Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


JLRishe12MIT0.0.10TypeScript support: included

Functional XML DOM traversal library for JavaScript

xml, functional, javascript, fp



Functional XML DOM traversal library for JavaScript

This library is a work in progress and there are more features I plan to add as time goes on.

API Reference

child elements
child nodes
node names and namespaces
node type tests



Node -> [Node]

Returns a list of all attributes on the provided node.

attributes(localName, namespaceUri = null)

(String[, String]) -> Node -> [Node]

Returns a function which, when called on a node, returns a list of all attributes on the provided node that have the specified local name and namespace URI. By definition, this list would contain either 0 or 1 values.

attribute(localName, namespaceUri = null)

(String[, String]) -> Node -> Node

Returns a function which, when called on a node, returns its attribute that has the specified local name and namespace URI. Returns null if no such attribute is present.

attributeValue(localName, namespaceUri = null)

(String, [, String)) -> Node -> String

Returns the value of the attribute with the specified name and namespace URI, or null if it is not present.

child elements


Node -> [Node]

Returns a list of all child elements of the provided node, in document order.

childEls(localName, namespaceUri = null)

(String[, String]) -> Node -> [Node]

Returns a function which, when called on a node, returns a list of all child elemenets, in document order, of the provided node that have the specified local name and namespace URI.

child nodes


Node -> [Node]

Returns a list of all child nodes of the provided node, in document order.

childNodes(localName, namespaceUri = null)

(String[, String]) -> Node -> [Node]

Returns a function which, when called on a node, returns a list of all child nodes, in document order, of the provided node that have the specified local name and namespace URI.



Node -> [Node]

Returns a list of all descendants of the provided node, in document order.

descendants(localName, namespaceUri = null)

(String[, String]) -> Node -> [Node]

Returns a function which, when called on a node, returns a list of all descendants, in document order, of the provided node that have the specified local name and namespace URI.

node names and namespaces


Node -> String

Returns the local name of the provided node.


String -> Node -> Boolean

Returns a function which, when called on a node, returns true iff the node has the specified local name.


Node -> String

Returns the namespace URI of the provided node.


String -> Node -> Boolean

Returns a function which, when called on a node, returns true iff the node has is in the specified namespace.

hasName(localName, namespaceUri = null)

(String[, String]) -> Node -> Boolean

Returns a function which, when called on a node, returns true iff the node has the specified local name and is in the specified namespace.

node type tests


Node -> Boolean

Returns true iff the specified node is an element.


Node -> Boolean

Returns true iff the specified node is a document node.


Node -> Boolean

Returns true iff the specified node is an attribute.