Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail



Create HTML elements, set attributes, add to other elements, and return an array of DOM nodes or HTML markup in a single function call

append, create, dom, element, elms, html, insert, javascript, js, jsdom, module, node, prepend



NPM GitHub Workflow Status (master) Codacy code quality Codacy branch coverage License: MIT Sponsor this project

Create HTML elements, set attributes, add to other elements, and return an array of DOM nodes or HTML markup in a single function call.


  • Quickly create HTML elements using markup or JavaScript objects
  • Set attributes on individual or groups of elements
  • Append, prepend, and insert elements before or after other elements
  • Return an array of elements or HTML markup
  • UMD and ES6 module available
  • Compatible with modern and legacy browsers (IE9+)
  • Compatible with Node environments using jsdom
  • Lightweight (~1k min+gzip) and dependency-free



npm install create-elms
// file.js
import createElms from 'create-elms';
const elms = createElms(/* ... */);


git clone

CDN ( shown, also on

<!-- ES5 (latest v1.x.x) -->
<script src=""></script>
  var elms = createElms(/* ... */);
<!-- ES6 module (latest v1.x.x) -->
<script type="module">
  import getCssData from '';
  const elms = createElms(/* ... */);


Render elements using strings and/or objects:

let elm, elms;

// Create an element from a string
elm = createElms('<p>Foo</p>'); // => [elm]

// ... or an object
elm = createElms({
  tag : 'p',
  text: 'Foo'
}); // => [elm]

// ... or multiple elements from a string
elms = createElms('<p>Foo</p><p>Bar</p><p>Baz</p>'); // => [elm, elm, elm]

// ... or an array of strings
elms = createElms([
]); // => [elm, elm, elm]

// ... or an array of objects
elms = createElms([
  { tag: 'p', text: 'Foo' },
  { tag: 'p', text: 'Bar' },
  { tag: 'p', text: 'Baz' }
]); // => [elm, elm, elm]

// ... or an array containing strings and objects
elms = createElms([
  { tag: 'p', text: 'Baz' }
]); // => [elm, elm, elm]

Set per-element attributes or shared attributes:

let elm, elms;

// Set attributes on specific elements...
elm = createElms({
  tag : 'p',
  text: 'Foo',
  attr: { id: 'foo', class: 'myclass' }

// ... or use the 'sharedOptions' argument for multiple elementData objects
elms = createElms(
  // elementData
    { text: 'Foo', attr: { id: 'foo' } },
    { text: 'Bar', attr: { id: 'bar' } },
    { text: 'Baz', attr: { id: 'baz' } }
  // sharedOptions
    tag : 'p',
    attr: { class: 'myclass' }

// ... or to apply options to one-or-more elementData strings
elms = createElms(
  // elementData
    '<p id="foo">Foo</p>',
    '<p id="bar">Bar</p>',
    '<p id="baz">Baz</p>'
  // sharedOptions
    class: 'myclass'

Append, prepend, or insert elements:

let elm, elms;

// Use CSS selectors, HTMLElement(s) or Node(s)
elm = createElms({ tag: 'p', appendTo: 'body' });
elm = createElms({ tag: 'p', appendTo: document.body });
elm = createElms({ tag: 'p', appendTo: document.querySelector('body') });
elm = createElms({ tag: 'p', appendTo: document.querySelectorAll('div') });

// ... or an array of CSS selectors, HTMLElements, and/or Nodes
elm = createElms({
  tag     : 'p',
  appendTo: [

// Specify multiple append/prepend/insert points per element
elms = createElms({
  tag         : 'p',
  appendTo    : 'body',
  prependTo   : document.body,
  insertBefore: document.querySelectorAll('div'),
  insertAfter : document.getElementsByTagName('h1')

// ... or use the 'shadedOptions' argument for multiple elements
elms = createElms(
  // elementData
  // shadedOptions
    appendTo    : 'body',
    prependTo   : document.body,
    insertBefore: document.querySelectorAll('div'),
    insertAfter : document.getElementsByTagName('h1')

Have elements returned as HTMLElements or HTML markup:

// Return as HTML elements (default)
let elm = createElms({ tag: 'p' });
// => [elm]

// Return as HTML markup
let html = createElms({ tag: 'p' }, { returnHtml: true });
// => '<p></p>'


createElements(elementData, sharedOptions = {}, documentObject = window.document)
  • Returns: Array
    • An array of of elements (default)
    • An array of HTML markup (when returnHtml option is true).


  • Type: Object, String, or Array
    • String should be valid HTML markup
    • Object should be an HTMLElement or Node
    • Array should contain HTML markup, HTMLElements, and/or Nodes


  • Strings may contain multiple elements
  • Each top-level element in a string will be returned in the return Array
  • Use sharedOptions to apply properties to String elementData
  • If sharedOptions are used, options will be applied to all top-level elements in the string


  • The html value will be inserted as HTML content
  • The text value will be inserted as text content. This value is ignored if html is defined.
  • The attr value should contain attribute name/value pairs
  • The appendTo, prependTo, insertBefore and insertAfter properties accept a CSS selector, HTMLElement, HTMLCollection, Node, NodeList, or an Array of these Object types.
Property Type Description
tag string Element HTML tag
attr object Element attributes
html string Content to append to element(s) as HTML
text string Content to append to element(s) as text
appendTo object|string Node(s) to append element(s) to
prependTo object|string Node(s) to prepend element(s) to
insertBefore object|string Node(s) to insert element(s) before
insertAfter object|string Node(s) to insert element(s) after


// String
let elm1 = createElement('<p id="foo" class="myclass"><a href="/">Home</a>');
// => [elm] (top-level <p> is returned, not nested <a>)

// String with multiple elements
let elms1 = createElement('<p>Text1</p><p>Text2</p><p>Text3</p>');
// => [elm, elm, elm] (all top-level elements returned)

// Object
let elm2 = createElement({
  tag : 'p',
  html: '<a href="/">Home</a>',
  attr: { id: 'foo', class: 'myclass' }
// => [elm]

// Array of strings and/or objects
let elms = createElement([
  { tag: 'p', text: 'Text' }
// => [elm, elm]


  • Type: Object
  • Default: {}

Options are applied to all elementData with the following rules:

  • When applied to an elementData Object, all options are valid.
  • When applied to an elementData String, the tag property is ignored.
  • Existing tags, attributes, HTML and text content will not be replaced by shared options.

Object properties

All properties from elementData plus the following:

Property Type Default Description
returnHtml Boolean false Return elements as array of HTML markup when true.


// Return as HTML markup
let html = createElms(
  // elementData
  { tag: 'p', text: 'Text' },
  // sharedOptions
  { returnHtml: true }
// => '<p>Text</p>'


  • Type: Object
  • Default: window.document

This is the document object on which document.createElement and document.querySelectorAll methods will be called. The default value assumes a browser environment, but passing a reference to a document object created by tools like jsdom allows creating HTML elements and markup in a Node environment (without polluting global variables).


const createElms = require('create-elms');
const jsdom      = require('jsdom');
const dom        = new JSDOM();
const jsDocument = dom.window.document;

let elm = createElms({ tag: 'p', {}, dom.window.document)
// => [elm]

let html = createElms({ tag: 'p', { returnHtml: true }, dom.window.document)
// => '<p></p>'


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If you benefit from this project, please consider lending your support and encouraging future efforts by becoming a sponsor.

Thank you! 🙏🏻

Contact & Support

  • Follow 👨🏻‍💻 @jhildenbiddle on Twitter and GitHub for announcements
  • Create a 💬 GitHub issue for bug reports, feature requests, or questions
  • Add a ⭐️ star on GitHub and 🐦 tweet to promote the project
  • Become a 💖 sponsor to support the project and future efforts


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE for details.

Copyright (c) John Hildenbiddle (@jhildenbiddle)


Change Log



  • Fix GitHub workflow badge



  • Fixed bug that prevented an object with a length property passed as elementData from being handled properly.



  • Updated preferred CDN links to jsdelivr



  • Update dependencies
  • Fix rollup plugin configuration



  • Updated dependencies
  • Updated rollup configuration
  • Updated README



  • Updated dependencies
  • Updated rollup configuration
  • Updated README



  • Unminified /dist files now include JSDOC comments from /src. This allows documentation to be displayed in IDEs.



  • Added NPM badge to



  • Added version scripts to ensure 'npm version' artifacts are committed with bumped package.json and package-lock.json files. Specifically, this ensures that dist files have the appropriate version number added to the info comment before committing the version bump or publishing to NPM.



  • Added ability pass strings, HTMLCollections, and NodeLists to appendTo, prependTo, insertBefore and insertAfter. Previously only able to process arrays of nodes.



  • Initial release