Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail



Helper for creating easily extensible and subclassable JavaScript Error classes.

errors, error, class, errorclass



Helper for creating easily extensible and subclassable JavaScript Error classes.


Make sure you have node.js and npm installed, then run:

npm install createerror


var createError = require('createerror');

var MyError = createError({
    name: 'MyError',
    // Used when no message is handed to the constructor:
    message: 'A slightly longer description of the error'

Instances can carry extra data about the error:

try {
    throw new MyError({
        message: "The message", // Not mandatory
        data: {disallowedIds: [1, 3, 4, 6]}
} catch(e) {
    console.warn(; // {disallowedIds: [1, 3, 4, 6]}

Inheriting from an existing Error class (the Error classes in the httpErrors module also use createError):

var httpErrors = require('httperrors');

var NotFoundUnderTheBedError = createError({
    name: 'NotFoundUnderTheBed',
    message: 'I looked under the bed, but it was not found'
}, httpErrors.NotFound);

Instances of this error walk and quack like httpErrors.NotFound instances, of course:

var ohDear = new NotFoundUnderTheBedError('No monsters today');
console.warn(ohDear.NotFound); // true
console.warn(ohDear.NotFoundUnderTheBed); // true


3-clause BSD license -- see the LICENSE file for details.