Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


parshap544.1kUnlicense4.2.1TypeScript support: included

Check installed versions of node and npm

version, semver



NPM version AppVeyor build status Travis build status

Check installed versions of node, npm, npx, yarn, and pnpm.


npm: check-node-version

npm install check-node-version

Command Line Usage

      check-node-version [OPTIONS]

      check-node-version will check if the current node, npm, npx, yarn and pnpm
      versions match the given semver version ranges.

      If the given version is not satisfied, information about
      installing the needed version is printed and the program exits
      with an error code.


      --node VERSION
            Check that the current node version matches the given semver
            version range.

      --npm VERSION
            Check that the current npm version matches the given semver
            version range.

      --npx VERSION
            Check that the current npx version matches the given semver
            version range.

      --yarn VERSION
            Check that the current yarn version matches the given semver
            version range.

      --pnpm VERSION
            Check that the current pnpm version matches the given semver
            version range.

            Use the "engines" key in the current package.json for the
            semver version ranges.

            Use the versions pinned by Volta in the package.json

      -p, --print
            Print installed versions.

      -h, --help
            Print this message.


Check for node 6, failing

Check for node 6, but have 8.2.1 installed.

$ check-node-version --node 6
node: 8.2.1
Error: Wanted node version 6 (>=6.0.0 <7.0.0)
To install node, run `nvm install 6` or see
$ echo $?

Check for node 6, passing

If all versions match, there is no output:

$ check-node-version --node 6
$ echo $?

Check for multiple versions simultaneously

You can check versions of any combinations of node, npm, npx, yarn, and pnpm at one time.

$ check-node-version --node 4 --npm 2.14 --npx 6 --yarn 0.17.1 --pnpm 6.20.1

Check for volta pinned versions

You can check versions pinned by Volta:

$ check-node-version --volta

Use the --print option to print currently installed versions. If given a tool to check, only that will be printed. Otherwise, all known tools will be printed. Notes a missing tool.

$ check-node-version --print --node 11.12
node: 11.12.0
$ echo $?
$ check-node-version --print
yarn: not found
node: 11.12.0
npm: 6.9.0
npx: 10.2.0

NOTE: Both preceding examples show that this works equally cross-platform, the first one being a *nix shell, the second one running on Windows.

NOTE: As per Issue 36, non-semver-compliant versions (looking at yarn here) will be handled similarly to missing tools, just with a different error message.

At the time of writing, we think that

  1. all tools should always use semver
  2. exceptions are bound too be very rare
  3. preventing a crash is sufficient

Consequently, we do not intend to support non-compliant versions to any further extent.

Use with a .nvmrc file

$ check-node-version --node $(cat .nvmrc) --npm 2.14

Use with npm test

  "name": "my-package",
  "devDependencies": {
    "check-node-version": "^1.0.0"
  "scripts": {
    "test": "check-node-version --node '>= 4.2.3' && node my-tests.js"

API Usage

This module can also be used programmatically. Pass it an object with the required versions of node, npm, npx, yarn and/or pnpm followed by a results handler.

const check = require("check-node-version");

    { node: ">= 18.3", },
    (error, result) => {
        if (error) {

        if (result.isSatisfied) {
            console.log("All is well.");

        console.error("Some package version(s) failed!");

        for (const packageName of Object.keys(result.versions)) {
            if (!result.versions[packageName].isSatisfied) {
                console.error(`Missing ${packageName}.`);

See index.d.ts for the full input and output type definitions.




  • Fix crash due to non-semver valid version strings


  • Make notfound-catch locale-independent on Windows


  • Fix CLI by restoring shebang to new bin file


  • Breaking: Drop support for node versions before 8.3.0
  • Breaking: Remove options.getVersion option from api (no cli change)
  • Improve test suite
  • Make CLI treat versions arguments as strings
  • Fix message for missing binary of Windows
  • Check global versions only
  • Make instructions valid for version ranges
  • Only suggest using nvm if nvm is installed


  • Add NPX support


  • Add index.ts TypeScript typings file


  • Fix bug with npm warnings causing errors.


  • Add colors to terminal output.


This release changes the default output behavior to only print unsatisfied versions. If all checked versions pass, there is no output. A --print option has been added to get the old behavior of always printing versions.

  • Breaking: Remove --quiet option, add --print option.
  • Breaking: Move versions under versions key in result object.
  • Fix bug when version command outputs more than one line.