ESLint's RuleTester for AVA
Allows you to run ESLint's RuleTester with AVA while still getting the nice report it provides by default.
npm install --save-dev eslint-ava-rule-tester
Apart from how it is instantiated, the API is the same as ESLint's RuleTester. For information on how to test your rule, please follow the official documentation.
import test from 'ava';
import AvaRuleTester from 'eslint-ava-rule-tester';
import rule from '../rules/my-awesome-rule.js';
const ruleTester = new AvaRuleTester(test, {
languageOptions: {
ecmaVersion: 2024,
});'my-awesome-rule', rule, {
valid: [
invalid: [
code: 'console.lgo',
errors: [{ message: 'console.log was mistyped', column: 1, line: 1 }],
output: 'console.log', // Optional, use this when your rule fixes the errors
Run ava --verbose
to get a better overview of which tests failed.
MIT © Jeroen Engels