Threw') object
// }

function sumArgs(a, b) {
  return a + b;

attempt(sumArgs, 1, 2);
// {
//   threw: false,
//   value: 3
// }

const thisArg = [];
function pusher(a, b) {
  return this.push(a, b);
}, pusher, 1, 2);
// {
//   threw: false,
//   value: 2
// }
// thisArg => [1, 2];