Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail



Library to create Formatted Excel Files.

excel, spreadsheet, xlsx, formatted, styled, report, workbook, ooxml


NPM version License npm node Build Status dependencies Status devDependency Status


A full featured xlsx file generation library allowing for the creation of advanced Excel files.

excel4node conforms to the ECMA-376 OOXML specification 2nd edition

OpenXML White Paper
ECMA-376 Website
OpenOffice Excel File Format Reference
OpenOffice Anatomy of OOXML explanation
MS-XSLX spec (pdf)

Code references specifications sections from ECMA-376 2nd edition doc
ECMA-376, Second Edition, Part 1 - Fundamentals And Markup Language Reference.pdf
found in ECMA-376 2nd edition Part 1 download at

Basic Usage

// Require library
var xl = require('excel4node');

// Create a new instance of a Workbook class
var wb = new xl.Workbook();

// Add Worksheets to the workbook
var ws = wb.addWorksheet('Sheet 1');
var ws2 = wb.addWorksheet('Sheet 2');

// Create a reusable style
var style = wb.createStyle({
  font: {
    color: '#FF0800',
    size: 12,
  numberFormat: '$#,##0.00; ($#,##0.00); -',

// Set value of cell A1 to 100 as a number type styled with paramaters of style
ws.cell(1, 1)

// Set value of cell B1 to 200 as a number type styled with paramaters of style
ws.cell(1, 2)

// Set value of cell C1 to a formula styled with paramaters of style
ws.cell(1, 3)
  .formula('A1 + B1')

// Set value of cell A2 to 'string' styled with paramaters of style
ws.cell(2, 1)

// Set value of cell A3 to true as a boolean type styled with paramaters of style but with an adjustment to the font size.
ws.cell(3, 1)
  .style({font: {size: 14}});



excel4node comes with some generic functions and types

Accepts cell reference (i.e. 'A1') and returns object with corresponding row and column

// returns { row: 5, col: 2}

Accepts column as integer and returns corresponding column reference as alpha

// returns 'J'

xl.getExcelCellRef(row, column)
Accepts row and column as integers and returns Excel cell reference

xl.getExcelCellRef(5, 3);
// returns 'C5'

Accepts Date object and returns an Excel timestamp

var newDate = new Date('2015-01-01T00:00:00.0000Z');
// Returns 42004.791666666664



An instance of the Workbook class contains all data and parameters for the Excel Workbook.


Workbook constructor accepts an optional configuration object.

var xl = require('excel4node');
var wb = new xl.Workbook({
  jszip: {
    compression: 'DEFLATE',
  defaultFont: {
    size: 12,
    name: 'Calibri',
    color: 'FFFFFFFF',
  dateFormat: 'm/d/yy hh:mm:ss',
  workbookView: {
    activeTab: 1, // Specifies an unsignedInt that contains the index to the active sheet in this book view.
    autoFilterDateGrouping: true, // Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether to group dates when presenting the user with filtering options in the user interface.
    firstSheet: 1, // Specifies the index to the first sheet in this book view.
    minimized: false, // Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether the workbook window is minimized.
    showHorizontalScroll: true, // Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether to display the horizontal scroll bar in the user interface.
    showSheetTabs: true, // Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether to display the sheet tabs in the user interface.
    showVerticalScroll: true, // Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether to display the vertical scroll bar.
    tabRatio: 600, // Specifies ratio between the workbook tabs bar and the horizontal scroll bar.
    visibility: 'visible', // Specifies visible state of the workbook window. ('hidden', 'veryHidden', 'visible') (§18.18.89)
    windowHeight: 17620, // Specifies the height of the workbook window. The unit of measurement for this value is twips.
    windowWidth: 28800, // Specifies the width of the workbook window. The unit of measurement for this value is twips..
    xWindow: 0, // Specifies the X coordinate for the upper left corner of the workbook window. The unit of measurement for this value is twips.
    yWindow: 440, // Specifies the Y coordinate for the upper left corner of the workbook window. The unit of measurement for this value is twips.
  logLevel: 0, // 0 - 5. 0 suppresses all logs, 1 shows errors only, 5 is for debugging
  author: 'Microsoft Office User', // Name for use in features such as comments


wb.addWorksheet(name, options);
Adds a new Worksheet to the Workbook
Accepts name of new Worksheet and options object (see Worksheet section)
Returns a Worksheet instance

Sets which tab will be selected when the Workbook is opened
Accepts Sheet ID (1-indexed sheet in order that sheets were added)

Creates a new Style instance
Accepts Style configuration object (see Style section) Returns a new Style instance

The write() method can accept a single filename, a filename with callback function or an HTTP response object.

var xl = require('excel4node');
var wb = new xl.Workbook();
wb.write('ExcelFile.xlsx'); // Writes the file ExcelFile.xlsx to the process.cwd();
wb.write('ExcelFile.xlsx', function(err, stats) {
  if (err) {
  } else {
    console.log(stats); // Prints out an instance of a node.js fs.Stats object
// sends Excel file to web client requesting the / route
// server will respond with 500 error if excel workbook cannot be generated
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
  wb.write('ExcelFile.xlsx', res);
app.listen(3000, function() {
  console.log('Example app listening on port 3000!');

The writeToBuffer() method access no parameters and returns a promise that resolves with the nodebuffer generated by the JSZip library. This buffer can then be sent to other streams.

var xl = require('excel4node');
var wb = new xl.Workbook();

wb.writeToBuffer().then(function(buffer) {
  // Do something with buffer


An instance of the Worksheet class contains all information specific to that worksheet


Worksheet constructor is called via Workbook class and accepts a name and configuration object

var xl = require('excel4node');
var wb = new xl.Workbook();

var options = {
  margins: {
    left: 1.5,
    right: 1.5,

var ws = wb.addWorksheet('sheetname', options);

Full Worksheet options. All options are optional.

    'margins': { // Accepts a Double in Inches
        'bottom': Double,
        'footer': Double,
        'header': Double,
        'left': Double,
        'right': Double,
        'top': Double
    'printOptions': {
        'centerHorizontal': Boolean,
        'centerVertical': Boolean,
        'printGridLines': Boolean,
        'printHeadings': Boolean

    'headerFooter': { // Set Header and Footer strings and options. See note below
        'evenFooter': String,
        'evenHeader': String,
        'firstFooter': String,
        'firstHeader': String,
        'oddFooter': String,
        'oddHeader': String,
        'alignWithMargins': Boolean,
        'differentFirst': Boolean,
        'differentOddEven': Boolean,
        'scaleWithDoc': Boolean
    'pageSetup': {
        'blackAndWhite': Boolean,
        'cellComments': xl.CellComment, // one of 'none', 'asDisplayed', 'atEnd'
        'copies': Integer,
        'draft': Boolean,
        'errors': xl.PrintError, // One of 'displayed', 'blank', 'dash', 'NA'
        'firstPageNumber': Integer,
        'fitToHeight': Integer, // Number of vertical pages to fit to
        'fitToWidth': Integer, // Number of horizontal pages to fit to
        'horizontalDpi': Integer,
        'orientation': xl.Orientation, // One of 'default', 'portrait', 'landscape'
        'pageOrder': xl.PageOrder, // One of 'downThenOver', 'overThenDown'
        'paperHeight': xl.PositiveUniversalMeasure, // Value must a positive Float immediately followed by unit of measure from list mm, cm, in, pt, pc, pi. i.e. '10.5cm'
        'paperSize': xl.PaperSize, // see lib/types/paperSize.js for all types and descriptions of types. setting paperSize overrides paperHeight and paperWidth settings
        'paperWidth': xl.PositiveUniversalMeasure,
        'scale': Integer,
        'useFirstPageNumber': Boolean,
        'usePrinterDefaults': Boolean,
        'verticalDpi': Integer
    'sheetView': {
        'pane': { // Note. Calling .freeze() on a row or column will adjust these values
            'activePane': xl.Pane, // one of 'bottomLeft', 'bottomRight', 'topLeft', 'topRight'
            'state': xl.PaneState, // one of 'split', 'frozen', 'frozenSplit'
            'topLeftCell': Cell Reference, // i.e. 'A1'
            'xSplit': Float, // Horizontal position of the split, in 1/20th of a point; 0 (zero) if none. If the pane is frozen, this value indicates the number of columns visible in the top pane.
            'ySplit': Float // Vertical position of the split, in 1/20th of a point; 0 (zero) if none. If the pane is frozen, this value indicates the number of rows visible in the left pane.
        'rightToLeft': Boolean, // Flag indicating whether the sheet is in 'right to left' display mode. When in this mode, Column A is on the far right, Column B ;is one column left of Column A, and so on. Also, information in cells is displayed in the Right to Left format.
        'showGridLines': Boolean, // Flag indicating whether the sheet should have gridlines enabled or disabled during view
        'zoomScale': Integer, // Defaults to 100
        'zoomScaleNormal': Integer, // Defaults to 100
        'zoomScalePageLayoutView': Integer // Defaults to 100
    'sheetFormat': {
        'baseColWidth': Integer, // Defaults to 10. Specifies the number of characters of the maximum digit width of the normal style's font. This value does not include margin padding or extra padding for gridlines. It is only the number of characters.,
        'defaultColWidth': Integer,
        'defaultRowHeight': Integer,
        'thickBottom': Boolean, // 'True' if rows have a thick bottom border by default.
        'thickTop': Boolean // 'True' if rows have a thick top border by default.
    'sheetProtection': { // same as "Protect Sheet" in Review tab of Excel
        'autoFilter': Boolean, // True means that that user will be unable to modify this setting
        'deleteColumns': Boolean,
        'deleteRows': Boolean,
        'formatCells': Boolean,
        'formatColumns': Boolean,
        'formatRows': Boolean,
        'insertColumns': Boolean,
        'insertHyperlinks': Boolean,
        'insertRows': Boolean,
        'objects': Boolean,
        'password': String,
        'pivotTables': Boolean,
        'scenarios': Boolean,
        'selectLockedCells': Boolean,
        'selectUnlockedCells': Boolean,
        'sheet': Boolean,
        'sort': Boolean
    'outline': {
        'summaryBelow': Boolean, // Flag indicating whether summary rows appear below detail in an outline, when applying an outline/grouping.
        'summaryRight': Boolean // Flag indicating whether summary columns appear to the right of detail in an outline, when applying an outline/grouping.
    'disableRowSpansOptimization': Boolean // Flag indicating whether to remove the "spans" attribute on row definitions. Including spans in an optimization for Excel file readers but is not necessary,
    'hidden': Boolean // Flag indicating whether to not hide the worksheet within the workbook.

Note: headerFooter strings accept Dynamic Formatting Strings. i.e. '&L&A&C&BCompany, Inc. Confidential&B&RPage &P of &N'


Worksheet data validations

Accepts a validation options object with these available options. All options are optional with exception of sqref.

    sqref: String, // Required. Specifies range of cells to apply validate. i.e. "A1:A100"
    allowBlank: Boolean, // Allows cells to be empty
    errorStyle: String, // One of 'stop', 'warning', 'information'. You must specify an error string for this to take effect
    error: String, // Message to show on error
    errorTitle: String, // Title of message shown on error
    showErrorMessage: Boolean, // Defaults to true if error or errorTitle is set
    imeMode: String, // Restricts input to a specific set of characters. One of 'noControl', 'off', 'on', 'disabled', 'hiragana', 'fullKatakana', 'halfKatakana', 'fullAlpha', 'halfAlpha', 'fullHangul', 'halfHangul'
    operator: String, // Must be one of 'between', 'notBetween', 'equal', 'notEqual', 'lessThan', 'lessThanOrEqual', 'greaterThan', 'greaterThanOrEqual'
    prompt: String, // Message text of input prompt
    promptTitle: String, // Title of input prompt
    showInputMessage: Boolean, // Defaults to true if prompt or promptTitle is set
    showDropDown: Boolean, // A boolean value indicating whether to display a dropdown combo box for a list type data validation. Defaults to true for type:list
    type: String, // One of 'none', 'whole', 'decimal', 'list', 'date', 'time', 'textLength', 'custom'
    formulas: Array // Minimum count 1, maximum count 2.
  type: 'list',
  allowBlank: true,
  prompt: 'Choose from dropdown',
  error: 'Invalid choice was chosen',
  showDropDown: true,
  sqref: 'X2:X10',
  formulas: ['value1,value2'],

  type: 'list',
  allowBlank: 1,
  sqref: 'B2:B10',
  formulas: ['=sheet2!$A$1:$A$2'],

  type: 'whole',
  operator: 'between',
  allowBlank: 1,
  sqref: 'A1:A10',
  formulas: [0, 100],
Worksheet Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting adds custom formats in response to cell reference state. A subset of conditional formatting features is currently supported by excel4node.
Formatting rules apply at the worksheet level.
The following example will highlight all cells between A1 and A10 that contain the string "ok" with bold, green text:

var wb = new xl.Workbook();
var ws = wb.addWorksheet('Sheet 1');
var myStyle = wb.createStyle({
  font: {
    bold: true,
    color: '00FF00',

ws.addConditionalFormattingRule('A1:A10', {
  // apply ws formatting ref 'A1:A10'
  type: 'expression', // the conditional formatting type
  priority: 1, // rule priority order (required)
  formula: 'NOT(ISERROR(SEARCH("ok", A1)))', // formula that returns nonzero or 0
  style: myStyle, // a style object containing styles to apply

The only conditional formatting type that is currently supported is expression.
When the formula returns zero, conditional formatting is NOT displayed. When the formula returns a nonzero value, conditional formatting is displayed.

Worksheet Page Breaks

Worksheet page breaks can be added at rows and columns

ws.addPageBreak(type, position) where type is row or column and position is the last row/column before the page break.

// Add page break after row 5
const wb = new xl.Workbook();
const ws = wb.addWorksheet('Sheet 1');
ws.cell(5, 1).string('Last row on this page');
ws.addPageBreak('row', 5);
Worksheet Print Area

Worksheet print areas can be set

ws.setPrintArea(startRow, startCol, endRow, endCol) where parameters are numbers corresponding to print area

// Sets print area to include all cells between A1 and C5 including C5
const wb = new xl.Workbook();
const ws = wb.addWorksheet('Sheet 1');
ws.cell(5, 3).string('Included in print area');
ws.cell(6, 3).string('Outside of print area, not included in printing');
ws.setPrintArea(1, 1, 5, 3);

Rows and Columns

Set custom widths and heights of columns/rows


Set rows and/or columns to create a frozen pane with an optionall scrollTo

ws.column(2).freeze(4); // Freezes the first two columns and scrolls the right view to column D
ws.row(4).freeze(); // Freezes the top four rows

Add Filters to a row If not options are given to the filter function, a filter will be added to all columns that contain data. Optionally, if you wish to restrict your filter to a specific range, you can specify start and end rows and columns for that range. The filter row should be included in this range.

  firstRow: 1,
  firstColumn: 1,
  lastRow: 20,
  lastColumn: 5,

Hide a row or column


Create groupings of rows or columns and optionally state to collapse the grouping

ws.row(2).group(1, true);
ws.row(3).group(1, true);

ws.column(4).group(1, true);
ws.column(5).group(1, true);

Multiple groupings can be nested as demonstrated in this gist


The cell method accesses a single cell or range of cells to manipulate
cell method takes two required parameters and 3 optional parameters
.string() accepts a String or Array. Sending array allows for multiple font formattings within the same cell.
.number(number) accepts a number
.formula(formula) accepts an Excel formula
.date(date) accepts either a date or a date string
.link(url, [displayStr, tooltip]) accepts a URL and optionally a displayStr and hover tooltip
.bool(value) accepts a boolean (true or false)
.style(object) accepts the same object as when creating a new style. When applied to a cell that already has style formatting, the original formatting will be kept and updated with the changes sent to the style function. .comment(comment, options) Add a comment to the particular cell

// ws.cell(startRow, startColumn, [[endRow, endColumn], isMerged]);

ws.cell(1, 1).string('My simple string');
ws.cell(1, 2).number(5);
ws.cell(1, 3).formula('B1 * 10');
ws.cell(1, 4).date(new Date());
ws.cell(1, 5).link('');
ws.cell(1, 6).bool(true);

ws.cell(2, 1, 2, 6, true).string('One big merged cell');
ws.cell(3, 1, 3, 6).number(1); // All 6 cells set to number 1

var complexString = [
  'Workbook default font String\n',
    bold: true,
    underline: true,
    italics: true,
    color: 'FF0000',
    size: 18,
    name: 'Courier',
    value: 'Hello',
  ' World!',
    color: '000000',
    underline: false,
    name: 'Arial',
    vertAlign: 'subscript',
  ' All',
  ' these',
  ' strings',
  ' are',
  ' black subsript,',
    color: '0000FF',
    value: '\nbut',
    vertAlign: 'baseline',
  ' now are blue',
ws.cell(4, 1).string(complexString);
ws.cell(5, 1)
  .string('another simple string')
  .style({font: {name: 'Helvetica'}});


Style objects can be applied to Cells
Any combination of style values can be set
Creating a preset style is much more efficient than applying styles to individual cells

Style Options Object:
    alignment: { // §18.8.1
        horizontal: ['center', 'centerContinuous', 'distributed', 'fill', 'general', 'justify', 'left', 'right'],
        indent: integer, // Number of spaces to indent = indent value * 3
        justifyLastLine: boolean,
        readingOrder: ['contextDependent', 'leftToRight', 'rightToLeft'], 
        relativeIndent: integer, // number of additional spaces to indent
        shrinkToFit: boolean,
        textRotation: integer, // number of degrees to rotate text counter-clockwise
        vertical: ['bottom', 'center', 'distributed', 'justify', 'top'],
        wrapText: boolean
    font: { // §18.8.22
        bold: boolean,
        charset: integer,
        color: string,
        condense: boolean,
        extend: boolean,
        family: string,
        italics: boolean,
        name: string,
        outline: boolean,
        scheme: string, // §18.18.33 ST_FontScheme (Font scheme Styles)
        shadow: boolean,
        strike: boolean,
        size: integer,
        underline: boolean,
        vertAlign: string // § ST_VerticalAlignRun (Vertical Positioning Location)
    border: { // §18.8.4 border (Border)
        left: {
            style: string, //§18.18.3 ST_BorderStyle (Border Line Styles) ['none', 'thin', 'medium', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'thick', 'double', 'hair', 'mediumDashed', 'dashDot', 'mediumDashDot', 'dashDotDot', 'mediumDashDotDot', 'slantDashDot']
            color: string // HTML style hex value
        right: {
            style: string,
            color: string
        top: {
            style: string,
            color: string
        bottom: {
            style: string,
            color: string
        diagonal: {
            style: string,
            color: string
        diagonalDown: boolean,
        diagonalUp: boolean,
        outline: boolean
    fill: { // §18.8.20 fill (Fill)
        type: string, // Currently only 'pattern' is implemented. Non-implemented option is 'gradient'
        patternType: string, //§18.18.55 ST_PatternType (Pattern Type)
        bgColor: string // HTML style hex value. defaults to black
        fgColor: string // HTML style hex value. defaults to black.
    numberFormat: integer or string // §18.8.30 numFmt (Number Format)

var wb = new xl.Workbook();
var ws = wb.addWorksheet('Sheet 1');
var myStyle = wb.createStyle({
  font: {
    bold: true,
    underline: true,
  alignment: {
    wrapText: true,
    horizontal: 'center',

ws.cell(1, 1)
  .string('my \n multiline\n string')
ws.cell(2, 1).string('row 2 string');
ws.cell(3, 1).string('row 3 string');
ws.cell(2, 1, 3, 1).style(myStyle);
ws.cell(3, 1).style({font: {underline: false}});
ws.cell(4, 1)
  .date(new Date())
  .style({numberFormat: 'yyyy-mm-dd'});
// Since dates are stored as numbers in Excel, use the numberFormat option of the styles to set the date format as well.


Comments can be added to cells with some options

var wb = new xl.Workbook();
var ws = wb.addWorksheet('Sheet 1');
ws.cell(1, 1).comment('My Basic Comment');
ws.cell(2, 1).string('Cell A2').comment('My custom comment', {
  fillColor: '#ABABAB', // default #FFFFE1
  height: '100pt', // default 69pt
  width: '160pt', // default 104pt
  marginLeft: '200pt', // default is calculated from column
  marginTop: '120pt', // default is calculated from row
  visibility: 'visible', // default hidden
  zIndex: '2', // default 1


Adds and image to the worksheet.
currently on 'picture' type is supported
positioning has 3 types, 'absoluteAnchor', 'oneCellAnchor', 'twoCellAnchor'
absoluteAnchor takes two position elements in either EMUs or measurements in cm, mm, or in
x:0, y:0 is top left corner of worksheet
oneCellAnchor and twoCellAnchor types will take positional objects:

    'col': 1, \\ left side of image will be placed on left edge of this column
    'colOff': '.5mm', \\ offset from left edge of column as EMU or measurment in cm, mm or in
    'row': 1, \\top of image will be place on the top edge of this row
    'rowOff': '.1in' or string \\ offset from top edge or row as EMU or measurement in cm, mm or in

position type of oneCellAnchor will take a single "from" position
position type of twoCellAnchor will take a "from" and "to" position
specifying a twoCellAnchor will automatically adjust the image to fit within the bounds of the two anchors.

  path: './screenshot2.jpeg',
  type: 'picture',
  position: {
    type: 'absoluteAnchor',
    x: '1in',
    y: '2in',

  path: './screenshot1.jpg',
  type: 'picture',
  position: {
    type: 'oneCellAnchor',
    from: {
      col: 1,
      colOff: '0.5in',
      row: 1,
      rowOff: 0,

  path: './screenshot1.png',
  type: 'picture',
  position: {
    type: 'twoCellAnchor',
    from: {
      col: 1,
      colOff: 0,
      row: 10,
      rowOff: 0,
    to: {
      col: 4,
      colOff: 0,
      row: 13,
      rowOff: 0,

You can also pass buffer with loaded to memory image:

  image: fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../sampleFiles/logo.png')),
  name: 'logo', // name is not required param
  type: 'picture',
  position: {
    type: 'absoluteAnchor',
    x: '1in',
    y: '2in',



1.8.2 (2023-05-02)

Bug Fixes:


  • upgrade dependencies (#60) (#61)

1.8.1 (2023-03-31)

Bug Fixes:

  • fixing a date issue about one millisecond before midnight, thanks krisanselmo (#54)


Default branch update:

We've migrated the default branch from master to main

1.8.0 (2022-07-21)

New Repo & Maintainer:

Huge thanks to natergj for his work on this library. Due to life circumstances he is no longer able to maintain this library and he has passed the torch over to us at Advisr to continue. We will be continuing development of this library on our fork and the original repo will be deprecated. New versions will still be released to the original NPM package

This release is meant to bring the package up to date with its various dependencies to address security vulnerabilities found since the last release three years ago. Additionally a few pull requests from the original repo have been merged to address a few outstanding bug/feature requests. Thanks to Arthur Blake for identifying the pull requests to transfer over from the original repo.

Bug Fixes:


Breaking Changes:

  • Node versions less than v14 (current maintenance LTS) are no longer supported.
    • Please upgrade to the latest LTS release of Node (we recommend either v14 or v16).
    • When bringing the library dependencies up to date we were forced to increase the minimum node version requirement to their level

1.7.2 (2019-04-28)

Bug Fixes:

  • fix issue when comment drawing changing after save (#283)

1.7.1 (2019-03-25)

Bug Fixes:

  • fix issue where multiple complex strings could not be used (#269)
  • fix README typo (#264)
  • fix license format (#272)
  • fix TypeError: deepmerge is not a function (#258)

1.7.0 (2018-10-07)

Bug Fixes:

  • fix issue with certain emoji characters (#238)
  • fix issue with workbook validation using .Net validation library provided by Microsoft (#240)
  • fix issue where first tab will still be shown even if it is hidden (#236)


  • add basic cell comment functionality (#243)

1.6.0 (2018-09-16)

Bug Fixes:

  • fix issue where emoji were not being added to worksheets (#232)


  • add ability to set Print Area for worksheets (#194)
  • add ability to set Page Breaks for worksheets (#233)

1.5.1 (2018-09-09)

Bug Fixes:

  • fix issue where library crashed when null or undefined value was sent to cell string method (#218)
  • fix issue where default font would not be applied to dates when opening workbook in LibreOffice (#226)
  • fixerror when attempting to bundle application with excel4node as dependency (#225)


  • reduces library size by only installed specific lodash functions (#230)

1.5.0 (2018-07-22)

Bug Fixes:

  • fix error will be thrown if no Worksheet is specified prior to attempting to write a Workbook (#156)


  • merge (#211) & (#212)
    • remove default logger dependency in favor of much smaller simple logger (reduces library dependencies and size)
    • add ability specify custom logger

1.4.0 (2018-07-07)

Bug Fixes:

  • fix issue where unicode filenames could not be used with HTTP Response write handler (#196)


  • add ability to hide worksheets (#201)

1.3.6 (2018-03-21)

Bug Fixes:

  • fix to allow column widths to be set as floats (#182)
  • fix to properly handle setting row autofilter with no arguments (#184)
  • fix typo in documentation (#181)

1.3.5 (2018-02-03)

Bug Fixes:

  • fix to properly handle unicode and emoji (#141)
  • fix to correct issue with row spans causing errors when opening workbooks with a large number of lines (#172)

1.3.4 (2018-01-24)

Bug Fixes:

  • resolved issue where if multiple conditional formatting rules were specified for a single sheet, only the first rule would apply
  • resolve issue adding multiple dataValidations that did not include a formula to a single worksheet (#164)


  • improve performance with shared strings (#165)

1.3.2 (2017-11-30)

Bug Fixes:

  • fix issue after 1.3.0 re-introduced issue #84 (#152)

1.3.1 (2017-11-25)

Bug Fixes:

  • fix for uncatchable thrown errors (#148)
  • fix for incorrectly generated links (#106)
  • fix for missing fills in conditional formatting (#147)

1.3.0 (2017-11-12)


  • add option to hide view lines (#117)
  • add code coverage checking (#109)
  • allow for image from buffer support (#138)
  • add options for workbook view (1c4a7bf)
  • fix issue where ony first data validation per sheet would take effect (ff629a2)

Bug fixes:

  • fix issue when adding 2nd image of same extension (#99)
  • fix deprecated lodash function warning (#115)
  • fix link in README (#125)
  • fix to remove babel-register runtime dependency (#119)
  • fix issue with summaryBelow and summaryRight (#132)
  • use latest version of mime module (78180e6)
  • update dependencies (b96f01a)
  • fixes date translations to match published spec (b3fcb8a)
  • fix issue where workbook would always open as smallest possible window size (1c4a7bf)


  • Fix Workbook#createStyle creating duplicates and slow performance [#100]



  • dependency cleanup
  • updated to version 3.x.x of jszip


  • Improved effeciency when writing Workbooks to help address Issue #83. Tested with 50 columns and 30,000 rows.


  • Fixed issue where defaultRowHeight set in Workbook opts was not being properly handled.


  • Fixed issue #90 which would result in a type error being thrown if a dataValidation errorTitle was set and errorStyle was not


  • Removed debug line that had been missed prior to publish


  • Fixed issue #89 which would result in dates showing a 1 hour offset if date was in daylight savings time


  • Fixed issue #87 which would result in non-logical behaviour of showDropDown="true" for dataValidations
  • Fixed issue #88 which would result in fonts set as default for workbook not having all of their attributes respected for cells that had a style assigned to them that only included a subset of the font attributes.


  • Fixed issue #84 which would result in Office 2013 on Windows crashing when attempting to print a workbook.


  • Fixed issue #82 which would result in call stack size being exceeded when workbook was being written


  • Fixed issue where border.outline property was not applying border only to cells on out the outside of the cell block
  • Fixed issue where an excessive number of style xfs may have been added to styles.xml file


  • Fixed some inaccuracies in the file


  • Removed a missed remnant of old code that wasn't removed during the merge
  • Excluded development tests folder from npm published code


  • Complete rewrite of library in ES2015
  • This is a breaking change for API. Library is much more javascripty




  • Fixed issue causing problems when trying to bundle







  • Fixed issue where files with spaces in their names were not correctly downloading in Firefox.


  • Added the ability to add "Protection" to Workbooks and Worksheets
  • Fixed issue where Row.Filter() would not filter the correct row if workbook opened in LibreOffice or uploaded to GoogleSheets
  • Added the .Border() function to individual cell ranges rather than requiring borders to be defined within a Style
  • Added opts.allowInterrupt which will use an asynchronous forEach function in order not to block other operations if reports are being generated on the same thread as other operations.


  • Fixed issue that would cause Excel to crash when filtered columns were sorted


  • Fixed issue where page would not scroll vertically if row was frozen
  • Fixed issue where internal Row.cellCount() function would not return the correct number of cells if there were more than 9
  • Fixed issue where invalid workbooks would be generated on write if write was called multiple times on the same workbook.




  • fixed issue where Column functions were not returning Column objects and could not be chained
  • fixed date issues with Cell Date function when invalid date was sent.
  • fixed issue where merged cells would apply values to all cells in range rather than just top left cell. This would cause issues when summing rows and columns with merged cells.
  • fixed issue where multiple images could not be added to a workbook



  • Fixed issue where default style would inherit style alignement if it was delared prior to any other font declaration


  • Added ability to Hide a Row or Column







  • fixed to merge issues after the 52nd column


  • fixed the 2nd sort function needed for proper cell merging in all cases.


  • fixed issue with cells not merging if one of the cells is after the 26th column.
  • fixed xml validation issue if not style has been specified on the workbook.


  • fixed issue where groupings would cause an XML validation error when summaryBelow was set to true
  • greatly reduced memory usage when added data to worksheets
  • deprecated Workbook.Settings.outlineSummaryBelow() call. This will be removed in version 1 and a console log entry created when used.


  • fixed issue where incorrect string was displayed if cell had changed from a string to a number


  • fixed issue that would cause failure if no cells had been added to a worksheet prior to write function called


  • Near complete refactor. adds efficiency and speed and much more readable code.
  • Added ability to create workbook with options. jszip options are first. more to come. Issue #20
  • Added ability to create workshets with options. margins, zoom and centering on print first. more to come. Issue #19
  • Added ability to add a Date to worksheet and set type as Date
  • Fixed issue #22 where empty string would print 'undefined' in cell
  • Fixed issue #21 where foreign characters would cause issue.



  • added ability to set a row to be a Filter row
  • finished Grouping feature


  • fixed issue where some Excel features (sorting, grouping, etc) where not available on first sheet of workbook if more than one worksheet existed
  • continuing work on experimental Grouping features


  • fixed issue where sheet would not scroll properly if Freezing both a row and a column
  • allowed for usage of color definitions in multiple formats


  • added ability to Freeze Rows


  • fixed issue with Font Alignment when applied directly to a cell
  • module will no longer crash when String is passed an undefined value
  • fixed sample to properly identify if it is running from within the module or not
  • fixed issue where border would not always be applied to the correct cell range.


  • added ability to merge cells
  • added ability to apply styles to range of cells
  • added ability to apply formatting to cells and cell ranges without first creating a style
  • fixed issue that would cause error when applying a row height if row had populated cells



  • fixed issue where if a Worksheet was added, but then no cells added, execution would stop
  • fixed issue where workbooks would cause MS Excel for Windows to crash on print preview
  • fixed issue where if undefined or 0 value was passed to cell or row function, execution would stop
  • added changelog


  • fixed issue where when adding a cell in a row not in sequence would cause corrupted excel data.


  • added ability to add borders to cells


  • added ability to include images in workbooks


  • added ability to Freeze columns from horizontal scrolling
  • fixed bug where if a Cell had been previously set to a String and is changed to a Number, the cell would reference the shared string key of the number rather than displaying the number.


  • added ability to set text alignment of cells
  • added ability to set text wrapping in cells
  • fixed issue where fill were not being applied in certain circumstances


  • fixed bug where excel data was corrupted if write function was called twice.


  • initial push