Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail



This module is now under the @mapbox namespace: install @mapbox/canvas-dial instead

a dial indicator

canvas, dial, html5, indicator, visualization



A simple dial or gauge implemented in HTML5 Canvas and designed to be performant and flexible.


new Dial(element, options) create a new dial, owning a single DOM element. Options are listed below

dial.draw(value) update the dial to show a new value.


    // the width & height of the gauge canvas element
    diameter: 20,
    // the width of the stroke indicating the gauge's background
    // and foreground values
    width: 8,
    // the outer width of the gauge
    outer: 15,
    // the gap at the bottom of the gauge, if any
    gap: 10,
    // the strokeStyle of the background that indicates
    // the total range of the gauge
    background: '#eee',
    // the strokeStyle of the dial - the part that shows data
    foreground: '#00f',
    // the minimum value in the scale.
    min: 0,
    // the value from which the gauge starts. 0 is common
    // for absolute values, 0.5 can be useful for things like
    // saturation/desaturation
    start: 0.5,
    // the maximum value represented by the gauge
    max: 1