Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail



Calculate metrics of a font

font, type, typography, metrics, measure, line-height, vertical, vertical-rhythm, baseline, ascender, descender, alphabetic, text-baseline, alphabetic, hanging, overshoot


font-measure unstable

Calculate metrics for a font.

npm install font-measure

let measure = requrie('font-measure')


  top: 0,
  median: 0.640625,
  middle: 0.640625,
  bottom: 1.3125,
  alphabetic: 1.03125,
  baseline: 1.03125,
  upper: 0.328125,
  lower: 0.515625,
  capHeight: 0.703125,
  xHeight: 0.515625
  ascent: 0.28125,
  descent: 1.234375,
  hanging: 0.203125,
  ideographic: 1.296875,
  lineHeight: 1.3125,
  overshoot: 0.015625,
  tittle: 0.28125,


let metrics = measure(family, options?)

Get metrics data for a font family or CSS font string, possibly with custom options. Font can be a string or an array with fonts.



Property Default Meaning
origin top Origin for metrics. Can be changed to baseline or any other metric.
fontSize 64 Font-size to use for calculations. Larger size gives higher precision with slower performance.
fontWeight normal Font weight to use for calculations, eg. bold, 700 etc.
fontStyle normal Font style to use for calculations, eg. italic, oblique.
canvas measure.canvas Canvas to use for measurements.
tittle i Character to detect tittle. null disables calculation.
descent p Character to detect descent line. null disables calculation.
ascent h Character to detect ascent line. null disables calculation.
overshoot O Character to detect overshoot. null disables calculation.
upper H Character to detect upper line / cap-height. null disables calculation.
lower x Character to detect lower line / x-height. null disables calculation.

See also

There are many text / font measuring packages for the moment, but most of them don't satisfy basic quality requirements. Special thanks to @soulwire for fontmetrics as model implementation.


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