An eslint rule that searches for potential secrets/keys in code and JSON files.
This plugin has two rules:
: Find potential secrets using cryptographic entropy or patterns in the AST (acts like a standard eslint rule, more configurable)no-pattern-match
: Find potential secrets in text (acts likegrep
, less configurable, but potentially more flexible)
- Usage
- 1.1. Flat config
- 1.2. eslintrc
- 1.3. Include JSON files
1. Usage
npm i -D eslint-plugin-no-secrets
1.1. Flat config
import noSecrets from "eslint-plugin-no-secrets";
export default [
files: ["**/*.js"],
plugins: {
"no-secrets": noSecrets,
rules: {
"no-secrets/no-secrets": "error",
1.2. eslintrc
"plugins": ["no-secrets"],
"rules": {
"no-secrets/no-secrets": "error"
//Found a string with entropy 4.3 : "ZWVTjPQSdhwRgl204Hc51YCsritMIzn8B=/p9UyeX7xu6KkAGqfm3FJ+oObLDNEva"
const A_SECRET =
//Found a string that matches "AWS API Key" : "AKIAIUWUUQQN3GNUA88V"
1.3. Include JSON files
To include JSON files, install eslint-plugin-jsonc
or @eslint/json
(if using ESLint version 9.6 or above)
npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-jsonc
Then in your .eslint
configuration file, extend the jsonc base config
"extends": ["plugin:jsonc/base"]
or if you are using ESLint 9.6 or above
module.exports = [
plugins: {
"no-secrets": noSecret,
files: ["**/*.json"],
language: "json/json",
1.3.1. Include JSON files with in "flat configs"
import noSecrets from "eslint-plugin-no-secrets";
import jsoncExtend from "eslint-plugin-jsonc";
export default [
languageOptions: { ecmaVersion: 6 },
plugins: {
"no-secrets": noSecrets,
rules: {
"no-secrets/no-secrets": "error",
2. no-secrets
is a rule that does two things:
- Search for patterns that often contain sensitive information
- Measure cryptographic entropy to find potentially leaked secrets/passwords
It's modeled after early truffleHog, but acts on ECMAscripts AST. This allows closer inspection into areas where secrets are commonly leaked like string templates or comments.
2.1. no-secrets
Decrease the tolerance for entropy
"plugins": ["no-secrets"],
"rules": {
"no-secrets/no-secrets": ["error", { "tolerance": 3.2 }]
Add additional patterns to check for certain token formats.
Standard patterns can be found here
"plugins": ["no-secrets"],
"rules": {
"no-secrets/no-secrets": [
"additionalRegexes": {
"Basic Auth": "Authorization: Basic [A-Za-z0-9+/=]*"
2.2. When it's really not a secret
2.2.1. Either disable it with a comment
// Set of potential base64 characters
// eslint-disable-next-line no-secrets/no-secrets
const BASE64_CHARS =
This will tell future maintainers of the codebase that this suspicious string isn't an oversight
2.2.2. use the ignoreContent
to ignore certain content
"plugins": ["no-secrets"],
"rules": {
"no-secrets/no-secrets": ["error", { "ignoreContent": "^ABCD" }]
2.2.3. Use ignoreIdentifiers
to ignore certain variable/property names
"plugins": ["no-secrets"],
"rules": {
"no-secrets/no-secrets": [
{ "ignoreIdentifiers": ["BASE64_CHARS"] }
2.2.4. Use additionalDelimiters
to further split up tokens
Tokens will always be split up by whitespace within a string. However, sometimes words that are delimited by something else (e.g. dashes, periods, camelcase words). You can use additionalDelimiters
to handle these cases.
For example, if you want to split words up by the character .
and by camelcase, you could use this configuration:
"plugins": ["no-secrets"],
"rules": {
"no-secrets/no-secrets": [
{ "additionalDelimiters": [".", "(?=[A-Z][a-z])"] }
2.3. no-secrets
Option | Description | Default | Type |
tolerance | Minimum "randomness"/entropy allowed. Only strings above this threshold will be shown. | 4 |
number |
additionalRegexes | Object of additional patterns to check. Key is check name and value is corresponding pattern | {} |
{[regexCheckName:string]:string | RegExp} |
ignoreContent | Will ignore the entire string if matched. Expects either a pattern or an array of patterns. This option takes precedent over additionalRegexes and the default regular expressions |
[] |
string | RegExp | (string|RegExp)[] |
ignoreModules | Ignores strings that are an argument in import() and require() or is the path in an import statement. |
true |
boolean |
ignoreIdentifiers | Ignores the values of properties and variables that match a pattern or an array of patterns. | [] |
string | RegExp | (string|RegExp)[] |
ignoreCase | Ignores character case when calculating entropy. This could lead to some false negatives | false |
boolean |
additionalDelimiters | In addition to splitting the string by whitespace, tokens will be further split by these delimiters | [] |
(string|RegExp)[] |
3. no-pattern-match
While this rule was originally made to take advantage of ESLint's AST, sometimes you may want to see if a pattern matches any text in a file, kinda like grep
For example, if we configure as follows:
import noSecrets from "eslint-plugin-no-secrets";
//Flat config
export default [
files: ["**/*.js"],
plugins: {
"no-secrets": noSecret,
rules: {
"no-secrets/no-pattern-match": [
{ patterns: { SecretJS: /const SECRET/, SecretJSON: /\"SECRET\"/ } },
We would match const SECRET
, but not var SECRET
. We would match keys that were called "SECRET"
in JSON files if they were configured to be scanned.
3.1. no-pattern-match
Option | Description | Default | Type |
patterns | An object of patterns to check the text contents of files against | {} |
{[regexCheckName:string]:string | RegExp} |
4. Acknowledgements
Huge thanks to truffleHog for the inspiration, the regexes, and the measure of entropy.