an esformatter plugin to make esformatter ignore certain lines and blocks of code
esformatter-ignore is a plugin for esformatter meant to allow certain lines and blocks of code to be ignored by esformatter
var someVar = 'foo';
if (someVar) {
// you want for some reason this block to remain untoched by the formatter
// most use cases are for certain cases where the formatter produces some buggy
// output like these cases:
// -
// -
// -
cache.setKey( 'persistifyArgs', {
cache: browserifyOpts.cache,
packageCache: browserifyOpts.packageCache
} );
If you want to ignore only a single line you can also do it by doing
if (someKey) {
// ignoring next line cause esformatter@7.0.3
// mistakenly move the semicolon to the next line
delete objectCache[someKey]; // esfmt-ignore-line
$ npm install esformatter-ignore --save-dev
Newest esformatter versions autoload plugins from your node_modules
See this
Add to your esformatter config file:
In order for this to work, this plugin should be the first one! (I Know too picky, but who isn't).
"plugins": [
Or you can manually register your plugin:
// register plugin
node usage
var fs = require('fs');
var esformatter = require('esformatter');
//register plugin manually
var str = fs.readFileSync('./someKewlFile.js').toString();
var output = esformatter.format(str);
//-> output will now contain the formatted code with the blocks marked to be ignored remain intact
See esformatter for more options and further usage info.