Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail



Babel preset used by Create React App



This package includes the Babel preset used by Create React App.
Please refer to its documentation:

Usage in Create React App Projects

The easiest way to use this configuration is with Create React App, which includes it by default. You don’t need to install it separately in Create React App projects.

Usage Outside of Create React App

If you want to use this Babel preset in a project not built with Create React App, you can install it with the following steps.

First, install Babel.

Then install babel-preset-react-app.

npm install babel-preset-react-app --save-dev

Then create a file named .babelrc with following contents in the root folder of your project:

  "presets": ["react-app"]

This preset uses the useBuiltIns option with transform-object-rest-spread and transform-react-jsx, which assumes that Object.assign is available or polyfilled.

Usage with Flow

Make sure you have a .flowconfig file at the root directory. You can also use the flow option on .babelrc:

  "presets": [["react-app", { "flow": true, "typescript": false }]]

Usage with TypeScript

Make sure you have a tsconfig.json file at the root directory. You can also use the typescript option on .babelrc:

  "presets": [["react-app", { "flow": false, "typescript": true }]]

Absolute Runtime Paths

Absolute paths are enabled by default for imports. To use relative paths instead, set the absoluteRuntime option in .babelrc to false:

  "presets": [["react-app", { "absoluteRuntime": false }]]


5.0.1 (2022-04-12)

Create React App 5.0.1 is a maintenance release that improves compatibility with React 18. We've also updated our templates to use createRoot and relaxed our check for older versions of Create React App.

Migrating from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1

Inside any created project that has not been ejected, run:

npm install --save --save-exact react-scripts@5.0.1


yarn add --exact react-scripts@5.0.1

:bug: Bug Fix

:nail_care: Enhancement

  • cra-template-typescript, cra-template, react-scripts
  • cra-template-typescript, cra-template
  • eslint-config-react-app

:memo: Documentation

:house: Internal

Committers: 11

5.0.0 (2021-12-14)

Create React App 5.0 is a major release with several new features and the latest version of all major dependencies.

Thanks to all the maintainers and contributors who worked so hard on this release! 🙌


  • webpack 5 (#11201)
  • Jest 27 (#11338)
  • ESLint 8 (#11375)
  • PostCSS 8 (#11121)
  • Fast Refresh improvements and bug fixes (#11105)
  • Support for Tailwind (#11717)
  • Improved package manager detection (#11322)
  • Unpinned all dependencies for better compatibility with other tools (#11474)
  • Dropped support for Node 10 and 12

Migrating from 4.0.x to 5.0.0

Inside any created project that has not been ejected, run:

npm install --save --save-exact react-scripts@5.0.0


yarn add --exact react-scripts@5.0.0

NOTE: You may need to delete your node_modules folder and reinstall your dependencies by running npm install (or yarn) if you encounter errors after upgrading.

If you previously ejected but now want to upgrade, one common solution is to find the commits where you ejected (and any subsequent commits changing the configuration), revert them, upgrade, and later optionally eject again. It’s also possible that the feature you ejected for is now supported out of the box.

Breaking Changes

Like any major release, `react-scripts@5.0.0` contains a number of breaking changes. We expect that they won't affect every user, but we recommend you look over this section to see if something is relevant to you. If we missed something, please file a new issue.

Dropped support for Node 10 and 12 Node 10 reached End-of-Life in April 2021 and Node 12 will be End-of-Life in April 2022. Going forward we will only support the latest LTS release of Node.js.

Full Changelog

:boom: Breaking Change

  • create-react-app
  • babel-preset-react-app, cra-template-typescript, cra-template, create-react-app, eslint-config-react-app, react-app-polyfill, react-dev-utils, react-error-overlay, react-scripts
  • eslint-config-react-app, react-error-overlay, react-scripts
  • react-scripts

:bug: Bug Fix

:nail_care: Enhancement

  • react-scripts
    • #11717 Add support for Tailwind (@iansu)
    • #8227 Add source-map-loader for debugging into original source of node_modules libraries that contain sourcemaps (@justingrant)
    • #10499 Remove ESLint verification when opting-out (@mrmckeb)
  • eslint-config-react-app, react-error-overlay, react-scripts
  • create-react-app
  • react-dev-utils
    • #11105 fix: fast refresh stops on needed bail outs (@pmmmwh)
    • #10205 Update ModuleNotFoundPlugin to support Webpack 5 (@raix)
  • create-react-app, react-scripts

:memo: Documentation

:house: Internal

  • Other
  • create-react-app
  • babel-plugin-named-asset-import, babel-preset-react-app, confusing-browser-globals, create-react-app, react-app-polyfill, react-dev-utils, react-error-overlay, react-scripts
  • react-scripts
  • babel-plugin-named-asset-import, confusing-browser-globals, create-react-app, eslint-config-react-app, react-dev-utils, react-error-overlay, react-scripts
  • confusing-browser-globals, cra-template-typescript, cra-template, create-react-app
  • react-error-overlay, react-scripts
  • babel-preset-react-app, cra-template-typescript, cra-template, create-react-app, eslint-config-react-app, react-app-polyfill, react-dev-utils, react-error-overlay, react-scripts

:hammer: Underlying Tools

  • react-dev-utils, react-scripts
  • react-scripts
  • babel-plugin-named-asset-import, confusing-browser-globals, create-react-app, react-dev-utils, react-error-overlay, react-scripts
    • #11338 Upgrade jest and related packages from 26.6.0 to 27.1.0 (@krreet)
  • eslint-config-react-app, react-error-overlay, react-scripts
  • babel-preset-react-app, react-dev-utils, react-error-overlay, react-scripts
  • react-dev-utils

Committers: 34

Releases Before 5.x

Please refer to for earlier versions.