Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail



Programmatic access to information about the AXObject Model



AXObject Query


Approximate model of the Chrome AXObject.

The project attempts to map the AXObject concepts to the WAI-ARIA 1.1 Roles Model so that a complete representation of the semantic HTML layer, as it is exposed assistive technology, can be obtained.




import { AXObjects } from 'axobject-query';


These methods are available on each export from the module. The typing here in the documentation is pseudo-typed. Each export will have its own specific types for each method signature.

  entries: () => Array<$Item>,
  get: (key: $Key) => ?$Value,
  has: (key: $Key) => boolean,
  keys: () => Array<$Key>,
  values: () => Array<$Value>,

Concepts in the project

AXObjects are mapped to their HTML and ARIA concepts in the relatedConcepts field.

The type field is a loose association of an AXObject to the window, structure and widget abstract roles in ARIA. The generic value is given to DivRole; it does not exist in ARIA. Divs are special in HTML in the way that they are used as generic containers. Span might have also been associated with a generic type except that there is no SpanRole AXObject.

  [ 'AbbrRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'AlertDialogRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'window' } ],
  [ 'AlertRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'AnnotationRole', { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'ApplicationRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'window' } ],
  [ 'ArticleRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'AudioRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'BannerRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'BlockquoteRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'BusyIndicatorRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'ButtonRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'CanvasRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'CaptionRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'CellRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'CheckBoxRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'ColorWellRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'ColumnHeaderRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'ColumnRole', { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'ComboBoxRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'ComplementaryRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'ContentInfoRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'DateRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'DateTimeRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'DefinitionRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'DescriptionListDetailRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'DescriptionListRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'DescriptionListTermRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'DetailsRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'DialogRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'window' } ],
  [ 'DirectoryRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'DisclosureTriangleRole', { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'DivRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'generic' } ],
  [ 'DocumentRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'EmbeddedObjectRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'FeedRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'FigcaptionRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'FigureRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'FooterRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'FormRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'GridRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'GroupRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'HeadingRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'IframePresentationalRole', { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'window' } ],
  [ 'IframeRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'window' } ],
  [ 'IgnoredRole', { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'ImageMapLinkRole', { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'ImageMapRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'ImageRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'InlineTextBoxRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'InputTimeRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'LabelRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'LegendRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'LineBreakRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'LinkRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'ListBoxOptionRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'ListBoxRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'ListItemRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'ListMarkerRole', { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'ListRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'LogRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'MainRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'MarkRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'MarqueeRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'MathRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'MenuBarRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'MenuButtonRole', { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'MenuItemRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'MenuItemCheckBoxRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'MenuItemRadioRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'MenuListOptionRole', { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'MenuListPopupRole', { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'MenuRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'MeterRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'NavigationRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'NoneRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'NoteRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'OutlineRole', { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'ParagraphRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'PopUpButtonRole', { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'PreRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'PresentationalRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'ProgressIndicatorRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'RadioButtonRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'RadioGroupRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'RegionRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'RootWebAreaRole', { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'RowHeaderRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'RowRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'RubyRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'RulerRole', { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'ScrollAreaRole', { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'ScrollBarRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'SeamlessWebAreaRole', { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'SearchRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'SearchBoxRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'SliderRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'SliderThumbRole', { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'SpinButtonRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'SpinButtonPartRole', { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'SplitterRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'StaticTextRole', { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'StatusRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'SVGRootRole', { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'SwitchRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'TabGroupRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'TabRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'TableHeaderContainerRole', { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'TableRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'TabListRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'TabPanelRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'TermRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'TextFieldRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'TimeRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'TimerRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'ToggleButtonRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'ToolbarRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'TreeRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'TreeGridRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'TreeItemRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'UserInterfaceTooltipRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'VideoRole', { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' } ],
  [ 'WebAreaRole', { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' } ],
  [ 'WindowRole', { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'window' } ],

AXObject to Element

import { AXObjectElements } from 'axobject-query';

AXObjects are mapped to their related HTML concepts, which may require attributes (in the case of inputs) to obtain the correct association.

  [ 'AbbrRole', [ { name: 'abbr' } ] ],
  [ 'ArticleRole', [ { name: 'article' } ] ],
  [ 'AudioRole', [ { name: 'audio' } ] ],
  [ 'BlockquoteRole', [ { name: 'blockquote' } ] ],
  [ 'ButtonRole', [ { name: 'button' } ] ],
  [ 'CanvasRole', [ { name: 'canvas' } ] ],
  [ 'CaptionRole', [ { name: 'caption' } ] ],
  [ 'CellRole', [ { name: 'td' } ] ],
  [ 'CheckBoxRole', [ { name: 'input', attributes: [Object] } ] ],
  [ 'ColorWellRole', [ { name: 'input', attributes: [Object] } ] ],
  [ 'ColumnHeaderRole', [ { name: 'th' } ] ],
  [ 'DateRole', [ { name: 'input', attributes: [Object] } ] ],
  [ 'DateTimeRole', [ { name: 'input', attributes: [Object] } ] ],
  [ 'DefinitionRole', [ { name: 'dfn' } ] ],
  [ 'DescriptionListDetailRole', [ { name: 'dd' } ] ],
  [ 'DescriptionListRole', [ { name: 'dl' } ] ],
  [ 'DescriptionListTermRole', [ { name: 'dt' } ] ],
  [ 'DetailsRole', [ { name: 'details' } ] ],
  [ 'DialogRole', [ { name: 'dialog' } ] ],
  [ 'DirectoryRole', [ { name: 'dir' } ] ],
  [ 'DivRole', [ { name: 'div' } ] ],
  [ 'EmbeddedObjectRole', [ { name: 'embed' } ] ],
  [ 'FigcaptionRole', [ { name: 'figcaption' } ] ],
  [ 'FigureRole', [ { name: 'figure' } ] ],
  [ 'FooterRole', [ { name: 'footer' } ] ],
  [ 'FormRole', [ { name: 'form' } ] ],
  [ 'HeadingRole', [ { name: 'h1' }, { name: 'h2' }, { name: 'h3' }, { name: 'h4' }, { name: 'h5' }, { name: 'h6' } ] ],
  [ 'IframeRole', [ { name: 'iframe' } ] ],
  [ 'ImageMapRole', [ { name: 'img', attributes: [Object] } ] ],
  [ 'ImageRole', [ { name: 'img' } ] ],
  [ 'InlineTextBoxRole', [ { name: 'input' } ] ],
  [ 'InputTimeRole', [ { name: 'input', attributes: [Object] } ] ],
  [ 'LabelRole', [ { name: 'label' } ] ],
  [ 'LegendRole', [ { name: 'legend' } ] ],
  [ 'LineBreakRole', [ { name: 'br' } ] ],
  [ 'LinkRole', [ { name: 'a', attributes: [Object] } ] ],
  [ 'ListBoxOptionRole', [ { name: 'option' } ] ],
  [ 'ListItemRole', [ { name: 'li' } ] ],
  [ 'ListRole', [ { name: 'ul' }, { name: 'ol' } ] ],
  [ 'MainRole', [ { name: 'main' } ] ],
  [ 'MarkRole', [ { name: 'mark' } ] ],
  [ 'MarqueeRole', [ { name: 'marquee' } ] ],
  [ 'MenuItemRole', [ { name: 'menuitem' } ] ],
  [ 'MenuRole', [ { name: 'menu' } ] ],
  [ 'MeterRole', [ { name: 'meter' } ] ],
  [ 'NavigationRole', [ { name: 'nav' } ] ],
  [ 'ParagraphRole', [ { name: 'p' } ] ],
  [ 'PreRole', [ { name: 'pre' } ] ],
  [ 'ProgressIndicatorRole', [ { name: 'progress' } ] ],
  [ 'RadioButtonRole', [ { name: 'input', attributes: [Object] } ] ],
  [ 'RowHeaderRole', [ { name: 'th', attributes: [Object] } ] ],
  [ 'RowRole', [ { name: 'tr' } ] ],
  [ 'RubyRole', [ { name: 'ruby' } ] ],
  [ 'SearchBoxRole', [ { name: 'input', attributes: [Object] } ] ],
  [ 'SliderRole', [ { name: 'input', attributes: [Object] } ] ],
  [ 'SpinButtonRole', [ { name: 'input', attributes: [Object] } ] ],
  [ 'TableRole', [ { name: 'table' } ] ],
  [ 'TextFieldRole', [ { name: 'input' }, { name: 'input', attributes: [Object] } ] ],
  [ 'TimeRole', [ { name: 'time' } ] ],
  [ 'VideoRole', [ { name: 'video' ] ],

AXObject to Role

import { AXObjectRoles } from 'axobject-query';

AXObjects are mapped to their related ARIA concepts..

  [ 'AlertDialogRole', [ { name: 'alertdialog' } ] ],
  [ 'AlertRole', [ { name: 'alert' } ] ],
  [ 'ApplicationRole', [ { name: 'application' } ] ],
  [ 'ArticleRole', [ { name: 'article' } ] ],
  [ 'BannerRole', [ { name: 'banner' } ] ],
  [ 'BusyIndicatorRole', [ { attributes: [Object] } ] ],
  [ 'ButtonRole', [ { name: 'button' } ] ],
  [ 'CellRole', [ { name: 'cell' }, { name: 'gridcell' } ] ],
  [ 'CheckBoxRole', [ { name: 'checkbox' } ] ],
  [ 'ColumnHeaderRole', [ { name: 'columnheader' } ] ],
  [ 'ComboBoxRole', [ { name: 'combobox' } ] ],
  [ 'ComplementaryRole', [ { name: 'complementary' } ] ],
  [ 'ContentInfoRole', [ { name: 'structureinfo' } ] ],
  [ 'DialogRole', [ { name: 'dialog' } ] ],
  [ 'DirectoryRole', [ { name: 'directory' } ] ],
  [ 'DocumentRole', [ { name: 'document' } ] ],
  [ 'FeedRole', [ { name: 'feed' } ] ],
  [ 'FigureRole', [ { name: 'figure' } ] ],
  [ 'FormRole', [ { name: 'form' } ] ],
  [ 'GridRole', [ { name: 'grid' } ] ],
  [ 'GroupRole', [ { name: 'group' } ] ],
  [ 'HeadingRole', [ { name: 'heading' } ] ],
  [ 'ImageRole', [ { name: 'img' } ] ],
  [ 'LinkRole', [ { name: 'link' } ] ],
  [ 'ListBoxOptionRole', [ { name: 'option' } ] ],
  [ 'ListBoxRole', [ { name: 'listbox' } ] ],
  [ 'ListItemRole', [ { name: 'listitem' } ] ],
  [ 'ListRole', [ { name: 'list' } ] ],
  [ 'LogRole', [ { name: 'log' } ] ],
  [ 'MainRole', [ { name: 'main' } ] ],
  [ 'MarqueeRole', [ { name: 'marquee' } ] ],
  [ 'MathRole', [ { name: 'math' } ] ],
  [ 'MenuBarRole', [ { name: 'menubar' } ] ],
  [ 'MenuItemRole', [ { name: 'menuitem' } ] ],
  [ 'MenuItemCheckBoxRole', [ { name: 'menuitemcheckbox' } ] ],
  [ 'MenuItemRadioRole', [ { name: 'menuitemradio' } ] ],
  [ 'MenuRole', [ { name: 'menu' } ] ],
  [ 'NavigationRole', [ { name: 'navigation' } ] ],
  [ 'NoneRole', [ { name: 'none' } ] ],
  [ 'NoteRole', [ { name: 'note' } ] ],
  [ 'PresentationalRole', [ { name: 'presentation' } ] ],
  [ 'ProgressIndicatorRole', [ { name: 'progressbar' } ] ],
  [ 'RadioButtonRole', [ { name: 'radio' } ] ],
  [ 'RadioGroupRole', [ { name: 'radiogroup' } ] ],
  [ 'RegionRole', [ { name: 'region' } ] ],
  [ 'RowHeaderRole', [ { name: 'rowheader' } ] ],
  [ 'RowRole', [ { name: 'row' } ] ],
  [ 'ScrollBarRole', [ { name: 'scrollbar' } ] ],
  [ 'SearchRole', [ { name: 'search' } ] ],
  [ 'SearchBoxRole', [ { name: 'searchbox' } ] ],
  [ 'SliderRole', [ { name: 'slider' } ] ],
  [ 'SpinButtonRole', [ { name: 'spinbutton' } ] ],
  [ 'SplitterRole', [ { name: 'separator' } ] ],
  [ 'StatusRole', [ { name: 'status' } ] ],
  [ 'SwitchRole', [ { name: 'switch' } ] ],
  [ 'TabGroupRole', [ { name: 'tablist' } ] ],
  [ 'TabRole', [ { name: 'tab' } ] ],
  [ 'TableRole', [ { name: 'table' } ] ],
  [ 'TabListRole', [ { name: 'tablist' } ] ],
  [ 'TabPanelRole', [ { name: 'tabpanel' } ] ],
  [ 'TermRole', [ { name: 'term' } ] ],
  [ 'TextFieldRole', [ { name: 'textbox' } ] ],
  [ 'TimerRole', [ { name: 'timer' } ] ],
  [ 'ToggleButtonRole', [ { attributes: [Object] } ] ],
  [ 'ToolbarRole', [ { name: 'toolbar' } ] ],
  [ 'TreeRole', [ { name: 'tree' } ] ],
  [ 'TreeGridRole', [ { name: 'treegrid' } ] ],
  [ 'TreeItemRole', [ { name: 'treeitem' } ] ],
  [ 'UserInterfaceTooltipRole', [ { name: 'tooltip' } ] ],

Element to AXObject

import { elementAXObjects } from 'axobject-query';

HTML elements are mapped to their related AXConcepts concepts.

  [ { name: 'abbr' }, [ 'AbbrRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'article' }, [ 'ArticleRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'audio' }, [ 'AudioRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'blockquote' }, [ 'BlockquoteRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'button' }, [ 'ButtonRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'canvas' }, [ 'CanvasRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'caption' }, [ 'CaptionRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'td' }, [ 'CellRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'input', attributes: [ [Object] ] }, [ 'CheckBoxRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'input', attributes: [ [Object] ] }, [ 'ColorWellRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'th' }, [ 'ColumnHeaderRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'input', attributes: [ [Object] ] }, [ 'DateRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'input', attributes: [ [Object] ] }, [ 'DateTimeRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'dfn' }, [ 'DefinitionRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'dd' }, [ 'DescriptionListDetailRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'dl' }, [ 'DescriptionListRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'dt' }, [ 'DescriptionListTermRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'details' }, [ 'DetailsRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'dialog' }, [ 'DialogRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'dir' }, [ 'DirectoryRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'div' }, [ 'DivRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'embed' }, [ 'EmbeddedObjectRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'figcaption' }, [ 'FigcaptionRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'figure' }, [ 'FigureRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'footer' }, [ 'FooterRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'form' }, [ 'FormRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'h1' }, [ 'HeadingRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'h2' }, [ 'HeadingRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'h3' }, [ 'HeadingRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'h4' }, [ 'HeadingRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'h5' }, [ 'HeadingRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'h6' }, [ 'HeadingRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'iframe' }, [ 'IframeRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'img', attributes: [ [Object] ] }, [ 'ImageMapRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'img' }, [ 'ImageRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'input' }, [ 'InlineTextBoxRole', 'TextFieldRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'input', attributes: [ [Object] ] }, [ 'InputTimeRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'label' }, [ 'LabelRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'legend' }, [ 'LegendRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'br' }, [ 'LineBreakRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'a', attributes: [ [Object] ] }, [ 'LinkRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'option' }, [ 'ListBoxOptionRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'li' }, [ 'ListItemRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'ul' }, [ 'ListRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'ol' }, [ 'ListRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'main' }, [ 'MainRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'mark' }, [ 'MarkRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'marquee' }, [ 'MarqueeRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'menuitem' }, [ 'MenuItemRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'menu' }, [ 'MenuRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'meter' }, [ 'MeterRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'nav' }, [ 'NavigationRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'p' }, [ 'ParagraphRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'pre' }, [ 'PreRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'progress' }, [ 'ProgressIndicatorRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'input', attributes: [ [Object] ] }, [ 'RadioButtonRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'th', attributes: [ [Object] ] }, [ 'RowHeaderRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'tr' }, [ 'RowRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'ruby' }, [ 'RubyRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'input', attributes: [ [Object] ] }, [ 'SearchBoxRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'input', attributes: [ [Object] ] }, [ 'SliderRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'input', attributes: [ [Object] ] }, [ 'SpinButtonRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'table' }, [ 'TableRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'input' }, [ 'InlineTextBoxRole', 'TextFieldRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'input', attributes: [ [Object] ] }, [ 'TextFieldRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'time' }, [ 'TimeRole' ] ],
  [ { name: 'video' }, [ 'VideoRole' ] ],


Copyright (c) 2021 A11yance


axobject-query Change Log


  • Changed label from structure to widget
  • Added the CHANGELOG file


  • Add NPM and Watchman configs


  • b436e56 (origin/update-dependencies, update-dependencies) Update dependencies; ESLint to 6
  • c157720 Fixes for select and datalist


  • Bumping the version to see if Travis will run green on the master branch


  • a1c5ef9 Updated the Copyright to 2020 for A11yance
  • 5c5e04d Remove Peer Dependency to ESLint
  • ec1b53b Remove dependencies on @babel/runtime and @babel/runtime-corejs3


  • 9b9db89 Add the summary element as a related concept in DisclosureTriangleRole
  • 7ac02af Fix the build script for the src files
  • 56e0765 Fix permissions on files from 755 to 644


Map and Set usages are now replaced with object and array literals.

These are the changes in usage you might need to account for:

  • The module exports are no longer Maps, so you cannot spread them directly into an array to access their items. Use the entries method to get access to the items.
  • The keys and values methods now return arrays, not iterators.
  • There is no forEach method. One could be added in the future, but at present, it does not exist on the exports.

Commits of note

  • 320fdeb Bump flow-bin from 0.160.2 to 0.161.0
  • 5453702 Update package and package-lock
  • a156de9 Removed Map and Set; added a common interface to all the objects
  • c7cc81c Update tests to include content
  • 04aecf3 Update eslint-plugin-flowtype to ^6.1.0
  • 06bfa38 Update babel-jest to ^27.2.2
  • 9d65129 Bump eslint-plugin-import from 2.22.1 to 2.24.2
  • 6aa1334 Bump @babel/preset-flow from 7.12.1 to 7.14.5
  • 7432325 Bump coverallsapp/github-action from 1.1.2 to 1.1.3
  • 55b1672 Update @babel/preset-env to ^7.15.6
  • 46d9e06 Update Jest to ^27.2.2
  • 3cde0ef Update ESLint versions to include ^7
  • 29f18c5 Update package-lock.json
  • 735763d Bump expect from 26.6.2 to 27.2.2
  • 95606c8 Update flow-bin
  • 045e61a Update flow and eslint configs
  • 146dad2 Bump tmpl from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5
  • 15004bd Bump @babel/cli from 7.12.10 to 7.15.7
  • 0512101 Bump @babel/core from 7.12.10 to 7.15.5
  • 8d2937d Bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7
  • be20a4f Switch to Github Actions from TravisCI
  • c35af61 Change Travis config from master to main branch

3.1.0 / 3.1.1

This minor release introduces iteration support to the primary objects of the module, through the Symbol.iterator property. This reintroduces the native Map iteration support that was lost in the v3 update. A forEach method is also introduced in this update. The common interface of all objects exposed by this module is now:

type TAXObjectQueryMap<E, K, V> = {
  entries: () => E,
  forEach: ((V, K, E) => void) => void,
  get: (key: K) => ?V,
  has: (key: K) => boolean,
  keys: () => Array<K>,
  values: () => Array<V>,
  @@iterator?: () => Iterator<E>,

Commits of note

  • f47ab5f Update dependencies to current minor releases
  • 763f0c9 Introduce iteration support to the Maps in the module
  • 0077265 Update dependencies to new major versions
  • c8b8a2b Use @babel/eslint-parser instead of babel-eslint project
  • f27196b Use default NPM caching in Github Actions


Commit 22915be contains a substantial audit and update of the project to match the ARIA spec. Testing coverage was substantially improved. It really locks down the project's output.

  • d7f9071 Switch to dequal to remove 45 transitive dependencies
  • 22915be Refreshing HTML mappings according to the HTML Accessibility API Mappings


  • f250e99 Update package-lock.json


This release restores backwards compatibility that was broken in v3.2.0.

  • 3a89d8c [Deps] switch from dequal to deep-equal-json


  • b14728f Remove deep-equal-json as a dep from the project (#357)


  • 93366fa [meta] add prepack step so build is not forgotten


This major release requires Node 6+.

  • b9b3e54 Remove the attribute information from the DisclosureTriangle concept
  • 68bd6d2 Add prepublishOnly step to package.json


This minor release no longer requires node 6+, and again has zero dependencies.

  • b14728f remove deep-equal-json as a dep from the project (#357)