Creates an HTML report from Axe-core® library AxeResults object listing violations, passes, incomplete and incompatible results.
Allows specifying report creation options: reportFileName
, outputDir
, outputDirPath
, projectKey
and customSummary
allows having html parametersoutputDirPath
allows specifying absolute path
Please check sample report output.
returns HTML content that can be additionally used for specific integrations.
If only HTML content needed, user can pass doNotCreateReportFile: true
to stop report file creation.
Suggestion on how to use this library if you don't need a report file but need only HTML it produces:
const reportHTML = createHtmlReport({
results: rawAxeResults,
options: {
projectKey: 'I need only raw HTML',
doNotCreateReportFile: true,
console.log('reportHTML will have full content of HTML file.');
// suggestion on how to create file by yourself
if (!fs.existsSync('build/reports/saveReportHere.html')) {
fs.mkdirSync('build/reports', {
recursive: true,
fs.writeFileSync('build/reports/saveReportHere.html', reportHTML);
npm i -D axe-html-reporter
Example usage in TestCafe
To run TestCafe tests with Axe-core®, install testcafe, axe-core and @testcafe-community/axe:
shell script
npm i -D axe-html-reporter testcafe axe-core @testcafe-community/axe
For TestCafe example add the following clientScript in your `.testcaferc.json` config:
"clientScripts": [{ "module": "axe-core/axe.min.js" }]
In the example bellow fileName
is not passed. If fileName
is not passed, HTML report will be created with default name accessibilityReport.html
in artifacts
See full TestCafe test example is bellow:
import { runAxe } from '@testcafe-community/axe';
import { createHtmlReport } from 'axe-html-reporter';
fixture('TestCafe tests with Axe-core®').page('');
test('Automated accessibility testing', async (t) => {
const axeContext = { exclude: [['select']] };
const axeOptions = {
rules: {
'object-alt': { enabled: true },
'role-img-alt': { enabled: true },
'input-image-alt': { enabled: true },
'image-alt': { enabled: true },
const { error, results } = await runAxe(axeContext, axeOptions);
await t.expect(error).notOk(`axe check failed with an error: ${error.message}`);
// creates html report with the default file name `accessibilityReport.html`
options: {
projectKey: 'EXAMPLE',
Run TestCafe test:
shell script
npx testcafe
Running tests in:
Chrome 85.0.4183.121 / Linux
TestCafe tests with Axe-core® HTML report was saved into the following directory /Users/axe-demos/artifacts/accessibilityReport.html ✓ Automated accessibility testing
1 passed (1s)
### Example usage in any JS framework
import { createHtmlReport } from 'axe-html-reporter';
(() => {
// creates html report with the default name `accessibilityReport.html` file
createHtmlReport({ results: 'AxeCoreResults' }); // full AxeResults object
// creates html report with the default name `accessibilityReport.html` file and all supported AxeResults values
createHtmlReport({ results: { violations: 'Result[]' } }); // passing only violations from output
// creates html report with the default name `accessibilityReport.html` file and adds url and projectKey
results: 'AxeCoreResults',
options: { projectKey: 'JIRA_PROJECT_KEY' },
// creates html report with the name `exampleReport.html` in 'axe-reports' directory and adds projectKey to the header
results: 'AxeCoreResults',
options: {
projectKey: 'JIRA_PROJECT_KEY',
outputDir: 'axe-core-reports',
reportFileName: 'exampleReport.html',
// creates html report with all optional parameters, saving the report into 'docs' directory with report file name 'index.html'
const customSummary = `Test Case: Full page analysis
<ol style="margin: 0">
<li>Analyze full page with all rules enabled</li>
results: 'AxeResults',
options: {
projectKey: 'DEQUE',
outputDir: 'docs',
reportFileName: 'index.html',
const { createHtmlReport } = require('axe-html-reporter');
(() => {
// creates html report with the name `accessibilityReport.html` file
createHtmlReport({ results: { violations: 'Result[]' } });