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ESLint formatter for GitHub Actions

eslint, formatter, eslint formatter, eslint-formatter, eslintformatter, matcher, GitHub Actions, actions, github


ESLint Formatter for GitHub Actions

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A custom formatter for ESLint that creates annotations for GitHub Actions.


npm install --save-dev eslint-formatter-gha


eslint . -f gha

If eslint-formatter-gha detects that ESLint runs in a GitHub runner (GITHUB_ACTIONS environment variable has the value of true), it creates annotations for GitHub Actions. Otherwise, it invokes ESLint's stylish formatter.

Since 1.1.0: If the SONARSCANNER environment variable equals true, the formatter produces the result in the JSON format. Additionally, if the GITHUB_WORKSPACE environment variable has a non-empty value, eslint-formatter-gha writes the generated JSON into ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/eslint-report.json file.

Sample Output

Inline Annotations