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Yet another bump module, but this works exactly like the grunt-bump one, but without grunt

bump, grunt bump, increase patch version, increase minor version, increase major version, semver, tag version, commit version, manage publish


NPM Version Build Status


Yet another bump module, but this works exactly like the grunt-bump one, but without grunt


I was used to using to grunt-bump, but for a small nodejs module, having to install grunt to just be able to run bump seemed like an overkill. So this is basically the same code as in grunt-bump, but can be run from the command line or used as a library.


npm i -g bumpery


Usage: bumpery [options]

  --versionType One of: git, patch, minor, major, prepatch, preminor, premajor, prerelease  The versionType to use. If defined will override the the one in the config - default: patch
  --no-bumpVersion             Bump the version?. If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found
  --no-commit                  Create a commit? If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found
  --commitFiles [String]       Which files to commit. If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found - default: ["package.json"]
  --commitMessage String       The commit message. If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found - default: BLD: Release v%VERSION%
  --no-createTag               Create a tag? If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found
  -d, --dryRun                 Just show which commands will be executed. If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found - default: false
  -f, --files [String]         The files to bump. If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found - default: ["package.json"]
  --gitDescribeOptions String  The options to get the version from git. when the action is `git`. If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found - default: --tags
                               --always --abbrev=1 --dirty=-d
  --globalReplace              Replace all fields that match the version Regex. If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found - default: false
  --prereleaseName String      The prerelease name. If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found
  -p, --push                   Push the commit/tag? If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found - default: true
  --pushTo String              If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found - default: origin master
  -s, --setVersion String      The version to set. If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found
  --tagMessage String          The tag message. If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found - default: Version %VERSION%
  --tagName String             The tagName. If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found - default: v%VERSION%
  --verify String              The verify command to execute before running bump. For example: `npm test`. If the task fail, the bump will stop.
  -h, --help                   Show this help
  -v, --version                Outputs the version number
  -q, --quiet                  Show only the summary info
  -c, --config String          Path to your `bump.json` config, if not provided will try to use the `bump.json` file in your current working directory, if not found will use the one provided with this

All the options prefixed by --no can be used directly for example:

bumpery --no-commit   
#the previous is equivalent to:
bumpery --commit=true 

And the config file, should look like the one below. If you don't provide a config file the one in this package configs/bump.json file will be used. All the options passed on the cli command will override the defaults ones in this config file

  "bumpVersion": true,
  "commit": true,
  "commitFiles": [
  "commitMessage": "BLD: Release v%VERSION%",
  "createTag": true,
  "dryRun": false,
  "files": [
  "gitDescribeOptions": "--tags --always --abbrev=1 --dirty=-d",
  "globalReplace": false,
  "prereleaseName": false,
  "push": true,
  "pushTo": "origin master",
  "setVersion": true,
  "tagMessage": "Version %VERSION%",
  "tagName": "v%VERSION%",
  "verify" : ''


# this is the same as run bumpery path

# run a task before bump
bumpery --verify='npm test'

# dry run. This will just show what the command will do
bumpery -d 




bumpery - Changelog


  • undefined
    • sort merge to override default configuration - dd049d7, Malys, 15/10/2015 01:22:01


  • Bug Fixes
    • fix failing unit test after upgrade the clix - 2d29ca5, royriojas, 12/07/2015 21:12:25
  • Build Scripts Changes
    • update clix dep to remove coloring output by default - 6adfc63, royriojas, 12/07/2015 21:08:37


  • Build Scripts Changes
  • Refactoring

    • several minor changes - d48537c, royriojas, 12/07/2015 20:50:18

      • add eslinter as a dev-dependency
      • enable the cache on the beautify/eslint task
      • add script to automate the generation and commit of the changeling
      • remove lodash.merge in favor of extend
      • updated dev dependencies


  • Build Scripts Changes
    • Do not execute prepush hook when pushing the tags - 85c981f, royriojas, 17/05/2015 12:43:59


  • Build Scripts Changes


  • Build Scripts Changes




