Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail



FamFamFam Silk icon pack

icon, silk, img, famfamfam, png, gif



NPM version Bower version Packagist version Nuget version

Dependency Status Build Status


The Silk icon pack, as available on famfamfam website.

All credits for these icons go to their original author: Mark James (

The aim of this project is to make this icon pack available through various package managers, such as:

All icons are supplied in PNG format.

CSS spritesheets

You can insert the icons directly into your HTML with a common IMG tag:

<img alt="Delete" src="dist/png/key_delete.png" width="16" height="16">

In addition to the icons by themselves, this project also ships a CSS spritesheet for the icon-pack. This spritesheet allows to load the entire icon-pack in just 1 image, and thus reduce HTTP calls.

This is what it actually looks:


All the positioning of the icons inside this alone image is made through CSS, which allows you to just add block-type tags with the proper class and get the same result:

<div class="famfamfam-silk key_delete"></div>

Just remember to add the CSS stylesheet to the HEAD of your HTML page!


Get the package with NPM

npm install famfamfam-silk

Get the package with Bower

bower install famfamfam-silk

Get the package with Composer / Packagist

composer require legacy-icons/famfamfam-silk

Get the package with NuGet

Install-Package famfamfam-silk

Build the whole project or your custom project

We use Gulp to build the project, so if you want to re-build or customize this project, you'll need Gulp.

After gulp is installed, and your CLI is pointed to your work directory, first install the dependencies:

with NPM 2.x.x

npm install

with NPM 3.x.x (resolve dependencies for node-spritesheet before this module's ones)

npm install grunt grunt-contrib-coffee grunt-contrib-clean

npm install

then be sure that you have ImageMagick installed for building spritesheet.

then, you can run the gulp build task to build the project:

gulp build

What the build task does?

First, it takes PNG files from the src folder, and pastes them to the dist folder.

Then it creates a spritesheet from the PNG images located in the src folder, and thus creates the sprite folder in dist.

If, for example you just want application_put and monitor_edit icons in a spritesheet, you just have to fork this project, point your CLI to the working directory, empty the src directory, except application_put and monitor_edit icons in PNG format, and then run the gulp build task.

You'll get the proper spritesheet and copies of the icons directly in the dist folder.


See License


Change Log

0.3.6 (2016/02/15 09:47 +00:00)

  • c5fccd0 chore: v0.3.6 (@t1st3)
  • #4 chore(package): update gulp-cssnano to version 2.1.1 (@t1st3)
  • c42dd5d chore(package): update gulp-cssnano to version 2.1.1 (@greenkeeperio-bot)
  • #3 chore(package): update gulp to version 3.9.1 (@t1st3)
  • ceb1c0c chore(package): update gulp to version 3.9.1 (@greenkeeperio-bot)
  • f10d4a8 docs: update REDAME structure (@t1st3)
  • 90cc460 docs: explain dev-deps install for NPM 3 (@t1st3)
  • 6865a5f chore: renamed T1st3 to t1st3 (@t1st3)
  • 5896aba chore: travis.yml indentation (@t1st3)

0.3.5 (2016/01/19 14:28 +00:00)

  • c2eb64d chore: update changelog (@t1st3)
  • 9a1cf81 chore: v0.3.5 (@t1st3)
  • 124601f docs: add and set license to CC-BY-2.5 (@t1st3)
  • 0f4df1b chore: update deps versions with caret ranges (@t1st3)
  • 73b7477 chore: replace gulp-minify-css with gulp-cssnano (@t1st3)
  • 4980bc3 chore: remove figlets, cows and notifications (@t1st3)
  • e3b7ad5 chore: add newline at end of config and .md files (@t1st3)
  • 8b51c7b docs: add (@t1st3)
  • #2 chore(package): update gulp-minify-css to version 1.2.3 (@T1st3)
  • 5fdcf5f chore(package): update gulp-minify-css to version 1.2.3 (@greenkeeperio-bot)

0.3.4 (2015/12/22 12:50 +00:00)

  • ee89ed0 chore: v0.3.4 (@t1st3)
  • 45d0b83 feat: add MyGet deployment files and support for NuGet (@t1st3)
  • #1 Update all dependencies 🌴 (@T1st3)
  • f088b0b chore(package): update dependencies (@greenkeeperio-bot)
  • 9285c43 chore: fix build task (@t1st3)
  • 631b967 chore: update NPM deps (del) (@t1st3)
  • 7cac770 chore: update.travis.yml to use Travis container-based infra (@t1st3)

0.3.3 (2015/07/28 00:57 +00:00)

  • a761606 chore: v0.3.3 (@t1st3)
  • 34f8e48 chore: update npm deps (@t1st3)
  • 48e3750 chore: update npm dev-deps (@t1st3)
  • c9f9412 docs: update README (@t1st3)
  • 6f6e48a chore: update bower ignores (@t1st3)
  • ef03907 docs: include spritesheet to README (@t1st3)
  • f6293e9 docs: add build badge in README (@t1st3)
  • cf16f65 docs: add dependency badge in README (@t1st3)

0.3.2 (2015/03/19 16:24 +00:00)

  • cd42364 chore: v0.3.2 (@t1st3)
  • f845a14 docs: update mention to spritesheets in README (@t1st3)
  • c5027af docs: add mention to spritesheet in README (@t1st3)

0.3.1 (2015/03/18 17:52 +00:00)

  • 6374481 chore: v0.3.1 (@t1st3)
  • 23605f8 fix: update travis.yml to fix CI error (@t1st3)

0.3.0 (2015/03/18 17:16 +00:00)

  • a8646ae chore: v0.3.0 (@t1st3)
  • b8c0142 feat: build with imagemin, add spritesheet (@t1st3)
  • 2e67dfd chore: add icons to README (@t1st3)
  • 5ad205e feat: add NPM deps and a 1st gulp task: gulp info (@t1st3)
  • f59229a chore: update .npmignore to exclude composer files (@t1st3)

0.2.2 (2015/03/10 21:59 +00:00)

  • 0ec3323 chore: v0.2.2 (@t1st3)
  • c519af5 chore: update package.json files (@t1st3)
  • 200ee64 chore: update bower.json ignores (@t1st3)
  • 5aa53cd doc: fix packagist link in README (@t1st3)

0.2.1 (2015/03/10 06:48 +00:00)

  • eca6d7c chore: v0.2.1 (@t1st3)
  • f705727 feat: add auto-deploy on Travis (@t1st3)

0.2.0 (2015/03/10 06:21 +00:00)

  • d3316cf feat: change owner to t1st3, v0.2.0 (@t1st3)
  • c9ca423 Fix readme for Packagist link (@t1st3)
  • bbb6d49 Fix readme about file format (@t1st3)

0.1.1 (2014/02/28 00:41 +00:00)