Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


brettz94.4kMIT2.0.1TypeScript support: included

Auto-add help and version CLI and update notification checks

cli, command-line-args, command-line-usage, update-notifier



Wraps the basic command-line functionality to your package.

It is probably easiest to see it in an example:

  1. Binary file
  2. The option definitions (this file defines the schema and format for the CLI arguments; note: it is not necessary to export the chalk templates assuming you even need to use them at all).
  3. The main app which receives the command line arguments ready for use.

Performs the following:

  1. Utilizes update-notifier to notify the user of any updates of your package.
  2. By default, will automatically add --version/-v and --help/-h flags to the options defined in your targeted file's definitions (processed by command-line-args) and sections[1].optionList (processed by command-line-usage). When your users call --help, these two flags will be shown there. When your users call --version, it will output the current version of your package.json).
  3. By default, will automatically add header to sections[0] if not present (based on the name in package.json).
  4. All of sections will be passed to command-line-usage.


npm i -P command-line-basics

Simple usage

After adding your binary file to package.json, e.g.,

  "bin": {
    "myCliApp": "./bin/index.js"

...and optionally making the script executable, as with chmod 0755 ./bin/index.js, then add the following to that file:

#!/usr/bin/env node
import {cliBasics} from 'command-line-basics';

// Your main programmatic code
import mainScript from '../src/index.js';

// Point to a file with a `definitions` and `sections` export (or
//   JSON properties)
const optionDefinitions = await cliBasics(
if (!optionDefinitions) { // cliBasics handled
// Use `optionDefinitions` (which is just the result of running
//  `command-line-args` on the `definitions` from your
//  `optionDefinitions.js` file

Advanced usage

Except for optionsPath, the example indicates the defaults:

import {dirname} from 'path'; // For `__dirname`
import {fileURLToPath} from 'url'; // For `__dirname`
import {cliBasics} from 'command-line-basics';

// For `__dirname`
const __dirname = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url));

const options = await cliBasics({
  // Point to a file with a `definitions` and `sections` export (or
  //   JSON properties)
  optionsPath: path.join(process.cwd(), './src/optionDefinitions.js'),
  // `cwd` is an alternative to joining (for `optionsPath` and for an
  //  explicit `packageJsonPath`; has no effect on `package.json` if
  //  relying on the default)
  cwd: __dirname,
  async notifierCallback (notifier) {
    // Do something with `notifier` instance:
    const {
      latest, current,
      type // `latest`, `major`, `minor`, `patch`, `prerelease`, `build`
    } = await notifier.fetchInfo();

    console.log('Versions', latest, current);
    console.log('Package name', name);
    console.log('Current update type', type);
  options: {
    packageJsonPath: path.join(process.cwd(), 'package.json'),
    autoAddVersion: true,
    autoAddHelp: true,
    autoAddHeader: true,
    autoAddOptionsHeader: true,
    autoAddContent: true,
    commandLineArgsOptions: {
      // See
    updateNotifierOptions: {
      // Options besides `pkg`
      updateCheckInterval: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24,
      shouldNotifyInNpmScript: false,
      distTag: 'latest' //
    // May also set this to `false` to avoid calling `notify` of
    //  `update-notifier`
    updateNotifierNotifyOptions: {
      defer: false, // Our default differs from that of `update-notifier` here
      message: '',
      isGlobal: defaultsToAutoDetectBoolean,
      boxenOptions: {
        // Also `dimBorder`, `float`, and `backgroundColor`
        // See
        padding: 1, margin: 1, align: 'center',
        borderColor: 'yellow', borderStyle: 'round'
if (!options) { // cliBasics handled
// Use `definitions` (which is just the result of running `command-line-args`
//  on the `definitions` from your `optionDefinitions.js` file)

There is also exported an autoAdd method which takes the same arguments and returns the (potentially help/version and header enhanced) definitions and sections. It is also used internally by cliBasics.

See also


  1. Utility for main files to create a file retrieval/writing function (for conversions)
  2. Auto-convert JSON Schema into option defintion structures with jsdoc (and the converted JSON Schema) enhanced to add CLI properties, e.g., any alias (@cli-alias {file} f) and possibly its typeLabel. Default should be deducible.


CHANGES for command-line-basics


  • chore: update tsc moduleResolution
  • chore: update devDeps.


  • feat: TS typings
  • chore: update command-line-usage and devDeps.


  • chore: update from vulnerable update-notifier; update command-line-args/command-line-usage
  • chore: update devDeps.


  • npm: Ignore pnpm-lock.yaml
  • npm: Update devDeps. and command-line-args (patch)


  • Fix: Add missing devDep. @babel/core


  • Breaking change: Switch to native ESM; require Node 14
  • Breaking change: Switch autoAdd and cliBasics to async functions


  • Enhancement: Add commandLineArgsOptions to options
  • Maintenance: Add .editorconfig
  • npm: Update devDeps. and update-notifier dep.


  • Update: Alter API per update-notifier breaking change


  • Fix: Avoid need for join entirely


  • Fix: Use path resolve instead of join for proper relative path resolution


  • Enhancement: Auto-add content based on pkg.description and Options as sections[1].header.


  • Fix: Avoid duplication, e.g., if sections is borrowing from definitions


  • Fix: Ensure cwd gets passed on to autoAdd from cliBasics


  • Fix: Ensure cwd gets passed on to autoAdd from cliBasics


  • Enhancement (breaking): Add autoAdd method along with changing default export to cliBasics named export; move packageJsonPath to options for shorter API
  • Enhancement: Add default-true option autoAddHeader to automatically add header to sections[0] if not present (based on the name in package.json).
  • Fix: Ensure adding to optionList properly


  • Fix: Avoid exiting upon update notification


  • Fix: Ensure cwd is accessible (from object options)
  • Enhancement: Apply cwd to an explicit relative packageJsonPath (but not otherwise)


  • Enhancement (breaking): Avoid applying cwd to package.json.


  • Enhancement (breaking): Apply cwd option (defaulting to process.cwd()) to package.json and optionsPath.
  • Enhancement: Throw specific error if no optionsPath provided.


  • Initial version