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bpostlethwaite125.9kMIT2.3.2TypeScript support: definitely-typed

Great looking color maps

colormap, color map, color, hex, rgb, color-space, cubehelix, inferno, magma, plasma, viridis, matplotlib, oceanography, seismic, color gradient, color range, colorscale, color scale, plot, graph


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all colormap output


npm install colormap

let colormap = require('colormap')

let colors = colormap({
    colormap: 'jet',
    nshades: 10,
    format: 'hex',
    alpha: 1


list = colormap(options?)

Property Default Meaning
colormap 'jet' Color map name from the image above or a custom color scale — a sequence of {index, rgb} objects, where index is 0..1 number and rgb is a length 3/4 array with values for the color stop.
nshades 72 Number of colors in returned array, the minimum number depends on colormap.
format 'hex' 'hex' for #aabbcc, 'rgbaString' for rgba(255, 255, 255, 1), 'rba' for [255, 255, 255, 1], 'float' for [1, 1, 1, 1].
alpha 1 Alpha range, can be an array with alpha values or just 2 values for start/end colors.


Color maps are inspired by matplotlib color scales, cmocean oceanographic colormaps, cosine gradients and others. Thanks to authors of these libs for their invaluable work.